Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Take a day off and thank all the readers who have given me rewards recently.

Let’s sort out the outline of the plot about One Piece and the movie.

Thanks to Si Chen Taiyi for the 500 point reward! ! !

Thank you aa1062313725 for the 100 point reward! ! !

Thanks to Qingcang丨 for the 500-point reward! ! !

Thanks to Huiming Yuanhai for the 100-point reward! ! !

Thanks to book friend 20221221083500704 for the 2-point reward! ! !

Thanks to my 100-point reward! ! !

Thanks to Lonely Leo Leo for the 2-point tip! ! !

Thanks to Oboy, Qidian Reading iOS 102 points reward! ! !

Thanks to Yellow Angel for the 100 point reward! ! !

Thanks to book friend 20190219183450911 for the 2-point reward! ! !

Thanks to aa1062313725 for the 100-point reward! ! !

Thanks to Sun Knight Poison Flying Knife for the 500 point reward! ! !

Thanks to Si Chen Taiyi for the 500 point reward! ! !


Thanks to book friend 20220810121806294 for the 100-point reward! ! !

Thanks to book friend 20210725102531278 for the 100-point reward! ! !

Thanks to Iverkana for the 100 point reward! ! !

Thanks to DGP for the 4 points reward! ! !

Thanks for watching haha, 400 points reward! ! !

Thanks for watching haha, 156 points for the reward! ! !


Thanks to Yi Shixiang for the 2-point reward! ! !

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