Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 450 Resurrection and Friendship (Second Update)

"Let's go, I hope the Lord wants to see you."

Virgo didn't want to say anything more on this topic. He glanced at the silver figure outside the window, then raised his scepter, a black hole appeared, and the three of them disappeared.

After they disappeared, Nobuhiko came to the empty stadium, looked at the lifeless Sakuta Ryusei lying on the ground, frowned slightly, and then pointed his right hand at Sakuda Ryusei, but when he reached halfway, he He raised his eyebrows slightly and focused his gaze on Meteor's heart:

"Interesting, is this a miracle of friendship? I don't know how it will develop in the future?"

With this in mind, he took away Meteor's transformer, turned around and disappeared into the stadium.

At the same time, in the red room, I looked into the light and listened to the reports of Virgo and Leo, and nodded thoughtfully:

"I see, the meteror is a meteor, and it's already dead..."

"I'm very sorry. Because Akizuki Nobuhiko was at the scene, I didn't recover the meter's drive to avoid any accidents."

Virgo said very apologetically.

Leo on the side sneered:

"There is no need to be timid at all. Anyone who dares to hinder me from seeing the Lord will be dealt with without hesitation!"

"Nobuhiko Akizuki is not someone who can be easily solved. Leo, use your brain."

Virgo retorted without mercy.

It was at this moment that I looked at Guangming and spoke:

"Well, it's really better not to have a head-on conflict with him during this period, but Aries..."

I looked at Guangming and turned to look at Yamada who had turned back into human form. The latter had broken out in a cold sweat before he knew it. During Subaru High School, he never took the initiative to see me and looked at Guangming. Now, he noticed that the chairman Yamada felt tremendous pressure due to the unfathomable strength.

Unexpectedly, I looked into the light and said:

"I'm very optimistic about your script, so just keep working on it. I hope there will be something that makes my eyes shine."

"As you wish."

A confident smile appeared on Aries' face.

At the same time, in the Jade Rabbit cabin, under the expectant eyes of everyone, the singer Xianwu was trying his best to use the medical switch to save the other party, but it still didn't work, and Taro Kiryuexian still had no breath.

"No, it's no use at all."

"How is it possible? Xiaoxian... doesn't want it!!!"

Jojima Yuki, who grew up with Kisaragi Gentarou since childhood, had wet eyes and stared at Kisaragi Gentarou's body in disbelief. Not only her, but others also had the same expression.

Everyone in the Kamen Rider Club was saved by Taro Kisaragi, but he died just like that.

Miu Kazuki, Hayabusa Daimonji, JK, Yuko Nozama, and even Mr. Oshirt...everyone who had been saved by Gentarou gathered here.

Seeing this scene, Silena and Zelena, who were silent on the side, suddenly stood up and walked towards the door. They seemed to have made up their minds.

"Classmate Silina, what are you guys doing?"

Sensing the two men's movements, Shirojima Yuuki raised his wet eyes and asked doubtfully.

"Go find someone who can save him."


As soon as these words were spoken, the members of the Kamen Rider Club focused their attention on the two of them, with surprise in their eyes, just like a drowning person seeing the life-saving straw.

"Is this really okay?"

"Yes, the premise is that we can ask that adult to take action."

Zelena nodded and added.

"who's that person?"

Singer Xianwu asked anxiously.

At this moment, the door of the Jade Rabbit Cabin opened, and a voice sounded:

"It seems I came at the right time."

Nobuhiko in a white suit walked in. The moment they saw him, everyone's eyes widened.

"Director Qiuyue? Why do you know this place..."

Speaking of this, the singer Xianwu also suddenly realized that Silena, Zelena and Mezier were all closely related to him, so they naturally knew the situation here.

However, the fact that Akizuki Nobuhiko appears here means——

--"Could it be that--"

At this moment, Silena and Zelena knelt down on one knee in front of Nobuhiko without hesitation.

"Master, please take action to save Taro Kisaragi."

"That's our only plea, please."

This action caused silence in the Jade Rabbit cabin. Seeing this scene, singer Kengo and others also reacted. It was obvious that the person who could save Gentarou was indeed Nobuhiko.

In that case——

——"Stop! You get up first."

Nobuhiko, who was caught off guard by this scene, rubbed his brows and stretched out his hand to stop the singer Kengo and others from kneeling down to plead.

No, Silena and Zelena have learned this problem after living in this country for a long time?

But then again, he really didn't expect Tsurugi Kisaragi to be so important to them, it was a bit beyond expectation.

"Don't worry, Taro Kisaragi is not a man who will fall here. Besides, you have actually saved him a long time ago because of your friendship."


Singer Kengo and others didn't know why, but Nobuhiko stepped forward and pulled the rope from Kisaragi Gentaro's neck - he pulled the broken amulet out of his shirt.

Seeing this scene, Nozama Tomoko covered her mouth and said in surprise:

"My magic..."

"Well, the power of Kamen Rider is also divided into different types. The magician's power comes from hope, and the source of Fourze's power is the bond of friendship!"

Nobuhiko said as he stretched out his hand and injected his power into the body of Kisaragi Gentaro.

Unlike the original work, the amulet of Nozama Tomoko allowed Kisaragi Gentaro to retain his life. In layman's terms, he was trapped in a blood lock state, which was easier to solve than the original work.

Bathed in the divine power full of life, Kisaragi Gentaro slowly opened his eyes.



"Xiao Gen!"

"Brother Gentaro!"

Amid the surprised calls of the crowd, Kisaragi Gentaro slowly sat up. He looked around in confusion, and then he looked at Nobuhiko who appeared in front of him, with a smile on his face:

"Did you save me, Teacher Akizuki?"

"No, it was your partner who saved you. I just accelerated your recovery."

As he said that, he turned his head to look outside the hatch of the Jade Rabbit cabin and said:

"Now, it is also an opportunity for you to fully control switch No. 40."

"Huh? How to do it?"

When the singer Kengo heard this, the smile on his face instantly turned into surprise.

Nobuhiko pointed to the outside of the Jade Rabbit cabin:

"On the outer wall of the Jade Rabbit cabin, there is information left by the founder of Fourze, which is also the key to mastering the strongest power of Fourze, and then-"

At this point, Nobuhiko took out the driver of Meteor and handed it to Gentarou Kisaragi:

"-Do it according to your will, Gentarou Kisaragi-Kamen Rider Fourze!"

At the same time, in the stadium, Meteor slowly opened his eyes:

"I'm not dead?"

He touched his chest in confusion, and then seemed to think of something, and reached out to take out the broken amulet from his pocket. Seeing this scene, he was stunned.

Then, as if he was severely stimulated, he let out a sad wail.

"Not dead yet, Meteor-san."

Just then, a figure walked into the stadium. Yamada was surprised, but then said indifferently:

"Then fulfill the deal quickly, I am a good person who abides by the agreement..."

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