Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 331: Shocker: Shocker Republic versus one RX, the advantage is mine! (Second update)

As Nobuhiko expected, the news of RX's escape instantly aroused Xiu Ka's great attention.

On the one hand, the cheating ability of the Emperor Stone is obvious to all. If Golgom and Clexis hadn't joined forces, they might not have been able to catch him. On the other hand, the newly formed Shukar Republic also needs someone to establish its authority. What's the point? Could it be more suitable than Kamen Rider?

Therefore, that night, the huge screens all over the city conveyed the sweet voice of the Bee Girl to every corner.

"Dear residents:

Kamen Rider blackRX, the enemy of the Republic of Shuka, Kotaro Minami, has escaped from prison. Anyone who finds him please contact the relevant department of Card Repair immediately. Please note that this person is extremely dangerous..."

Looking at the wanted notice conveyed by the bee girl on the big-head TV, Minami Kotaro rubbed his brows:

“I didn’t expect to have to do it again.”

"This time is much more powerful than last time, Kotaro, are you ready?"

Looking at Shuka who was under martial law across the city on the screen, Nobuhiko felt very relaxed and turned to Kotaro and asked.

Kotaro nodded:

"Well, the same method won't work for me, but... are you sure that all the cadres will be here to fix the card this time?"

"Don't worry, we actually have two internal correspondents inside the card repair department."


Kotaro looked at Nobuhiko in confusion, somewhat incomprehensible.

Nobuhiko just smiled mysteriously.

Once the Shuka Republic, which ruled the entire country, concentrated its efforts on the investigation, it would not be difficult to find Kotaro's hiding place. Therefore, in the early morning of the next day, when people were most sleepy, the mighty Shuka army surrounded the second base. .


One after another, the Xiuka soldiers turned into bombs and blasted all the walls open. Immediately afterwards, the Xiuka army poured into the scene like water.

Perhaps this is the first time that the Shuka Republic has been mobilized in its entirety, so rather than saying it is an army of Shuka, it is better to say that this is a gathering of villains from the Kamen Riders!

Showa transformed monsters, grunge, unknown, undead, etc., and all types of monsters from Showa to Heisei gathered in order to encircle and suppress the remaining humans and Kamen Riders.

"Go quickly and capture all the knights and humans!"

The leader of the undead Apollo waved his hand, and the weirdos rushed towards the base like a tide.

But at this moment, several rays of bullets instantly crossed the entire field.

"Hard Shot!"

RX, who transformed into a mechanical knight, made his debut. He pointed his gun at the surging monsters and pulled the trigger repeatedly. The light bullets that were comparable to the kicks of the knights instantly covered the whole place. Wherever he went, he transformed monsters and ancient monsters. Langji and unknown were not his enemies.


Seeing this, the undead Apollo immediately raised his gun and pointed it at RX to pull the trigger. But the moment he raised the gun, fireballs fell from the sky, accurately hitting his wrist, and knocked down the pistol - it was ooo, at this moment He transformed into a bird alliance and used his superb mobility to sweep across the field.

However, this is not a long-term solution after all.

Just as he continued to output, a swift figure fell from the sky - it was Gurungi the vulture! When ooo attacked, the vulture Gurungi took the opportunity and hit the ground hard.


RX wanted to support, but then, a cyan light fell from the sky, instantly restraining his body. This light carried terrifying magnetism, making the mechanical knight's body unable to move at all.

"Transforming your body into metal is a double-edged sword, RX!"


Looking at Shadow Moon appearing in front of him, RX said with sadness and anger:

"Are you still going to fight me?"

"Of course...go to hell, Minami Kotaro!"

The scarlet Satan sword fell instantly, and RX turned into a biochemical knight at this moment, breaking away from the restraints in the blink of an eye. However, this scene seemed to have been predicted in advance, and a golden destructive light fell from the sky, accurately hitting the biochemical knight. abdomen.


RX let out a shrill cry of pain, canceled his transformation, and collapsed to the ground.

The figures of General Jagu and Mary Baron slowly appeared in front of Kotaro.

"Don't forget, RX, we have analyzed all your transformation functions. In front of Chrysis, you have no power to resist!"

Mary Baron's tone was arrogant, and when she said this, she glanced at Shadow Moon provocatively.

But in this regard, Shadow Moon didn't say much, and just put away the Satan Sword.


Upon seeing this, ooo immediately wanted to go to support, but was completely defeated by the siege of the vulture Gurungi and the soul of Apollo, and was forced to cancel the transformation.

The transformer fell to the ground and was picked up by Shadow Moon.

At this moment, the roar of a locomotive suddenly resounded in the sky. Looking up, a flaming train swayed in the sky and landed tremblingly on the ground. Several figures looked embarrassed. Tumbled to the ground.

It’s the Den-O train!

Kotaro Nogami and others who wanted to change the future failed in the end. Faced with the siege of Shuka, not only did their partners stay in the past to cover them, but even the Den-O train was on the verge of collapse under the attack of the weird Shuka.

As soon as they landed on the ground, the Den-O train could no longer hold up and turned into pieces. Several figures were unable to evacuate the moment before the explosion, and were overturned to the ground by the flames of the explosion.

"Now, there's no chance to come back."

Nogami Kotaro said unwillingly, looking at the flames of the explosion.

On the other side, Momotaros was even blown to the point that only one hand was left, just keeping Anku company.

But things are far more than that. They had just experienced the loss of their partners and the loss of the chance to start over, and in the blink of an eye they were surrounded by the Shocker army on the ground.

The exhausted people were obviously no match for the Shocker army and were all defeated.

"After all, Kamen Rider is only this level."

Kagezuki said casually, and then he came in front of Kotaro and stretched out his hand to take him away.

But at this moment, General Jagu suddenly spoke:

"Shadow Moon, Nan Kotaro should be handed over to the Shocker Republic for public execution."

"What does this mean?"

"Literally, this is the result of the joint efforts of colleagues in the Shocker Republic. Executing RX as a trophy is the most appropriate way to deal with it, isn't it?"

General Jagu looked at Shadow Moon jokingly. He still remembered the last time Shadow Moon attacked the Chrysis Fortress. Now that he had the opportunity to make trouble for Shadow Moon, how could he let it go.

"That's right. These few people will become the cornerstone of the Shocker Republic as the last Kamen Riders. The secret society Gorgom will agree to this."

Apollo the Undead also came up and echoed General Jagu.

Hearing this, Shadow Moon's green eyes swept over them, and seemed to be ready to take action, but in the end he still left this sentence:

"Okay, but don't forget that the Emperor Stone belongs to Gorgom!"

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