Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 403 The Demonic Banquet Rising Above Tokyo (Update 1)


I Wang Guangming looked at Nobuhiko in confusion. He had many guesses, and even considered that the other party would directly lead the Kamen Riders to break into the Amanokawa River and wipe him out, but he didn't expect that the other party would choose to leave.

"Well, the matter of Consortium X has come to an end, and I'm leaving. After all, I still want to see the scenery of this era again."

Nobuhiko sat on the sofa, looking at the blue sky outside the window, and said to me Wang Guangming with a hint of meaning.

Don't you plan to attack yourself?

I Wang Guangming's tense nerves temporarily fell. As long as he didn't face that group of Kamen Riders, he still had a chance.

But at this moment, Nobuhiko suddenly spoke:

"Chairman Iwang, in your eyes, what are the students of Amanokawa?"


Hearing this, Iwang Guangming was stunned, but then reacted:

"Of course, they are the stars in my universe and the future of society."

It seems that because of the relaxation, Iwang Guangming once again showed the spirit of the past. It was a very special temperament, which was formed by the combination of the two identities of a world-famous astronaut and the controller of Amanokawa High School.

"Yes, children are the future of mankind, both in theory and in practice, so take care of yourself. Goodbye, Chairman Iwang."

"Amanokawa welcomes you at any time, and I will keep the office."

Iwang Guangming's expression remained unchanged, and he stood up and sent Nobuhiko out of the office.

When the door of the office was closed, Iwang Guangming's face suddenly became indifferent. He returned to his seat, clasped his hands together, and fell into deep thought.

After a long while, he suddenly asked:

"What do you think he is planning?"

"There should be no intention to take action at the moment, otherwise, they would have taken action a few days ago."

A dark purple light appeared, and the figure of the Virgo star disciple appeared beside me, Wang Guangming. It can be seen that he has been eavesdropping:

"That guy is very strong, I don't know if he has discovered me."

"It doesn't matter, as long as there is no threat to us, as for his students... Treat them as normal students, just like before, don't give them the switch."

I, Wang Guangming, touched my chin. Since the other party has let me go, I have to return the favor.

Thinking of this, I Wang Guangming took out his Sagittarius switch from his arms, gently stroked the dark red shell, and murmured:

"I just don't know if my wish can be realized smoothly... What do you say?"

"I can."

"No hesitation at all."

Speaking of this, I Wang Guangming stood up, looked at the Virgo beside him, and said:

"To me, you are special, so I hope that the person who witnesses the gift with me is you."

"I am honored..."

Nobuhiko didn't know what happened in the office. After bidding farewell to I Wang Guangming, Jian Jian and Silina and others gave some instructions, and then left directly.

His destination is Tokyo.

Before, because he had to deal with the affairs of Consortium X, he didn't pay attention to the White Mage, but now, the head of Consortium X was caught in one fell swoop, and Knight No. 1 led people to clear out its remaining forces, so now he has time to deal with this matter.

At least he has to see the current situation of the White Mage.

However, when he rode his motorcycle to Tokyo, he was keenly aware of the unusual atmosphere in the air.

"Is this feeling... magic?"

Nobuhiko's eyes wrinkled slightly, and subtle magic enveloped the city of Tokyo, like a barrier, covering the entire city, and the magic was gathering rapidly, as if something was about to happen.


At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened.

The disturbing purple light enveloped the entire sky, and then the sun in the sky was slowly covered by the shadow - the solar eclipse appeared.

The people of Tokyo watched all this in horror, and the sudden change made them at a loss.

At this moment, four beams of light suddenly lit up around the city, and the beams of light shot straight into the sky. In an instant, large pieces of cracks opened on the ground and penetrated the entire city. Before the people in the city could react, the strange red light quickly lit up through the cracks.

Under this light, all the people collapsed to the ground in pain, and some people even had large purple cracks on their faces.

All this may sound long, but in fact it only took a few seconds.

And Xinyan also understood what happened at this moment:

"Magic Feast?"

The magic that runs through the entire story of Wizard can sacrifice humans in a region, gather a large amount of magic power and cooperate with the Philosopher's Stone to revive the dead. Almost all the active phantoms in Wizard TV come from the Magic Feast prepared by Dimu Zou.

In the original drama, Dimu Zou also held a Magic Feast near the end, but was desperately interrupted by Beast Master.

But during this period of time, Wizard TV has not started, why is the Magic Feast held?

Could it be Dimu Zou?

The moment this idea came up, Xinyan rejected it. Even if Dimu Zou did not care about the lives of ordinary people, Dimu Li had been completely resurrected, and there was no need to go to the trouble of holding a Magic Feast again.

Then who held the Magic Feast this time?

Questions popped up in his mind one after another, but Nobuhiko was not slow and completed the transformation without hesitation.

Instantly, an ancient priest holding a staff appeared on the ground of Tokyo.

Shadow Moon·Earth Priest appears!

If you stand above Tokyo, you will find that the whole city of Tokyo is surrounded by a circular barrier, and the light columns in four directions are like stators that firmly nail the magic circle to the ground.

As for the center of the magic circle, it is naturally the battlefield.

"Hu... Hu..."

The white magician gasped heavily, his white robe was stained red with blood, and his eyes stared at the golden magician in front of him through the gem-like mask.

The golden magician casually swung the halberd of death to shake off the blood on the blade, and said slowly:

"You are indeed a genius. You can revive magic to this extent, and even reproduce the ultimate magic stone, the Philosopher's Stone. Thank you very much. It is not in vain that I left the clues of magic to you."

"What did you say?"

"Di Muzou, have you never thought about it? Why is it so coincidental that you just found the clues of magic at the moment of your despair, and why the clues of making artificial phantoms are so smooth? There is actually only one answer, that is, I have been assisting you, and your talent will only make me successful in the end."

The golden magician slowly walked forward and looked up at the magic in the sky:

"The Philosopher's Stone has an instinctive reaction to magic, and now, these magics will help me find the Philosopher's Stone. You are useless, human."

PS: I have not found out the origin of the golden magician, so his relationship with the white magician is just my secondary setting, don't take it seriously.

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