Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 471 Xin Yan: Why are you in my room? (Update 1)

The wind is blowing.

The pirate sailboat has been repaired and set sail.

Marberas stood in front of the huge blade at the bow of the ship, his red trench coat fluttering in the wind. In his hand, a treasure box filled with the Connector's keys lay quietly in the box.

Looking at this box of treasures that witnessed his dreams and the experiences of his companions, Marbellas smiled slightly and held it high.

The treasure chest suddenly opened, and hundreds of connector keys seemed to sense Marbellas's thoughts. Each one shone with golden light, automatically floated, and flew to various places.

They were returned to their original owners, and for a moment, it seemed as if a golden rain had fallen on the entire island country.

"Just return them all?"

Nobuhiko's voice sounded behind Marbellas. Marbellas's face did not show any regret at returning the treasure, but he said very freely:

"The biggest treasure in the universe has been destroyed. These things are meaningless to pirates, so just be a good person."

Damn arrogant.

Nobuhiko complained in his mind.

At this moment, Marbellas's eyes were attracted to the contents of the box - inside, the seven knight keys were still sitting quietly at the bottom of the box without any movement.

Seeing this, Marbellas turned around suspiciously and looked at Nobuhiko and Kotaro.

"Take it, you may need it on your future journeys. Besides, wouldn't it be great to have a group of reliable space pirates as partners?"

Although he did not have a deep relationship with the Pirates, Kotaro recognized this group of young people full of dreams and hopes - even if they were not from Earth.

"You can come to us anytime if you want."

Feeling the kindness of the two, Marbellas accepted the key without hesitation, and Nobuhiko curiously asked Marbellas:

"Where are you going next?"

According to the plot of the subsequent theatrical version, this group of people seemed to have directly broke into the headquarters of the Cruel Empire. As a result, they misjudged the strength of the opponent and were almost beaten to death. Then they pretended to surrender and returned to Earth to stage a plot of seniors beating juniors. .

"Since the largest treasure in the universe has been destroyed, let's go find the second largest treasure in the universe. Anyway, pirates want a lot of things."

The corners of Marbellas' mouth slightly raised, and he looked up - the huge pirate flag was fluttering in the wind, and at the top of the flag, a red figure loomed, and he nodded slightly to Marbellas.

"The second greatest treasure in the universe...it's really good."

Looking at the high-spirited Marbellas, Nobuhiko murmured.


The world of knights.

After finishing fighting side by side with the Pirates, Kotaro and Nobuhiko returned here.

However, Kotaro looked at Nobuhiko and opened his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to say something.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing this, Nobuhiko asked with some confusion.

"Want to go back? Everyone is thinking about you very much."

"...Let's forget it, there's still something else to do now."

Nobuhiko shook his head, but he was just trying to avoid it. In his heart, he might still instinctively keep a distance from Akizuki Nobuhiko's former family members.

"Really? Actually, you also have a home here."

Initially, they refused on the grounds that it was best not for two Emperor Stone owners to stay together. However, as the worlds merged, this reason seemed to be untenable.

Kotaro could vaguely feel that Nobuhiko might be subconsciously avoiding too much contact with the Sawara family.

Of course, this is understandable. It is not that Nobuhiko is deliberately alienated from the Sawara family, Kyoko and others. Once something happens to them, Nobuhiko will not hesitate to go to the rescue. However, the soul from another world may not regard it as a real one. This is just a human instinctive reaction.

Nobuhiko's own personality is a bit happy-go-lucky. Now there is no financial pressure, and there are no threats to his life. He seems to be muddle along.


Nobuhiko murmured as he muttered this word that seemed a little distant to him.

How long has it been since you traveled through time?

I don’t seem to have calculated it deliberately, but things like home are indeed luxuries in a sense.

"I will go back when I have time."


Kotaro didn't say anything more, turned around and got on the Laidron and drove towards home.

However, Nobuhiko did not use his ability to teleport back to the Amagawa River. Instead, he rode on the Amazing Locust and drove all the way towards the Amagawa River.

The speed did not reach the extreme, but kept speeding on the road at a speed of seventy or eighty kilometers per hour.

Let your heart shine while riding.

The plot of fourze and wizard has been completely disrupted. He seemed to be doing nothing for a while, as if he had temporarily lost his goal. After all, even Swaruz had his ashes physically raised by him, and the remaining Ola and Ur, it seems that there is no need to go all out to find it.

With a leisurely mood, Nobuhiko returned to his home in Amagawa.

Although I only did two things, it seems like a long time has passed here.

Silena and Zelena were very surprised to see him coming back, and explained to him the current situation - Fourze had defeated Aquarius, and only Taurus and Gemini remained among the twelve apostles who had not yet appeared.

It is worth mentioning that the Pisces Apostle has appeared some time ago. She is a girl among the freshmen. In order to protect her childhood sweetheart, Libra used a trick to make her press the switch.

Because the girl had dealt with Gentarou before she transformed into a star disciple, Libra and Leo snatched the other's switch as quickly as possible and disappeared.

"Gentaro is planning to have a face-to-face meeting with Chairman Wang recently."

Silina said so.

The battle between the twelve star disciples is getting more and more intense, and Fourze's cosmic form has become more and more proficient. Perhaps because of this, the singer Kengo agreed to Gentarou's seemingly extremely risky idea.

"It's very much his style."

Nobuhiko nodded slightly. He didn't have any opinion on this. Anyway, among the villains of the new decade, Wang Guangming is not considered evil in a sense. In the end, the result is either the teacher beats the student, or the student beats the teacher.

"I know, you should be careful too, maybe Wang Guangming can't help but take action."


Silina agreed, and then walked towards her bedroom. After the third grade, the academic pressure has also increased, and there are more homework and so on. She has become busy recently.

Xinyan stretched his body, stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

After fighting several battles, he had consumed some of his energy. He was a little tired now. After washing up, he returned to his room and planned to have a good sleep.

However, the moment he opened the door, he found that someone had been sitting on his bed waiting for him for a long time - it was Metzler.

At this moment, she was wearing pajamas and sitting on her bed.

Seeing this scene, Xinyan lost all sleepiness and looked around.

Yes, it was his room.

So, the question is, why is Metzler here?

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