Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 120 Xin Yan: I gave you a chance but you didn't use it! (Update 1)

Nobuhiko was very surprised. If Kado Yashi really told Xiaoye the reason why he went out, Xiaoye would never say the words "Brother doesn't want Xiaoye" anyway.

Looking at the sad Xiaoye, Nobuhiko asked softly:

"Miss Xiaoye, did Shi tell you anything?"

"Uh... He only said that he would go out for a while, but... But Xiao Ye can feel it, brother, he doesn't want Xiao Ye anymore..."

The unprotected chick can only face the crisis-ridden darkness alone. This is the true portrayal of Xiaoye.

After hearing this, Nobuhiko's mouth twitched.

He instantly understood Kado Yashi's thoughts - he didn't want Xiaoye to worry, so he planned to take on everything alone.

Frankly speaking, if you can really do it, it is indeed very responsible. Nobuhiko once chose to hide the Sawara family and went to the monster world alone.

However, that was based on the premise that he was a Kamen Rider and his life away from Uncle Sahara's family would not be affected.

But Xiaoye's situation is different. Without Nobuhiko, Xiaoye really can't survive.

Although Kado Yashi also trusted Nobuhiko, it was obvious that this act of carrying everything on his back was tantamount to betrayal for Saya.

Seeing Xiao Ye who was on the verge of emotional collapse, Nobuhiko temporarily put aside the idea of ​​persuading her. He just patted her shoulder lightly and comforted her:

"Don't worry, you are never alone."

"Mr. Qiuyue..."

Hearing this, Xiaoye held Nobuhiko's hands and hugged him tighter.

Kadayaji's departure was a big blow to Xiaoye. When her mood stabilized, she turned around and went upstairs, like a zombie.

"Miss Xiaoye?"

"I want to take a rest alone, Mr. Qiuyue."

Xiaoye turned around, forced a smile to Nobuhiko, and then walked up to the second floor.

Seeing her look, Nobuhiko frowned slightly, but did not go up. He knew that Xiaoye needed to be alone for a while now.

Xiao Ye was undoubtedly hit hard, and she didn't even eat lunch. Nobuhiko knocked on the door several times, but there was no response, as if he was asleep.

As night fell and the moon hung high in the sky, Nobuhiko, who was cleaning the house, suddenly heard the melodious sound of a piano coming from upstairs.

The sound of the piano was even more lonely, and even mixed with uncontrollable sadness and fear.

Hearing this voice, Nobuhiko thought for a while and brought up the strawberry milk that he had prepared.

The second floor was very dark, and Xiao Ye did not turn on the lights. Fortunately, there was no difference between night and day for Nobuhiko, and he steadily arrived at the piano room.

There were also no lights on in the room, and not even the curtains were closed.

The bright moonlight passed through the window and fell in the center of the room, illuminating Xiaoye who was playing the piano. For a moment, Xiaoye seemed to be on the stage, but also seemed to be trapped in a dark cage.

Nobuhiko just stood there quietly, waiting for the performance to end.

The moonlight became brighter and brighter, and the music reached its climax. Xiaoye's hands striking the strings flew up and down, as if the baby bird was trying to flap its wings. However, as the music ended, the baby bird seemed to accept its fate and returned to peace.

"This piece is Debussy's Moonlight. The chick who cannot leave the nest alone looks up at the moonlight alone."

Suddenly, Xiaoye spoke, her face now full of resentment:

"Ever since my parents passed away, I have been unable to leave this house, but my brother is different. He can travel to different worlds. He must really want to give up and give up on me as a fledgling. Now, he has finally abandoned me."

Then, she turned to look at Nobuhiko and said almost begging:

"Mr. Qiuyue, you will definitely not abandon me, right? Now, I am the only one left with Mr. Qiuyue..."

Looking at the girl's expression, Nobuhiko understood that she had regarded him as her only support.

It sounds like it can satisfy a man's mentality, but Nobuhiko knows that this concept is absolutely abnormal.

Reminiscent of Saya's resentment towards Kado Yaji in the movie version, Nobuhiko couldn't help but sigh in his heart - You are useless in giving me a chance! Kadoya Shi!

He placed the tray on the piano, picked up the cup, and handed it to Xiaoye. She reached out and took the cup, but kept staring at Nobuhiko, as if she wanted to get a definite answer from his face.

But Nobuhiko did not answer, but asked softly:

"Miss Xiaoye, do you want to entrust everything to me? Whether it's yourself or the rest of your life?"


Hearing Nobuhiko's question, Xiaoye was stunned for a moment and looked at Nobuhiko at a loss.

Nobuhiko continued:

"If it is as a housekeeper or a man, I should feel honored for it, but if it is as a friend, I will choose to refuse - entrusting everything to others is a major decision, Miss Xiaoye, actually , you can think about it again.”

He tried to correct Xiao Ye's thoughts in a secret way.

But it was obvious that Xiaoye's current mental sensitivity was beyond his imagination. As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaoye stood up excitedly:

"Does it mean that even Mr. Qiuyue wants to abandon me?"

"No, it's not abandonment. You should have your own life instead of just entrusting it to others..."

"It's not the same! After all, Xiaoye has become a burden to you, so you want to abandon me in the lair?!"

Xiaoye became more and more excited as she spoke. She stood up and put the cup heavily on the piano, spilling the warm milk.

"Since you are leaving, then you all go. Let me die here alone--"

Her words stopped abruptly--Xinyan moved, expressionless, and walked towards her with big strides.

This action woke up the very excited Xiaoye. Seeing Xinyan who was already close at hand, she instinctively stepped back.

One step, two steps, three steps...

The piano room was not very spacious. After a few steps, Xiaoye leaned against the wall. At this time, Xinyan had come to her and she had no way to avoid him.

Xinyan raised his hand and leaned against the wall, making a thumping sound.

Then he continued to approach Xiaoye.

The girl was so scared that she closed her eyes and screamed:

"No, don't..."

However, after a few seconds, she didn't feel anything strange, so she opened her eyes tremblingly, and looked up like a frightened little animal - Xinyan, I don't know when he had retreated to the piano, and the moonlight illuminated his handsome face.

He just stood there, quietly looking at Xiaoye in the dark.

"If you put everything on others, the scene just now, or even worse things will become a reality, Miss Xiaoye, is it okay?"


Xinyan's actions calmed down the originally excited Xiaoye.

Seeing her appearance, Xinyan reached out and picked up the cup on the piano, took out a handkerchief to wipe it, and then stepped forward and handed it to Xiaoye.

Xiaoye was a little frightened and hesitant, but still reached out to take the cup.

"It's late now, you should rest too. If you need anything, you can ring the bell to call me. I'll be there at your beck and call. Good night, Miss Xiaoye."

After saying this, Nobuhiko turned and left, leaving Xiaoye alone, holding the cup in a daze.

Her mind was filled with the image of Nobuhiko just now in the moonlight.

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