Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 47: Total destruction, the Cressis monster

When the three captains were defeated, the monsters of Cressis also ushered in their doomsday.

ZX's eyes kept scanning Baimu Po's body. As a 99% modified person, his high-tech eyes gave him keen insight. In just a moment, he noticed the abnormality of the scepter in Baimu Po's hand.

"That's it! Micro chain!"

The chain with flying claws flew out of his hand, accurately passed through Baimu Po's flames, and hit the eyeball on the scepter.


The eyeball exploded, followed by Baimu Po's painful wail.

But ZX did not stop, but took the opportunity to release 50,000 volts of current through the chain, washing Baimu Po's body. Baimu Po's body was constantly twisted and finally turned into a huge eyeball.

Not only Baimu Po, but another monster demon demon clan Sky also fell into a disadvantage.

Sky Knight crossed his hands and spun at high speed. The magic power of Sky Monster was completely reversed by him. Then, Sky Knight disappeared from the spot. That was the acceleration power that Sky Knight was proud of. In just a moment, Sky Knight came to Sky Monster, raised his hand and punched it to break its weapon, and knocked its whole body away, colliding with the big eyeball-shaped Baimu Po.

The two knights met and then used their own special skills together.

"ZX Flame Kick!"

"Sky Kick!"

Accompanied by two shouts, the two kicks hit the monsters without reservation, causing the two monsters to return to the underworld.

Similarly, this means that the entire battlefield has entered the final stage.


Super1's fist hit Spingray's barrier, but it did not break it. Instead, he was repelled.

Spingray took the opportunity to open his abdomen, and rows of shells were fired instantly, but almost at the same time, Super1 activated his own weapon:

"Hot and cold hands--!"

The power of flames and cold air intertwined and shot out, blocking Spingray's barrage.

Then, Super1 jumped up, and the red power hand was dressed. Seeing this, Spingray wanted to use the same trick again and activated the barrier again to resist.

But this time, he was greeted by Super1's ultimate move:

"Megaton Punch!"

The fist of a million tons of power broke through Spingray's barrier and hit it hard in its abdomen, penetrating it together with the shell launcher in its abdomen.

"Electric Shock!"

On the other side, Stronger's right fist suddenly hit the ground, and the high-voltage current directly hit Baronberon along the ground, knocking it to the ground.


The explosion sounded, and the two monsters also fell into the underworld.


The Amazon bit Gainajagum's shoulder like a beast, blood gushing out, and then kicked him away, dodging Gainajagum's darts in return.

Behind Gainajagum, X-Knight waved Rider, breaking the remaining five arms of Shura God one by one, and the flames of the explosion rose up, and then X-Knight easily picked up the remains of Shura God.

"Big Cut!"

"X Kick!"

The two knights crossed each other, and Shura God and Gainajagum fell to the ground.

The battle between V3 and the Knight Man was even more cleanly won. Will Ghost and Rick Buck, who had already been severely injured, could not launch an effective counterattack at all, and were easily defeated by the combined attack of the two.

In the end, only Kamen Rider No. 1 and Kamen Rider No. 2 were left to fight against Hellgadim.


The explosion rose, and the two knights were knocked to the ground. Hellgadim was worthy of being the strongest warrior of the Monster Robot Brigade, and its power was far beyond the imagination of the two knights.

"Knight Fist--!"

No. 2 jumped up and aimed at Hellgadim's head to perform a special move, but Hellgadim did not dodge or evade. He turned into purple smoke and avoided No. 2's special move. Then he came behind No. 1 who wanted to support him, wrapped his body, and then condensed into substance to bind him.

"Knight No. 1!"

"Get out of my way!"

Hellgadim's right hand shot out like a cannonball and knocked No. 2 down head-on.

At this moment, the two knights seemed to be in a complete desperate situation facing Hellgadim, a biochemical robot.

But... is it really so?


Accompanied by a shout, Knight No. 1's leg muscles suddenly increased their strength, and the whole person jumped up like a locust. Because his hands were still locked, Knight No. 1 directly used inertia to flip his whole body behind Hellgadim, and at the same time hit its back with a knee.


The back of Hellgadim suddenly exploded, and even the vortex equipment inside was destroyed. The terrifying attack forced Hellgadim to loosen the hands that locked Knight No. 1.

But it was not over yet. What greeted him was the fiery fist of Knight No. 2 - the knight's fist with all his strength, hitting Hellgadim's face fiercely.

This punch easily knocked his head off.


Hellgadim couldn't understand. According to the data in the Fortress of Cressis, Kamen Rider No. 1 and Kamen Rider No. 2, as the original knights, did not have any special abilities. As a biochemical robot, he should be able to perfectly restrain them.

But why did he fall into a disadvantage?

Faced with his question, Knight No. 1 said:

"We do not have the special abilities of others, but our bodies are the best weapons. We have experienced many battles so far. It is impossible to defeat us by relying on the identity of so-called biochemical robots!"

"That's right!"

After that, the two knights jumped at the same time, and the wind in the valley surrounded their bodies, giving them stronger power.

"Rider Hammer Kick!"


The special moves learned through hard training were released at the same time at this moment.

The terrifying kick hit the body of Hellgadim. The strongest warrior of the Monster Robot Brigade finally died in the hands of the two original knights.

So far, all the monsters sent by the Chrysis Empire have been wiped out!

The twelve knights gathered together, and they won a great victory in this battle!

However, General Jagu in the Chrysis Fortress no longer had the mind to pay attention to the knights. At this moment, he was kneeling on one knee, and in front of him was Dasmada.

It is hard to imagine that General Jagu, the top noble in the Chrysis Empire, would be so humble to a person, so there is no doubt about the identity of this person.

"The great Emperor Chrysis."

General Jagu said to Dasmada.

And Dasmada smiled slightly, with a fiery red light in his eyes:

"Jagu, you failed again."

"I am very sorry, Your Majesty."

"The loser will only die. The four captains have paid the price for this. What about you?"

"Please give me another chance. I will use my life to solve the Kamen Riders!"

"It's useless. I have already chosen the person to defeat them. This plan is my last chance for you!"

Dasmada said coldly. At the same time, he waved his hand, and a figure slowly appeared behind him.

The moment he saw this figure, General Jagu showed a surprised expression:

"This is--"

"The strongest monster, Granzais, the end of Kamen Rider has come."

A creepy smile appeared on the corner of Dasmada's mouth, and then he looked at General Jagu, and the red light in his eyes became even brighter.

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