Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 343 Gem Magic World Tree (Second Update)

Chapter 343 Gem Magic \u0026 World Tree (Second update)

In Consortium

"... Based on the above reasons, we believe that gem magic and phantom have no investment value."


When the switch is pressed, the stopwatch stays at 37 seconds.

Maria nodded:

"You don't think so highly of Di Muzheng?"

"Yes, and the Never information we gave him is not very interesting, and he is also not interested in investing in our consortium X. Our research team believes that there is no need to invest."

The subordinates in uniform looked like they were no more than thirty years old, but they also had a very capable temperament.

Fueki Kanade, the driving force behind the wizard, held a Sabbat in order to resurrect his daughter, and directly started the plot of the wizard.

Consortium X is naturally also very interested in something as ancient as magic.

But when they took a closer look, they lost most of their interest.

The reason is simple, the price/performance ratio is too low.

The birth of phantom demons requires qualified humans to be born from their bodies after despair, and then completely replace humans in appearance. Such humans are called phantom gates, and if they survive the despair, they are qualified to become magic. Master, this condition alone persuaded Consortium X to withdraw.

As death merchants, they want war weapons that can be used on a large scale, and the selection of Phantom Demon candidates is even stricter than the Star Disciple Switch.

Of course, phantoms can also be artificially cultivated. Dimuzou used this method to obtain magic power, but then again, the efficiency of this methodology is not as efficient as the coin system under study.

Naturally, gem magic was also abandoned by Consortium X.

"In this case, follow the usual practice of sealing the information and then withdrawing funds."

Maria gave the order without hesitation.

This kind of process happens almost every day in Consortium X and is not worth mentioning. Therefore, Maria quickly started the next agenda:

"What about the artificial appetite-devouring monster technology provided by Nobuhiko Tsukage?"

"It's very useful for reference, and the research institute has also been inspired. According to them, it will be fully mature in less than two months."

"Very good, where are the traces of the Kamen Riders?"

"There is no trace of Knight No. 1 and others so far. W and ooo are each stationed in their own cities and there is no threat."

"There has been no movement for so long. Is this how hard Shadow Moon has dealt them?"

Maria fell into deep thought, but then she put the matter aside for the time being. Now that there is no threat from the Kamen Rider, it is better to develop her combat power as soon as possible.

"Last point, how feasible is the plan provided by Rem Kaminagi?"

"According to observations, the meteorite group carrying SOLU will come into contact with the earth about three months later, so it is feasible."

"Then pass and go."


After finishing the last things, Maria rubbed her brow, but instead of taking a rest, she picked up the files on the table and started reading them.

"A different space and strange fruits? It has been taken over by World Tree..."

Maria touched her chin and muttered to herself.

There is a slightly weird picture on the document - in what seems to be a bridge hole, there are several strange vines spreading on the masonry, and on the vines, there are several eye-catching fruits growing.

The whole atmosphere revealed a hint of weirdness, and the mark at the bottom of the picture showed the location of the other party - Zeya City.

Like the Hongshang Foundation, the World Tree Consortium is also a large consortium with considerable strength. Even Consortium X does not dare to underestimate it. Consortium X was naturally very interested in this strange life and conveyed its intention to cooperate with the World Tree Consortium.

But to Maria's surprise, the World Tree Consortium rejected Consortium X's invitation without hesitation.

"Could there be other secrets behind these things?"

Thinking of this, Maria subconsciously wanted to contact Nobuhiko, but she gave it up after thinking about it.

Tsukikage Nobuhiko is still just a partner to Consortium

In this way, Nobuhiko lived an ordinary life for a long time.

During the day, he goes to work in the high school, sits in the office, plays on the computer, feels the long-lost atmosphere of the college or searches for information about Consortium

It can be seen that even a greedy person who has lived for eight hundred years cannot escape the baptism of mathematics. Even though the high school mathematics here is not difficult, Metzl, who has never studied mathematics, is still confused, but Celie The teaching level of Na and Zelena is quite good, at least Mezier's knowledge level can successfully cope with the first-year study in high school.

At this time, Nobuhiko would sit on the sofa and watch the excitement or adjust the Fortress of Clesis - when he took the Fortress of Clesis, he specially gave the adjusted Utopia to Celie. Na.

This was the inspiration he got from Cell Coins - the Dinosaur Greed transformed by Dr. Maki once used Cell Coins to drop directly into objects to create Devourers.

Therefore, the Utopia memory was successfully inserted into the Chrysis Fortress and became its host.

Utopia is the most beautiful society in human thought and consciousness. In other words, this fortress will gradually become what Nobuhiko hopes for.

At least, the original dark and vague atmosphere, like a haunted house, has completely dissipated, and it has been replaced by a very modern style. If the original Chrysis Fortress was just a classic special effects villain base in the 20th century, the interior of the Chrysis Fortress is now like a human spaceship in a 21st century science fiction movie.

Spring goes and autumn comes, the summer vacation has passed quickly, and Amanokawa High School has also entered a new semester.

A large number of freshmen came to this school with hope, and they did not know the darkness inside this school.

Nobuhiko wore a white suit and walked on the way to high school. His unique temperament frequently attracted everyone's attention.

In these few months, Nobuhiko, the new director, has also been known by students, and even caused a lot of discussion in the school. After all, Nobuhiko Akizuki and Kotaro Minami are celebrities in their own school.

However, Nobuhiko has been very low-key in the past few months, and his popularity has quickly declined. Now in the eyes of other students, Nobuhiko is just an ordinary teacher.

"Hello, teacher."

"Hello, teacher..."

This is almost the treatment.

In just a few minutes, Nobuhiko came to a small bridge, which is the only way to go to school.

But at this moment, he saw an unexpected scene - a man in a black uniform and a crew cut jumped and jumped under the bridge.

"·······The plot has begun."

Looking at the familiar scene, Nobuhiko murmured.

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