Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 13 The Sawara family is attacked

Boom boom!

The rumbling propeller turned slower and slower, and slowly stopped. Nobuhiko released the joystick and turned to look at his instructor.

The instructor gave him a thumbs up:

"Akizuki, you are a genius!"

Similar words have been repeated countless times in the past few days. Akizuki Nobuhiko passed the test perfectly in less than a week, which would take at least a month for ordinary people. Of course, there was also the factor of Uncle Sawara's contribution. At least the theoretical flight time and the actual operation time were greatly shortened.

But Nobuhiko's operation was still impeccable and perfect.

"Without your help, instructor, I would not have passed so quickly."

"Too much modesty becomes hypocrisy. You brothers are really better than each other. Mr. Sawara has children like you. It's really enviable. Well, congratulations on passing the test."

"Thank you very much!"

Nobuhiko nodded and said, feeling relieved, just like the feeling of just getting a driver's license in his previous life. Thanks to the body of the cyborg, he did not fail all the subjects from the second to the fourth.

After getting off the plane, Xinyan felt relieved.

I finally passed the exam. Let's buy a watermelon and go back early to celebrate.

He thought to himself that although he had been here for less than a month, his ability to adapt was still quite scary. At least now he could accept the sky-high watermelons here with peace of mind.

However, just as he walked into Sawara Airlines, the receptionist suddenly said:

"Mr. Akizuki, Mr. Minami Kotaro left you a phone number and asked you to contact him as soon as possible after getting off the plane."

"Kotaro? I see."

Nobuhiko quickly called home using the front desk landline. A few seconds later, Uncle Sawara's voice came from the phone:


"Uncle, this is Nobuhiko. Kotaro left me a message and asked me to contact him. What happened?"

"Oh, Kotaro also told me that the recent disappearance of the bride was related to Chrysis, and then he rode out on a motorcycle. By the way, he asked you to meet up in the valley last time, but I don't know what that means..."

"The case of the missing bride?!"

Nobuhiko reacted instantly. This was another plan of Chrysis. He was quite impressed by this plan. After all, he wanted to rob five Scorpio brides to appease the emperor's anger. He didn't know what XP this Emperor Chrysis was.

Immediately, he reacted:

"I know, I'll go over right away."

"Be careful, Nobuhiko... Ah, who is it?!"

Uncle Sawara seemed to want to say something, but as soon as he finished speaking, he screamed as if he had seen something horrible.

Hearing this, Nobuhiko's face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly shouted:

"Uncle Sawara, what happened, Uncle Sawara!"

An echo came from the other end of the phone, but it was not Uncle Sawara's voice, but another person-Bosgang:

"Sure enough, you and Kotaro are both connected to the Sawara family, Akizuki Nobuhiko."

"Bosgang! What did you do?!"

"Nothing, I really want to know, if your uncle died because of you, would you be sad? Hahahaha..."

"Hey, Bosgang! Bosgang!"

After the phone was hung up, Nobuhiko immediately rode on the amazing locust and rushed towards the Sawara family. Anxious Nobuhiko arrived at the Sawara family in just a few minutes.

At this moment, the Sawara family was in a mess, with all the window glass broken, and only the door was intact.

Nobuhiko saw the figure of Sawara Kaiko and hurried forward to ask:

"Auntie, are you and uncle okay?"

Sawara Kaiko was obviously frightened and dazed, and was startled by Nobuhiko.


"It's me, are you all okay? Help me open the door."

However, Sawara Kaiko did not open the door for Nobuhiko, but locked the door from the inside.


"That...that...please don't come to my house again with Xiaoguang."

Inside the door, Sawara Kaiko seemed to have exhausted all her strength to say this sentence.

Just now, she witnessed her husband being attacked by Bosgang and unconscious. Bosgang even threatened her that if she let Nobuhiko and Kotaro in, he would kill Xiaotong and Shigeru.

After hearing what Sawara Kaiko said, Nobuhiko let go of the door handle.

Although I have seen this scene on TV, it is really uncomfortable when a similar scene happens to me.

He took a deep breath and said:

"I know, auntie, how is uncle now?"

"He is fine, he just fainted."

"Well, I know."

Nobuhiko nodded and turned to leave.


The roar of the engine sounded, and Nobuhiko drove the motorcycle towards the place told by Kotaro. At this moment, his heart was filled with anger.

Bosgang, who claimed to be a noble but actually acted like a villain, had completely angered him.

At the same time, Bosgang, the mastermind behind the disappearance of the bride, was questioned by Gadison.

"Bosgang, why did you let Gaina Mantis rob the bride? This will undoubtedly attract the attention of RX and Shadow Moon!"

In the empty valley, Gadison, sitting on the Storm Dagger, questioned Bosgang.

However, Bosgang didn't care:

"I just obeyed General Jagu's orders and tried my best to calm His Majesty's anger."

This attitude angered Gadison:

"There's no need to blame the Warcraft for taking away Earthlings or Earth's women. A few Chapu soldiers can do it, and they can even conceal their contact with us. Persia Gang, you did it on purpose, right? Don’t forget, it’s me who’s dealing with the knight now!”

This is what makes Gadison angry. Now that General Jagu has given him all the tasks of dealing with the knights, Persia Gang's behavior is obviously to overstep his authority, and his purpose is obvious.

Seeing that Gadison was really angry, Bosigang didn't want to get too serious with his colleague:

"You wrongly blamed me, Gadison. This matter was indeed my mistake. I didn't expect Kotaro's senses to be so keen. How about this. When they arrive, I will fully help you. When the time comes, defeat RX and Shadow." How about I give you all the credit for Yue?"

"Can you be so kind?"

"It's my reward for helping me last time. As a noble, I don't want to owe any favors. What's more, I want Kotaro and Shadow Moon to know the price of offending Chrysis!"

Persia just explained, and by the end he was gritting his teeth and subconsciously touching the scars on his face, which were left by Shadow Moon in the last battle.

Gadison would not believe a word of his explanation. After spending time together, he knew very well what his colleague's true identity was.

However, he also took over Bosigang's position. After all, due to time constraints, his battle plan had not yet been prepared. He came to question Bosigang just to express his attitude.

"Is that why you sent people to attack the Zuo Yuan family? I understand, but are you really sure to deal with them? If you fail this time, General Jiagu will not let you off lightly."

"Hmph, don't worry, I've brought the two strongest warriors from my monster warcraft brigade, and at the same time, this sword!"

As he said this, Persia just drew his sword out of its sheath.

At this moment, Gadison noticed that the image of Persia Gang's sword had changed drastically, and there was a lightning-shaped blade on the blade.

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