Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 145 A game different from the past (second update)

A gust of wind poured into the cave, and white rose petals followed the wind into the cave, signaling the arrival of the owner.

This movement also alarmed the lives in the cave - the five Gurungi with different postures immediately turned their heads to look at the entrance of the cave, and the Rose Girl came quietly with elegant steps.

Her expression was cold, and the rose tattoo on her forehead seemed to exude a faint fluorescent light.

For her arrival, the eyes of the five Gurung showed anticipation, but Rose Girl did not pay attention to them, but looked behind them - the wolf Gurungi sitting on the throne.

"Are you ready?"

Rose Girl asked.

The wolf species Gurungi slowly stood up, and with a permeating power, he came step by step to the Rose Girl:

"Well, but not according to Da Cuba's method, but according to my - En Gamio Jedda's method, everyone, together."

As he said that, the wolf species Gurungi threw a piece of leather paper to Rose Girl with several symbols on it.

Rose Girl took a few glances but showed no other emotions. For her, it was her duty to follow the rules. As for the rest, there was no need to worry.

"Five together? It's interesting. Be careful. Lindo has changed now. Many people have died under their weapons."

Rose Girl reminded her.

She was impressed by the firepower of the humans, and two years later, who knew what they would become.

The wolf species Gurungi, no, it should be said that Gamio also knew this, with a charming smile on his red wolf face:

"Just in time, let me have a good look at it."

Then, he turned his head, looked at the five Gurungi in front of him, and gave the order:

"let's start!"

"Two times, 18 hours each time, 27 people, the first person to finish will advance."

Rose Girl told the rules, and then used the rings in her hands to open each other's belts one by one.

In an instant, the cave was surrounded by infiltrating laughter, and the five Gurungi quickly left the cave. Looking at their leaving figures, Rose Girl looked at Gamio and asked aloud:

"Are you that confident?"

"Since I left, Daguaba is no longer my goal. I want to - transcend the ultimate darkness!"

Gamio's eyes flashed red, revealing confidence and cruelty.

In the Metropolitan Police Department, Kaoru Ichijo was looking at the information. The things on it had been turned over several times, but Kaoru Ichijo still wanted to find some new discoveries from it.

At this moment, Sasayama saw hurriedly running in and said to Ichijo Kaoru:

"Mr. Ichijo, there is an emergency communication - missing persons occurred in Aoki Village and Namada Town, Nagano Prefecture. Someone saw an unconfirmed life form. The head of the department convened an emergency meeting."

"I see!"

After hearing this, Kaoru Ichijo immediately stood up and ran towards the conference room.

However, he did not expect that two years later, Gurungi would move quickly and the scale would still exceed his imagination.

Just as he entered the conference room, urgent communication came again.

"Missing persons also occurred in Mochizuki Town, Minami Minawa Village and Fujimi Town in Nagano Prefecture, and it was confirmed that they were caused by an unidentified living entity, but - they are not the same individual!"

Chief Matsukura revealed this shocking news.

Most of the people present were police officers who had fought against the unidentified life form. At this moment, they all came up with an idea - the style of the unidentified life form had changed.

In the battle with the unconfirmed life form two years ago, the opponent usually acted alone. In rare cases, two individuals might appear, but now, five individuals appeared at once and acted in five places.

This is unprecedented, and it is also very troublesome for the police.

"In short, support the Nagano Prefecture police immediately, Ms. Ozawa, and I look forward to the performance of the G3 system."


Ozawa Sumiko immediately stood up and saluted. At this moment, she was a little excited - after two years, it was finally her turn to show off her skills.

In this way, when faced with unidentified life forms, the Metropolitan Police Department was like a huge machine running rapidly.

Nobuhiko also received a message from Kaoru. After hearing the news, he immediately drove his motorcycle towards Nagano Prefecture.

"There are actually five of them, which is a bit troublesome."

For Nobuhiko, the number of Gurungi actually has little impact on him. What makes it difficult for him is that if he wants to find Gurungi, the best way is to crack the opponent's game, and this decryption game is indeed his Not good at it.


Surprised by the locusts flying on the road, he soon arrived at Mochizuki Town in Nagano Prefecture.

The place where the incident occurred has been cordoned off, and police from Nagano Prefecture are maintaining order. There are still people around who are not too concerned about the incident to watch the fun.

Nobuhiko didn't step forward rashly. He was not a policeman. It was better to wait for Kaoru Ichijo to arrive before understanding the situation with him.

However, he didn't just wait, he kept observing the situation at the scene.

However, this sight made him feel confused - there were no corpses, no signs of fighting, and not even blood on the scene cordoned off, as if nothing had happened here.

How is this going?

At this moment, he heard the conversation of several people next to him.

"It's too scary. Those two people were taken away directly by it. They couldn't be treated as food."

"I already want to move, how long have I been stable now..."

It was taken?

Hearing this, Nobuhiko turned to the two of them and asked:

"Excuse me..."

Half an hour later, when Kaoru Ichijo drove the police car to the scene, Nobuhiko had already got what he wanted.

"Something is wrong this time. The people were taken away directly and not killed on the spot."

Nobuhiko said to Kaoru Ichijo.

Kaoru Ichijo was a little confused about this:

"Well, the situation is the same in other places. Their purpose does not seem to be to kill people, but to catch people."

"The killing game should not change. If you think about it this way, the only thing that will change is the method. Will there be requirements for the place where the killing is done?"

"Indeed, if you want to kill people at a designated location and the number of people is not enough, you need to catch people from other places. This idea is feasible."

As he said, Kaoru Ichijo took out a notebook, which recorded the disappearance of humans in various locations:

"The situation is the same in other places. Special police dogs have been dispatched to search, but I'm afraid I have to ask you for help here-the unconfirmed life form that appeared in this place seems to be a falcon or something like that. Our tracking methods are very limited for this guy."

"I know, keep in touch at any time."

Nobuhiko nodded.

But at this moment, Kaoru Ichijo's intercom rang.

"Hello, this is Ichijo."

"Mr. Ichijo, I found the place where those guys killed people."

"Godai? Where are you!"

Hearing this, Kaoru Ichijo was shocked and asked hurriedly.

"The suburbs in the south of Mochizuki Town!"

At the same time, in the suburbs in the south of Mochizuki Town, Yusuke Godai hung up the phone and turned to look at the woods - corpses in different postures were hanging on the trees, and their faces still had the fear before death.

Looking at this scene, Godai couldn't help but clench his hands.

ps: The game method is what I guessed based on the parchment in the TV. The setting of the wolf-type Gurongi is directly used from the world of Kuuga. In addition, Takadera once said that he wanted to pay tribute to the five people in the Super One movie version with the Gurongi in the movie version. I went to see it, and it happened to be a different animal, so I used it directly.

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