Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 227: The Trump Card Implanted with Terror (Update 1)

Akiko's operation caught everyone off guard. She made an unexpected appearance and used the desserts she made to lure out the dessert admixture hidden in the servants - Yukiko Sasaki.

Similarly, she is also the real culprit of the recent disappearance of Fuuto pastry chefs.

When he saw that the surprise given by Akiko was this, Sonosaki Ryubei showed a look of obvious disappointment on his face:

"What? It's not a dessert."

It can't be seen that this Fuuto Terror Emperor is also a sweets lover.

Yukiko Sasaki turned into a dessert admixture in anger, swallowed Akiko and her client into her stomach, and then hurriedly fled.

Seeing this scene, Saeko and Kirihiko made a quick decision and got up to chase after them.

For a while, Sonosaki Ryubei, Wakana and Nobuhiko were the only three people who were still sitting at the dining table in the hall.

Seeing Nobuhiko so calm, Wakana raised her eyebrows and asked:

"Why, don't you want to solve it? Giving up the fight on your own initiative, this doesn't seem to be your style?"

"I don't like fighting with sticky things, and the two of them are anxious to make up for their reputations, I don't intend to be disliked."

Nobuhiko casually picked up the dessert on the plate and said without raising his head.

Takoyaki is a delicacy, cream and chocolate are also delicacies, but the combination of the two is an absolute dark cuisine. Akiko is very talented in a sense.

Hearing Nobuhiko's words, Wakana subconsciously clicked her tongue. Although she didn't like Nobuhiko very much, she also knew that Nobuhiko's fighting ability was impeccable. If he let him solve the impure body, Saeko would definitely be uncomfortable for a long time.

It's a pity that Nobuhiko didn't fall for it.

However, Sonosaki Ryubei seemed to speak unintentionally:

"By the way, besides them, the detective you value very much also followed, don't you plan to join in the fun?"

He noticed just now that Shotaro Sa was hiding at the door and had been observing the situation inside.

He has been paying attention to this detective for a long time, but because he has already taken precautions, he doesn't care much.

"He, I am indeed very interested, but he is still too weak now. If there is no improvement after defeating an opponent once, then there is no value in defeating him again."

"From what you said, will he evolve to the point where you are worthy of defeating him... Why do you value that detective so much?"

Hearing this, Sonosaki Ryubei also showed a hint of curiosity. He really couldn't understand why that mediocre detective was so highly regarded.


Nobuhiko put down the knife and fork in his hand, turned his head and looked at Sonosaki Ryubei, revealing a smile with a sense of vicissitudes:

"Because I have seen guys like him a long time ago. Although they look insignificant at ordinary times, they always do things beyond imagination at critical moments."

"Oh... Then I will wait and see."

Sonosaki Ryubei nodded slightly, but he didn't care in his heart.

This is no wonder, because of the characteristics of the fear memory, people without special physiques are destined to fail.

So, he changed the topic and asked about another thing:

"By the way, Nobuhiko, what direction do you plan to carry out the research on memory? Sorry, people are so impatient when they get old."

"I can understand. In fact, I also want to see the results. It's very simple. The human physique is a very special existence. It's a pity to only use one memory. I had this idea after seeing Kamen Rider, so the current plan is to allow the driver to use the second memory freely."

Nobuhiko said his plan.

This is the most feasible direction. For Sonosaki Ryubei, at least a reason should be given to prevaricate.

As expected, after hearing this, Sonosaki Ryubei nodded:

"It is indeed a good idea. The research institute is also carrying out it, but there is no result. The person who tied the bell must untie it. I leave it to you, Nobuhiko-kun."

After a pause, Sonosaki Ryubei continued:

"By the way, many of your ideas coincide with the other W. If there is a chance, you can meet each other. I believe you will have a lot in common."

"The other W, Isaka Mikuro? Please forgive me for being frank. If we really meet, the biggest possibility is that we will not be able to talk to each other."


"It is essentially a conflict of ideas. In my opinion, , researching memory is for stronger power, not to let the power of memory devour oneself, so safety is the first priority, but in the eyes of that W, he may be able to put himself in danger for the memory, such a concept, we do not understand. "

After saying so much, Nobuhiko's eyes showed a hint of fighting spirit:

"However, your words also reminded me that if there is a chance, I also want to take his memory. Memory developed to that level is rare. "

"Hahahaha, that's it."

Sonosaki Ryubei laughed, but his eyes couldn't help but glance at Nobuhiko's wrist.

When Nobuhiko joined the museum, he seemed to have no regard for his own life.

Has the effect of the toxin been lifted?

Or was it a disguise from the beginning?

There was doubt in his heart, but Sonosaki Ryubei's face remained calm and he said casually:

"By the way, the Zeus memory has been sent to the research institute for analysis, and the data has been backed up, but there is no progress at present. As expected, it depends on you, Nobuhiko."

"It's my honor."

"You have also exchanged contact information with Dr. Zeus. You can communicate more when you have nothing to do. Although we occupy a leading position in memory research, Consortium X should not be underestimated."


Nobuhiko nodded.

But he couldn't help but want to complain in his heart. Although the last Katoshun used the Utopia provided by the Sonosaki family, the T2 memory was continued to be developed after Consortium X took over. After Sonosaki Fumion left, it can be inferred that the museum's development of T2 memory has made no progress.

Otherwise, who would hand over the Eternal Killer to others?

In short, this special dessert party ended in a whimper.

The joint pursuit of Saeko and Kirihiko was undoubtedly shaken off by W. The result of two against one still not being able to do anything to the opponent made Sonosaki Saeko look gloomy and even attacked Kirihiko.

Finally, W defeated the dessert impurity and successfully rescued the client and the pastry chefs. The commission was successfully completed, but the impact of this incident did not end.

"Ah~ Shotaro, open your mouth and try it. The director's special dessert."

"I don't want it. Who would put Okonomiyaki and cream together!"

In the office, Shotaro looked at the dark cuisine in front of him, and his eyes showed obvious resistance. No matter how Akiko persuaded him, he would not agree.

"Tsk, don't eat it. Even Princess Wakana praised the special dessert made by my director!"

"Princess Wakana?"

Hearing this name, Shotaro was instantly attracted. He and Philip were fans of Wakana, or in other words, Wakana's popularity was terrifying in the whole Fengdu.

"Yeah, that's right, it's the real Princess Wakana. By the way, I also found out something very secret."

At this point, Akiko put the plate on the table, looked around, and then leaned close to Shotaro's ear and said mysteriously:

"Princess Wakana seems to have a boyfriend."


"Keep your voice down. I heard that it's the person that Princess Wakana's father, the owner of the Sonozaki family, has taken a fancy to. You also know that person - it's Tsukikage Nobuhiko."

"Tsukikage Nobuhiko?!"

When Shotaro heard this name, he was shocked and many questions emerged in his mind.

Didn't he join the organization? Why did he appear in the Sonozaki family?

Could it be that his next target is the Sonozaki family?

For a moment, Shotaro's thoughts flew, but he didn't realize that he instinctively avoided it - the Sonozaki family might be the biggest possibility of the organization.

The seeds of fear have taken root in the heart of the ace.

ps: By the way, in the memory of the earth, are the Sonozaki family and the museum separate concepts? In the early stage, the search for Sonosaki Wakana was normal, but the search for the museum directly destroyed the bookshelf. Logically, if the information of Sonosaki Wakana can be found, some information of the museum can be seen.

The second update will be later.

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