Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 251 Marrying you seems like a good idea (Update 1)

"Mr. Sonosaki, it's done."

On the dining table, Nobuhiko placed the Quetzalcoatl memory in front of Sonosaki Ryubei, still deliberately in front of everyone.

Sonosaki Ryubei picked up the memory, felt the extremely active earth memory inside, and nodded with satisfaction:

"As expected of you, Nobuhiko, you have obtained quite valuable data."

"I am also surprised that I can adapt to it."

Nobuhiko smiled and sat back in his seat, and continued:

"What's more interesting is that because the other party's name comes from Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent god in the Aztec civilization, the Quetzalcoatl also has a tendency to develop towards myths and legends. In short, there are many coincidences."

"Oh, Quetzalcoatl? You have prepared another great gift for me, Nobuhiko."

Sonosaki Ryubei took another look and put the memory away:

"Let's hand it over to the research institute next. I am looking forward to how powerful this power will be."

Having said this, Sonosaki Ryubei glanced at Isaka.

Isaka, who was very eager for the Quetzalcoatl memory a few days ago, was silent at this moment, as if he had completely lost interest.

Seeing this, Saeko said with a sudden thought:

"Father, I have something to tell you."


"Actually, I think this memory has a suitable experimental subject, which is--"

"There is no need to consider that kind of thing now. This memory has a more important role. It is not time to find a host yet."

Before Saeko finished speaking, Sonosaki Ryubei interrupted.

This move made Saeko a little embarrassed.

Wakana next to her sneered at this, but before she could be happy for long, Sonosaki Ryubei turned around and said to her:

"Wakana, you should officially quit your job at the radio station during this period. You have grown up and will officially participate in the circulation of memory in the future."

"Ah? But father..."

"It's decided."

Because of Sonosaki Ryubei's words, this dinner seemed a little weird, and no one spoke until the end of dinner.

Saeko and Isaka returned to their room. Nobuhiko was about to leave, but was suddenly stopped by Wakana.

"Nobuhiko, can you stay with me for a while?"

"Yes, but I have to make it clear in advance that I am not a suitable person for consultation."

Nobuhiko was a little confused, but he did not refuse.

The place for the conversation was naturally not Wakana's bedroom, but the balcony on the second floor.

The moonlight tonight was beautiful, and the warm evening breeze brushed through the hair, as if the girl's soft hand was gently caressing it.

The huge Fuuto Tower was quietly rotating in the distance, but it was blocked by a building for most of its body.

"Nobuhiko, when people grow up, can't they live according to their own will?"

Wakana leaned on the railing, and the breeze blew her hair.

She liked to look at the Fuuto Tower very much, which might be the reason why she was loved by everyone in the radio program. Just like Shotaro, she also loved this city.

"What a complicated question. It's the same for everyone. When ordinary people grow up, they have to face the pressure of life and family responsibilities. As for Miss Wakana... since she has enjoyed the resources provided by the Sonosaki family, she has to take on the responsibilities of the Sonosaki family. It seems to be a matter of course."

"That's true. I have always been a willful person. That's why my sister has always wanted to kill me."

Wakana's cheek showed a hint of sarcasm.

Because of the immortality of the clay doll's memory, she suffered many attacks from Saeko when she was a child. Although she would not die, the feeling was definitely not much better.

"But then again, my sister seems to like that job very much. Wouldn't it be better to let her take full responsibility?"

"Perhaps you are the one that Miss Saeko cannot replace."


Suddenly hearing this, Wakana subconsciously turned her head to look at Nobuhiko and asked in confusion:

"What do you mean?"

"It's just speculation. To be honest, from the perspective of an observer, your position in the Sonosaki family is indeed very special, and your sister Saeko has actually been under a lot of pressure."

"Pressure... pressure?"

"Why do you think she works so hard? Even after Kirihiko left her, she threw herself into the arms of another person without hesitation. There are certainly emotional factors in this, but the most important thing is-she hopes to get your father's recognition, and the strength of Isaka Mikuro is also a very important part in her eyes."

Nobuhiko said something that Wakana had never noticed.

It's sad to say that the fate of a family that suffered the curse of the earth is already determined, so this also makes them leave a deep impression on people even though they are villains.

"She must have given up a lot of things for this purpose."

"You sound like you know her very well."

"No, it's just a guess. When you concentrate on doing something, you always have to give up other things. It's a simple truth."


Wakana gently lifted her hair and looked at Nobuhiko. Suddenly, an idea popped up in her head:

"By the way, it seems that marrying you according to my father's arrangement is also a good choice."


Nobuhiko was stunned.

"Anyway, I don't have anyone I like. Your power is extremely important to the Sonosaki family. At least in my opinion, you are much more pleasing to the eye than that guy named Isaka."

Wakana said as a matter of course.

Of course, Nobuhiko also knew that this sentence was mostly a joke. Wakana was just upset because of a temporary change. He and Wakana were now just acquaintances, not even friends.

"Then I'm really honored, but unfortunately, even if you agree, your father won't agree now."

"What do you mean?"

"Because the relationship between me and the Sonosaki family is not as simple as you look. How should I put it - it feels like a dirty adult world."

"You are not much older than me, why are you pretending to be an adult?"

Wakana looked at Nobuhiko's mysterious look and couldn't help complaining, then she left the fence:

"But thank you, I feel a little better now."

"You're welcome, it's just a small favor, goodbye."

Seeing that Wakana's mood improved, Nobuhiko turned and left the balcony. Wakana did not leave. She turned her head and looked at the Fuuto Tower under the night sky, dazed, as if she wanted to explore her true thoughts.

On the other side, after Nobuhiko left the balcony, he found Saeko standing by the gate, and it was obvious that she had been listening for a long time.

"Do you care so much about your sister?"

Nobuhiko teased.

Saeko came back to her senses, with a hint of sarcasm on her lips:

"Care? Don't be ridiculous, I'm just worried that my willful sister will cause trouble for the Sonosaki family. You are a dangerous person, and what did you look like just now? Do you seem to know me very well?"

"In a sense, yes, but seeing you reminds me of something."


"In fact, the last time I confronted your father, the interesting thing is that he once told me in order to win me over - Wakana is indeed a little willful, but he has two daughters."

After that, Nobuhiko left with a smile.

Saiko, who stayed there, tasted his words, and her face suddenly became ugly.

She could hardly control her expression.

Father, even if I did so much, do you only treat me as a pawn?

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