Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 373 Do you want to catch all the knights in one fell swoop? (Update 1)


After personally confirming Yingyue's power of resurrection, Dimu Zou bet everything he had without hesitation.

Although he had already made a plan - the ultimate magic stone - the Philosopher's Stone would completely resurrect Dimu Li after absorbing magic power, it was just a guess after all, and the first magic feast failed, and he still failed to achieve this goal. For this reason, he set his sights on the magician, wanting to rely on the magician's huge magic power to hold another magic feast.

However, that would take too long and there would be too many variables.

Now, another living example was presented to him, and as a father, he had no reason to refuse.

"Oh, what about your life?"

Hearing this, Yingyue raised his eyebrows and said such words.

And Dimu Zou answered almost without hesitation:


"Poor parents in the world."

Nobuhiko lifted the transformation, looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, and sighed sincerely.

As a father, he is qualified. In order to save his daughter, as a physicist, he tried countless treatments. Even after her death, he developed an artificial phantom demon by himself and mastered the power of magic.

But to others, he is no different from a devil.

The first magic feast led to the birth of the phantom demons of the entire wizard TV. The only survivor was Haruto Soma. In the second magic feast, he planned to sacrifice all the humans in Tokyo.

People are complicated after all.

"My daughter is my hope, so I can give everything. If you want my life, just take it! Of course, the Philosopher's Stone is also fine, but I have to witness the resurrection of Li with my own eyes!"

Di Muzo said powerfully.

His eyes revealed determination.

But Nobuhiko waved his hand:

"The Philosopher's Stone is useless to me."

"Are you sure? Although it is not difficult for you to resurrect the dead, the way the Philosopher's Stone realizes human resurrection is a terrifying power that is almost to modify reality. As long as it has enough magic power, it is an omnipotent wishing machine. This is why it can be called the Ultimate Magic Stone."

"Universal wishing machine?"

Hearing this, Nobuhiko looked a little strange.

But he still didn't plan to take over that, and let Haruto Misaki take the Philosopher's Stone.

"It sounds like it will explode easily. Okay, but I need other things-including all the knowledge related to magic that you have mastered, as well as finished drivers and magic rings, etc. In addition, you should have a spare Kabunkru."

This is Nobuhiko's purpose. He already has an idea about how to attract the attention of Consortium X, but correspondingly, the knowledge of magicians is still indispensable. As for Kabunkru and a set of drivers and rings, it is naturally for sustainable development.

His request was nothing to Dimuzou. His purpose of studying magic was just to save his daughter, and now he was only using it for the right purpose.

"Okay, this is a deposit."

As he said that, Dimuzou raised his hand, and the golden magic circle lit up instantly. Two sets of drivers and activation rings appeared in his hand and handed them to Nobuhiko:

"It seems that your students already have rings, so they can start directly."

"Then, the deal is done."

Nobuhiko accepted the two sets of drivers:

"I'll arrange it and go to Tokyo with you tomorrow."

"... Okay, we'll be here tomorrow."

Although Dimuzou wanted to take Nobuhiko to Tokyo immediately, he also knew that he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry. He immediately activated the teleportation magic and sent Nobuhiko back to the original place.

"Master Yueying."

"Teacher Yueying Li..."

Seeing Nobuhiko's figure reappear, Metzl and Nozama Tomoko, who had been waiting on the road, hurried forward to greet him.

However, Tomoko Nozama hesitated for a moment and did not choose the title of director, but directly called her teacher.

"Don't worry, Nozama classmate, the magician will not come to you, and this is his compensation to you."

Nobuhiko handed her the belt and the activation ring.

As for whether there would be any problems, he had not considered it - Fumu Sou would not be confused about things related to his daughter.

"Magician, can I use this?"

Tomoko Nozama took the belt, looked at the palm mark with metallic luster, and swallowed hard.

The excitement was almost uncontrollable.

But she also understood who all this came from:

"Thank you very much, Teacher Yueying."

"You call me a teacher, of course I have to do something for you... It's getting late, go back early, goodbye, Nozama classmate."

Nobuhiko did not stay here any longer, and walked towards the other direction of the street with Metzl.

Looking at the direction they left, the corners of Nozama Tomoko's mouth curled up slightly. This Gothic girl with some social phobia showed a bit of liveliness that belonged to a woman of her age for the first time.

She hummed a ballad and walked briskly towards home. It was the first time she was looking forward to something so much.

On the other side, after Nobuhiko returned home, he called Maria.

After the ringing lasted for a while, the call was connected, and Maria's voice sounded on the other end;

"Mr. Yueying, I didn't expect you to find me so soon. Do you need the magic stone again?"

There was no sense of oppression towards the subordinates in her voice, but a hint of ridicule.

If her subordinates saw her being so amiable, they would probably be stunned, but there was nothing they could do. The value represented by Nobuhiko was worthy of Maria's treatment.

"I have made good use of the magic stone. This time there are other things. I remember that you are planning to catch all the Showa Knights in the near future. In fact, I have an idea - should we kill the Heisei Knights at the same time?"

Nobuhiko said the most terrifying words in the most calm tone.


There was a crisp shattering sound from the other end of the phone, followed by a period of silence.

"Director Maria?"

"It's okay, I broke a cup, Mr. Yueying, do you know what you are talking about?"

Maria's tone became hurried.

The enemies faced by Consortium X have never been limited to the Showa Knights. Apart from anything else, the activeness of W alone has almost wiped out Consortium X's forces in Fuuto.

However, facing the Showa Knights, Consortium X is already under great pressure. If the Heisei Knights are added, the pressure on Consortium X can be imagined.

Therefore, Maria lost her composure like this. If Nobuhiko had not always kept his word, she would even think that the other party was joking.

"I'm not joking. If the plan goes well, the Heisei Knights will become our fighting force, but it will take some time to realize. I have contacted Fumu Sou. If possible, can you send me the magic-related information from your side?"

"·······Is this related to magic?"


"Okay, I agree, wait for me for five minutes."

After hanging up the phone, Maria took a deep breath, and then immediately said to the secretary beside her:

"Immediately pass all the information related to magic to Tsukikage Nobuhiko, and also apply for a high-level meeting!"

The big pie that Nobuhiko drew is about to attract the attention of the entire Consortium X high-level.

ps: In the White Mage's lines, the greatest power of the Philosopher's Stone is to resurrect the dead, but there is also a saying that it can devour the world. Some book friends mentioned that the real power of the Philosopher's Stone is to modify reality, similar to the wishing god of the Fox. Here is a supplement.

In addition, I suddenly remembered that Agito also has a Philosopher's Stone in his chest, but I don't know if Gochard, the alchemy knight, has it.

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