Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 434 Di Muli: Please let me become a magician (Second update)

In the world of knights, there is a "future that has already been born", but Nobuhiko's appearance makes the future of the timeline unclear.

This naturally attracted the attention of some people, but Nobuhiko's actions unexpectedly attracted the attention of some people.

Just like that, the big net from the future began to close in on Nobuhiko.

However, Nobuhiko didn’t know much about this, so he returned the ring to Wajima:

"Traveling through time is a very dangerous act, but similarly, such methods are necessary when facing some enemies. I believe Haruto can make good use of it himself."

"That's the case, then I'll be relieved."

After hearing Nobuhiko's assurance, Wajima breathed a sigh of relief. He was frightened by the ominous premonition brought by the magic ring in the past few days, but now he felt relaxed.

The conversation became more relaxed, and Wajima and Nobuhiko started chatting about some things.

At the same time, the movement upstairs seemed to slow down.

Upon noticing this change, Wajima showed a knowing smile:

"It's hard for them. If it wasn't about magicians and phantoms, they should have their own lives instead of discussing issues of life and death here."

At the end of the sentence, his tone couldn't help but become heavy again.

"It seems that Fu Maqinguto is only in his early twenties, and Fumio is not even twenty. Many people at this age are in school."

Nobuhiko also thought thoughtfully. According to his past life experience, people of this age are basically on campus, and even if they are extremely talented, they will graduate from college.

However, in this country, men reach the legal age of marriage at 18 and women reach the legal age of marriage at 16. Coupled with social customs, there are many people who enter the society after graduating from high school.

"Indeed, but there are also many people who go to work in society after graduation... Mr. Qiuyue seems to have something to do with Amanokawa, right?"

Having said this, Wajima seemed to have thought of something and asked Nobuhiko.

Hearing this, Nobuhiko raised his eyebrows slightly:

"Well, I am the nominal director of Amagawa High School. Did anything happen to Amagawa?"

"Don't you know? There have been recent rumors on the Internet about monsters attacking students at Amagawa School. Although no newspapers reported it, it has almost become an urban legend. The Metropolitan Police Department seems to have been involved."

Wajima said to Nobuhiko with some confusion.

"I recently went out of town for some things. I'm not sure about the details. Thank you. I'll ask."

Nobuhiko said as he stood up and walked outside the Menkagedo Hall.

In his impression, the constant appearance of star disciples in Amagawa High School has indeed attracted a lot of attention. The police have entered the school more than once and asked for investigation, but they were all fooled by Ga Guangming's use of hypnosis ability.

But from what Wajima said, it seems like there has been a lot of trouble recently?

Thinking of this, Nobuhiko contacted Silina and Zelena through telepathy. As the two sages he created, his relationship with them is like the Black God and his subordinates.

Kurokami once directly controlled his subordinate Jellyfish Lord to convey messages to humans, but Nobuhiko was not used to this method.


Silina's voice sounded, with a hint of surprise in her tone.

"There was an accident. I just came back now. I heard something happened at the school? Are you okay?"

"There are many more people becoming Star Disciples, but don't worry, it won't have any impact on us."

"That's good, I'll go back later."


After hanging up the communication, Nobuhiko felt relieved and turned towards the Menkagedo Hall.

However, at this moment, Silena and Zelena, who had hung up the communication, were standing in the empty stadium with frowning eyebrows - it happened to be summer vacation, and only club members who came for training were left in the stadium.

But at this moment, members of various sports clubs fell to the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead. In the center of the crowd, a man wearing a red coat, holding a folding fan, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, looking a little frivolous, was sitting among the crowd. , with an annoying expression on his face:

"Oh, I didn't expect all the famous singers to come here. I'm so honored."

"It's been a year since that title, thank you for still remembering it."

Zelena rubbed her brows and couldn't help but complain.

Silina looked at him indifferently and said aloud:

"Why did you call us here? Onigashima Natsu'er?"

Onigashima Natsuji, a second-year student at Amagawa Academy High School and the president of the Rakugo Research Club.

In one operation, Fourze prevented Libra from selecting the constellation apostle. The unused star disciple switch also fell to the ground. Onigashima Natsu'er happened to pick it up when passing by the scene.

And this got out of hand, Onijima Natsujima became a Pegasus, and then, contrary to everyone's expectations, it drastically evolved into a Cancer, one of the zodiac signs.

Silena and Zelena saw all this, but did not care.

But no one expected that the other party would call them here during the summer vacation.

"Don't be so nervous? In fact, I can see that you are different from other members of the Kamen Rider Club. You feel a bit distant. What do you think? Do you want to join forces with me?"

"I don't know what you are planning, but..."

Silina frowned slightly, and flicked her right hand to her waist, and a belt composed of the power of darkness representing the Venerable appeared:

"What qualifications do you have to join forces with us?"

"Oh... interesting, it turns out you can also transform. I'm even more excited."

Onigashima Natsu'er seemed to have seen something surprising and took out her own switch.

On the other side, a figure in a brown school uniform who was incompatible with the Amagawa students was hiding at the gate of the stadium, looking at this scene in surprise:

"Are those two people also Kamen Riders?"

The battle is about to break out.

On the other side, in the Mianying Hall, the emotionally stable Koyomi Dimu and Kao Zhenqing walked down the stairs. It could be seen that Dimu Koyomi seemed to have cried once, and his eyes were red.

Fu Zhenqing's face was also flushed, and he seemed very embarrassed.

"Looks like you two have reconciled."

Nobuhiko teased. Hearing this, Kao Maharuto scratched his head in embarrassment. He looked at Koyomi Fueki next to him and said loudly:

"Well, I understand. Since Mr. Bai... Dimu entrusted the calendar to me, I have to take responsibility. But before that, I want to ask Mr. Qiuyue for something."

"What's up?"


Speaking of this, Kao Zhenqing was a little hesitant and seemed to find it difficult to speak.

But Tomoru stood up and bowed deeply to Nobuhiko, pleading:

"Please, Mr. Qiuyue, please let me become a magician too!"


"I have decided that I cannot become a burden to Haruto. I must at least have the power to protect myself. And...those phantoms are the mistakes my father made, and I must take responsibility..."

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