Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 299: Metzler: What should I do if I need an ID card to find a job? (Update 2)

"Even core coins can be created, very good. It seems that losing the museum has no effect on you, Yueying-kun."

President Hong Shang picked up the box and carefully looked at the three dark-colored core coins, feeling the power in them. He was a little confused:

"This seems to be different from other core coins."

"After all, I am not an ancient alchemist. The core coins are closer to Gaia memory in principle, but Ooo can also use them."

"I see, then I will also give Yueying-kun two gifts."

Hong Shang Mitsuo smiled and handed a small box to Nobuhiko while speaking.

Nobuhiko opened it with some curiosity and saw a red vulture coin inside - it was the core coin of Anku!

"I originally planned to give it to Ooo, but I remembered that you seemed to be very interested in Anku, so this should be useful to you."

"Hmm... what about the other one?"

Nobuhiko was interested and asked aloud while looking at the trouble-making Hong Shang Mitsuo in front of him.

It seems that his arrival has changed some things.

"I've asked Ri-Naka to do it. Moon Shadow-kun, you don't mind having one more family member, right? After all, in a sense, that's also the life you created."

Hong Shang Guangsheng smiled mysteriously and said playfully.

At the same time, Metzl looked at the tablet in his hand with some distress, muttering:

"Identity is indeed a big problem. Why did humans invent something like identity proof?"

Since she heard what Nobuhiko said, she searched for relevant information on the Internet, and she really found a suitable method - volunteering.

The island country itself is a country that attaches great importance to volunteers, and there are corresponding volunteer policies for people of all ages.

Among them is volunteer work in kindergartens.

But unfortunately, even if the island country itself does not attach much importance to identity proof, Metzl, who is a newcomer, cannot contact the other party in a suitable way. She has not been integrated into human society for a long time, so naturally she has no relationship with humans.

"Do you want to learn Anku to possess other people? No, he will not allow it, or can you ask him once?"

Metzl fell into deep thought.

But at this moment, a car stopped in front of her, and Satonaka, who was wearing an OL uniform, opened the door and got out. Seeing that it was a human, Metzler's originally tense body relaxed.

"This is a gift from the president."

Satonaka took out a huge cake box, and next to the cake box there was a gift box the size of a tablet, and handed it to Metzler.

Metzler took it, put the cake box aside, and opened the gift box doubtfully, but found that there were several certificates inside, from birth certificates to student ID cards. When she opened it, she found that there were even photos of herself on the certificates, and even a complete educational experience. What's more interesting is that the two words "Yueying" were written in the column of her last name.


Metzler muttered to herself, and suddenly a strange feeling arose in her heart.

At this moment, the voice of Hong Shang Mitsuo suddenly rang in Metzl's ears:

"Happy Birthday! Miss Greedy, no, now I should call you Miss Yueying Metzl."

Metzl turned her head and looked - there was a tablet in Satonaka's hand, and it was Hong Shang Mitsuo that was displayed on it.

"Are you the president?"

"Bingo! You got it right, I am Hong Shang Mitsuo, today is your first step as a human being, so I am happy to help you, don't worry, your master already knows."

Hong Shang Mitsuo smiled slightly, turned the camera to the side, and Nobuhiko's face also appeared in front of Metzl.

"Lord Yueying?"

"Since it is a gift from President Hong Shang, you should use it well, Metzl, don't forget what I said."


Hearing the slight warning in the words, Metzl nodded and agreed.

Seeing that his mission had been completed, Satonaka did not stay and drove away.

Metzl looked at the birthday cake and ID card in her hand, thought for a while, took out the phone number that Nobuhiko prepared for her, and contacted a kindergarten that she had long been interested in.

"······Okay, thank you very much, I will go there tomorrow morning, yes, thank you very much..."

After hanging up the phone, Metzl breathed a sigh of relief. Her mood became extremely good as her desire was about to be realized, and even her fair face was flushed:

"There is still one day, and after one day, you will feel true love!"

"I thought you were going somewhere, Metzl. As a greedy person, do you regard humans as your owners? You are also corrupted."

At this moment, a yellow-haired boy with bad clothes appeared in front of Metzl.

Metzl also recognized the other party's identity and stood up suddenly:

"Kazali! How dare you appear in front of me!"

Kazali, the cat-type greedy, had caused Metzl to lose a large number of core coins because of his sneak attack. Now it can be said that the enemy is particularly jealous when they meet.

"Why can't we meet? It's really beyond my expectation that you didn't run away. Give me your core coins too..."

Kazali said, and changed into the posture of a greedy person.

Seeing this scene, Metzl was not panicked at all. Looking at Kazali in the posture of a greedy person, she suddenly laughed:

"Hahaha, hahahaha..."

"What are you laughing at?"

"It's so ugly. You're trying so hard for the so-called core coins, like a wild dog."

"Don't be so noble. You're not the same either."

"No, I'm different. Don't you feel it yet? I'm no longer a greedy person."


Hearing this, Kazali realized that the feeling of Metzl in front of him was completely different.

Metzl slowly opened the cake box, scraped the cream with his fingers and put it in his mouth, and his face couldn't help showing an intoxicated look:

"This is sweet. Although Gamel said everything was delicious, it was just a disguise. Kazali, you can't feel this taste even if you are completely resurrected, right?"

"··········You seem very proud."

As soon as these words came out, it seemed to stimulate Kazali's heart. He suddenly raised his hand and a golden storm shot out from his hand.

Just as it was about to sweep across Metzl, a figure suddenly appeared, and then suddenly raised his hands, releasing blue light from his hands, instantly overwhelming the golden storm and knocking Kazali to the ground.

"This woman is someone that Lord Shadow Moon values, and no one is allowed to hurt her."

Daromu looked at Kazali and said indifferently.

Metzl looked at Darom curiously:

"Are you the one who has been staying by my side?"

"Pay attention to your identity. You are just an experimental subject. If it weren't for Lord Shadow Moon's order, you wouldn't even be qualified to stand in front of him."

"Hey, I will accept it with gratitude."

Metzl seemed to be in a very happy mood. He came straight to Kazali, slowly took out the last core coin, and threw it in front of Kazali:

"You can take coins if you want them, Kazali. I already have something that I can't get even if I am completely resurrected. You will always run around for a fake life..."

After that, Metzl turned around, packed up his things and left the scene, and Darom disappeared.

On the street, only Kazali was left.

Looking at the blue core coin in front of him, Kazali suddenly slammed the ground and roared:


At this moment, the seed of humiliation was planted in his heart.

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