Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 400 I hope for light: It’s time to show your cards, what are you going to do? (Update 2)


With Kuuga's all-powerful flying kick defeating the last monster, the armed forces of Consortium X's base were completely defeated.

This also means that after several years, the action against Consortium X has finally come to an end.

When all the leaders are wiped out, the destruction of Consortium X is doomed, but as Speaker Kiir said, organizations of Consortium cannibalize the remaining assets of Consortium X. Therefore, the revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still need to work hard.

"Such an organization is more terrifying than an unidentified life form."

After the battle, Godai came to Nobuhiko and said with emotion.

In this operation, Nobuhiko personally found the Fifth Generation and asked him to contact the other Heisei Knights. Only then did he perform a superb performance to deceive the other party. Now, the battle is over and the Heisei Knights are leaving one after another.

"But in a sense, it was the birth of these organizations that prompted the birth of Kamen Rider. In a sense, this can be regarded as a cycle of cause and effect."

Nobuhiko sighed as he looked at the devastated scene.

The Card Repair Organization promoted the birth of the original Kamen Rider, the threat of Grunge contributed to the resurrection of the first knight of Heisei, and the proliferation of memories in Fengdu also indirectly made the first knight of the new decade appear.

However, these organizations are often eliminated by the fighters they promoted.

Next door, some people once believed that Ultraman was actually born naturally and was a natural enemy of monsters. Although this theory is not correct, upon closer inspection, it still makes some sense.

Fifth Generation nodded slightly:

"Indeed, but compared to the attacks on the surface, the enemies hidden in human society are the most terrifying."


"Actually, recently, Mr. Ichijo and I just solved an unidentified life form hidden in human society - even after B-1 was killed, she still planned to play the game, and it even took a long time Time took away a girl's identity, completely integrated into human society and became an idol. If we hadn't noticed something was wrong, everyone at the concert would have died. "

Speaking of this, Wu Dai's face turned a little gloomy:

"But casualties still occurred. Before that, she had used tricks to induce the policeman to fire nerve-breaking bombs on humans by mistake. In the end, the policeman committed suicide out of guilt. It is simply unforgivable. That kind of thing... ···”

This was the first time Nobuhiko had heard of this kind of thing, and he could understand the other person's mood after just a little thought.

Although they spent so much effort to solve No. 0, a few years later another unidentified life form murder occurred. This was an extremely serious blow to the Fifth Generation.

However, the fifth generation only lowered his voice for a moment before continuing:

"Actually, there is another thing. Mika has also become a policeman and is currently active on the front line. It seems that he is partnering with Mr. Ichijo."


Nobuhiko thought of the teenage girl in his mind and frowned slightly:

"She... I see, time flies by so fast."

"Yeah, oh, by the way, I met a boss when I traveled to Osaka. You seemed to have worked in his store. He also opened an izakaya in Osaka and the business was very good. He also mentioned you. , saying that Mr. Qiuyue’s encouragement rekindled his hope in life.”

"I would have forgotten if you didn't tell me."

Nobuhiko also recalled that at that time, he happened to be in a period of confusion, so he found a job casually.


"At that time, your words also helped me get out of my confusion. What are you going to do now? Continue traveling to find a way to disappear Yamadam?"

"Well, but not now. After experiencing these things, I understand that there may still be unidentified life forms lurking in human society. Before those guys are completely eliminated, I still need this power. I hope that it will disappear completely. That day won’t be too far away.”

Godai said with firm eyes.

He was extremely disgusted with this power, but in his heart he could not let him stand by and watch the unconfirmed life forms wreak havoc. No - not only the unconfirmed life forms, but also the threat posed by the Venerable to mankind was initially perceived. At that time, he also approached the Black God without hesitation and launched a challenge to the God of Creation.

No matter what era he was in, he could be called a born knight.

In this way, the fifth generation also left and returned to his own world to complete the unfinished journey.

ZX, Chao No. 1 and others also left the scene and went to meet up with Knight No. 1.

Nobuhiko stayed to clean up the mess. When the police noticed something was wrong and came, he left leisurely and returned to Amagawa. He immediately found me and looked at Guangming.

"That's right, Consortium X has been completely terminated."

In the office, I watched Guangming sitting on the chair, as if he had been waiting for Nobuhiko's arrival. Even Tachigamihou, who had been by his side, was not there, as if he was just waiting for Nobuhiko.

After hearing the news from Nobuhiko himself, even the bright-looking city couldn't help but look shocked.


"So, what did Yueying-kun come to see me for this time?"

"Nothing, I just want you to change the last name of Silina, Zelena, Oh, and Metzl to Akizuki."

"Akizuki, a nice last name, Akizuki Nobuhiko, this is your real name, right?"

"Yes, it's the name in this world."

Nobuhiko said this with some emotion.

I Wang Guangming nodded:

"Okay, I agree, is there anything else?"



"What else can I do? It's late, Mr. Wang, please have a good rest."

With that, Nobuhiko got up and simply left the office, leaving me Wang Guangming sitting there with a complicated expression.

Of course, Nobuhiko knew what I Wang Guangming was afraid of. In fact, it was easy to understand. How could I allow others to snore under my bed? Especially when I realized the horror of Nobuhiko's power, I Wang Guangming certainly couldn't calm down.

However, Nobuhiko's energy is not on him now. The affairs of Consortium X still need to be concluded, and there are still many things to do.

However, when he returned to his office, he suddenly found a dark shadow squatting at the door of his office. After seeing Nobuhiko coming, he immediately jumped up:

"Ah! Finally back, Director Yueying!"

"Kiragi-san? What are you doing here? Wait, what are you doing..."

Looking at the tired Kisaragi Gentaro on his face, Nobuhiko was startled.

What's the matter? Although you just experienced a big battle, you Kisaragi Gentaro shouldn't be like this, right? What's more, your girlfriend also stayed on Earth this time, and there was no bad ending. What's the matter with you?

"Ah, hahahaha, nothing, the legendary knight senior is too enthusiastic."

Kiragi Gentaro recalled the scene when he invited Knight No. 1 and others to make friends after the battle.

I can only say that the seven people of glory are worthy of being seniors and take good care of their juniors.

But...no one told him that Knight No. 1 is also so awesome in socializing! The three-hour conversation made even this socially awkward person a little exhausted. If it wasn't so late, Senior No. 1 would probably have talked until tomorrow morning.

How long had Knight No. 1 been holding back? ? ?

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