Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 507 Only children make choices, I want them all (1st update)

"What fruit?"

Nobuhiko looked at Xiangra with some curiosity. This snake in the Garden of Eden had hidden many tricks, and he could pull off a big surprise from time to time. For example, he was the one who created Kaiwu's Katsuko and the silver apple in the movie version.

Xiangraku didn't say much, he just took out a lock seed from his arms and threw it to Nobuhiko.

Nobuhiko took it and examined it carefully, and found that it was a lock seed with a yellow fruit carved on it. The fruit was very round and looked familiar. He subconsciously activated the lock seed, and a crisp prompt sounded:



Nobuhiko looked at Xiangraku with some confusion, and Xiangraku smiled slightly:

"In a certain country, this fruit is seen as a symbol of wanderers and the moon, so it should suit you very well."

"I see."

Nobuhiko nodded slightly, it was indeed suitable for him, but for what purpose did Xiangraku, a guy who seemed extremely mysterious in the entire Kaiwu TV show, suddenly help him?

Seemingly sensing Nobuhiko's thoughts, Xiangra explained calmly:

"Since the moment you got the golden fruit, I can't see the future at all, so I want to see what you plan to do. It's convenient to help you."

"That's right. I'll accept it then. Thank you very much."

Then, Nobuhiko turned to look at Bai Ya and said:

"Let's move on, what do you think?"


Bai Ya did not hesitate this time. One was his late wife whom he missed day and night, and the other was an enemy who once wanted to cause a war of overlords. Any fool knew how to choose.

So, Bai Ya took Nobuhiko into the place where the princess's coffin was stored.

Nobuhiko has done this kind of thing like resurrecting life many times, and he can be said to be familiar with it. However, it took a little effort for the princess. On the one hand, the princess had been dead for a long time, and on the other hand, she was suffering from the side effects of the golden fruit. Dying of old age is not considered a normal death. Fortunately, according to the current condition of the princess's body, she can be resurrected as long as she provides enough vitality.

And Nobuhiko can do this——

——The brilliance of the Moon Emperor Stone bloomed in the dim cave. The God's emblem representing creation transformed the power of the Emperor Stone into life force and continuously released it towards the coffin.

In the full breath of life, the coffin quietly opened, and a slender hand slowly stretched out from the coffin.


Bai Ya stretched out his hand tremblingly, and held his two hands tightly together.

After endless years, the two lives that missed each other finally meet again. This is a miracle that spans life and death, even for Bai Ya who has the golden fruit.

Seeing the two people reunited across life and death, Nobuhiko turned around and left quietly, leaving space for Bai Ya and his princess. After such a long time of separation between yin and yang, there should be a lot to say between the two.

Arriving at the entrance of the cave, Nobuhiko was a little surprised to find that Xiangraku had not left, and seemed to be waiting for him on purpose.

After seeing Nobuhiko come out, Xiangraku stepped forward and asked:


"Can't you feel it?"

"It is indeed a very powerful vitality. The side effects of the golden fruit cannot be compensated by the power of the golden fruit. This is the same even for Bai Ya. Your decision has indeed eliminated his obsession for so many years."

Having said this, Xiangra paused and asked Nobuhiko:

"But why are you so interested in golden apples? With your power, except for the golden fruit, there is no difference between any locked species, right?"

"Everything in life cannot be measured by power. That would be too boring. I just think that since we are selecting users for the golden fruit, it cannot be justified without using the power of the Helheim Forest. It just so happens that for the light-gold Apple Lock I’m quite interested in growing it—by the way, you seem to have an apple lock seed too, right?”

Suddenly, Nobuhiko seemed to have thought of something and turned to look at Xiangraku.

Hearing this, Xiangle was stunned for a moment, then shook his head helplessly:

"Sometimes I doubt whether you can see through this chaotic future. Yes, that lock seed was indeed prepared by me for Lapis to deal with Guangjin. Since you are eyeing Guangjin, there must be no use for it. It’s strong—wait, do you still want that lock seed?”

"Ever heard of a human word?"


"Children only make choices, adults want them all."

Nobuhiko stretched:

"Anyway, I plan to make this battle more interesting, so as the referee, it is normal for me to collect a few more locked species."

"……All right."

Xiangraku thought for a moment and realized that the Silver Apple Lock Seed was indeed of no use in his own hands. He might as well give it to Nobuhiko and see what tricks he could come up with.

So he casually took out the lock seed and handed it to Nobuhiko.

After an unknown period of time, Bai Ya walked out of the cave. He was obviously very excited. Compared with the dead silence before, Bai Ya seemed to be resurrected at this moment!

"Thank you very much."

Looking at the man who fulfilled his wish, Bai Ya said to Nobuhiko in the most sincere tone.

And Nobuhiko waved his hand:

"That's what was agreed."

“But to me, it’s a treasure that’s nothing short of a miracle.”

As he spoke, Bai Ya waved his hand, and the dense vines around him spread out as if they were alive. Suddenly, a road leading to the distance appeared in the dense jungle.

"This is the road leading to the place where the light gold is sealed. I have informed Rabis. You can handle the rest."

"I know."

Nobuhiko nodded slightly, and Bai Ya turned and walked towards the cave. Thousands of years have made his thoughts reach the extreme. At this moment, he is not willing to waste a minute.

Nobuhiko and Sagara looked at each other and walked towards the newly opened road.


"This is the stone slab that seals the light gold."

Under the inconspicuous cliff, Rabis, who mimicked humans, appeared in front of Nobuhiko and Sagara, and handed the stone slab that had been prepared long ago to Nobuhiko.

The ancient stone slab was full of unknown golden runes, which made people feel awe.

Nobuhiko nodded with satisfaction and said to Rabis:

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Since we can really destroy him, it would be great, but..."

"What's wrong?"

"Is the decisive battle of your race about to begin?"

Rabis looked at Nobuhiko and asked hesitantly.

He didn't like killing, so he risked his life to seal the light gold seal that wanted to provoke a war. However, he knew clearly that with the Helheim Forest, the fighting and killing would never stop. Therefore, he was a little sad about this situation, especially when he woke up and learned that the Helheim Forest had invaded the human world.

"Well, it's about to start, but this time - no one should die."


Rabis looked up in surprise. After seeing Nobuhiko's peaceful face, he felt a sense of relief inexplicably in his heart. Then, a smile appeared on the face of the human boy:

"That's great, I should continue to fall asleep."

After saying that, Rabis's body turned into light and dissipated.

Nobuhiko looked at the stone slab in his hand, gently placed it on the ground, and then drew out the Satan Sword and chopped it down at the stone slab.

Crack -!

The stone slab was split in half, and a burst of red light suddenly bloomed. In that red light, a figure full of evil and tyranny slowly emerged...

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