Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 114 Is it too early to think about what will happen 50,000 years later before the age of 30?

"Could it be related to card repair?"

Hearing Kotaro's words, Nobuhiko instinctively felt this organization that runs through the Knights series.

Although he hasn't seen much of the first generation of Kamen Rider, Shuka is still active in the new decade, and has even expanded into organizations such as Overhaul Card and Nova Shuka. It can be said that the Shuka organization is like the opposite of Kamen Rider. Just like that, they will pop out to cause trouble from time to time.

"I don't know. The organization of Xiuka is very mysterious. Even now, Senior No. 1 is not sure whether it can solve all of them."

Kotaro was not sure. Although he had never fought against Shuka, he had heard from Knight No. 1 about how difficult this organization was.

For a while, the two of them could not come up with any results from their discussion.

It’s been a long time since we last met, and Kotaro didn’t want to keep discussing these heavy things, so he changed the topic:

"Anyway, leave this matter to us. By the way, don't you let me see the scenery you see?"

"Well, thanks to you, it has indeed been recorded, but there are only two of them."

Nobuhiko took out two photos from his pocket. They were a photo with Supernova Flashman and a photo with Godai and Kaoru Ichijo.

"This is the first world I went to, where I met a being named Supernova Flashman..."

From the first world battle, when he transformed the empire Metz, to the final battle with Cuba, his eloquence was not outstanding, but his own experience was full of ups and downs.

Kotaro listened with interest at first, and was amazed by the policemen of Kuuga World from time to time. However, when he heard that Nobuhiko experienced a death and was subsequently upgraded to RX, his face became a little ugly.

Seeing this, Nobuhiko thought he was worried about him and quickly comforted:

"What's wrong? You are also the owner of the Emperor Stone. Don't worry, I won't die that easily."

"Well, it's true. We actually all bear the curse called the Emperor Stone."


"I once saw the Creation King with my own eyes. Even without the Emperor Stone, he could survive with only one heart. And I accidentally saw the photos from the past, but I was surprised to find that I was not immune to the passage of time. I I will also grow old, but the energy provided by the Emperor Stone can keep me alive for at least tens of thousands of years."

Kotaro's words became heavier. He looked at the sky outside the window, with a rare hint of melancholy on his face:

"Sometimes, I even wake up from nightmares, dreaming that I am the only one left in the world. The human body has decayed. Under the power of the Emperor Stone, I have completely turned into an inhuman monster. I have to think, This ability is actually a curse to me..."

Nobuhiko was a little surprised, but then he understood. After all, Showa Knights are basically tragic. Even if RX is a little more cheerful than black, there are still tragedies like the Sawara family being killed in the end, and he has also heard of it. Black's comics have a direct bad ending.

Kotaro also realized that he was going too far and said quickly:

"Sorry for saying strange things. Let's eat here tonight. What do you want to eat?"

"I don't feel like it's a curse."

Nobuhiko suddenly spoke. As soon as he said this, Kotaro was stunned. He continued:

"Maybe tens of thousands of years in the future, my body will decay and become like the Creator King. However, without the Emperor Stone, I would not be able to survive, let alone fulfill his last wish. You Isn’t it the same? Without the Emperor Stone, the Earth might have fallen to the invasion of the Chrysis Empire.”

"That's true..."

"I know you are worried about me when you say this suddenly, but from another perspective, this is not a way to get rid of the curse. At least 50,000 years ago, no, even longer ago, the candidate for the Creation King has never been By changing into RX form, we may have escaped the curse, right?”

Nobuhiko said, raised the cup, gestured to Kotaro and drank it in one gulp.

As he said, he was lucky to be alive. He is now very grateful for the help of Nobuhiko and Emperor Shi. As for the sorrow of the reformed person, he doesn't care about it at the moment. Anyway, he was quite a homebody in his previous life. If he hadn't made a friend Girlfriend, his activities during the four years of college may be limited to the neighborhoods and train stations around the university.


If there are people who are afraid of him because of his identity as a reformer, he won't care, and friends who recognize him will not alienate him because of his identity as a reformer.

"Anyway, as I said, I will make good use of this power and go to different worlds to see different scenery. As for the future, I will leave it to the future. I don't have time to think about it in the long term."

The shelf life of the Imperial Stone is 50,000 years. It is indeed too early to think about things that will happen 10,000 years before it reaches 30 years.

Hearing Nobuhiko's free and easy words, Kotaro seemed to be opened to a new door. After thinking for a long time, he said:

"We look at the problem from different angles. Indeed, I am too obsessed with it."

The atmosphere was slightly silent. Nobuhiko was about to say something. Suddenly, the sensory organs in his body began to vibrate, and some unknown fluctuations were keenly sensed by him. This fluctuation was very small. If his power had not been upgraded again, he would have I'm afraid he couldn't even notice it. Immediately, Nobuhiko turned to look at Kotaro - he had the same expression on his face.

"Do you feel it?"


The two of them immediately stood up, ran out of the room, and looked around.

Nobuhiko's transformation was a step higher, so he immediately locked onto the place where the incident happened - the sky.

"Kotaro, clouds!"

Kotaro followed Nobuhiko's instructions and looked - some of the clouds in the sky were quietly turning into nothingness.

Yes, it was not the natural change of the three states of water, but a complete disappearance, as if that part suddenly disappeared from this world.

"What on earth is this..."

Kotaro's face was solemn, and he murmured:

"Is it the influence of space-time fluctuations?"

"Something is wrong, this way of disappearing seems to be a change in the world itself..."

Nobuhiko frowned and said solemnly.

At the same time, in a parallel universe, in the dark night of thunder and rain, a blue light fell from the sky and sank into the earth.

And then, something seemed to wake up.

A hand suddenly rushed out from the wet ground, and then a human-shaped body slowly crawled out, with emerald-like light flashing in his eyes...

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