Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 512 Judgment Time (Second Update)


A knight's fist collided fiercely with the wild boar alien. This giant alien, who was defeated by Kaiwu with watermelon armor in the original work, could only retreat in front of Nobuhiko at this moment.

With just one blow, the Wild Boar Foreigner's head-on collision was stopped from the front, which is evident in its strength.

"Interesting, this is the limit of Silver Apple's power. Next, it's ability."

Nobuhiko felt the power in his body while looking at the Wild Boar Stranger. At this moment, the Wild Boar Stranger who was forced to retreat opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of flames at Nobuhiko. Nobuhiko raised the scepter in his hand, a cross-shaped light The shield suddenly unfolded, deflecting all the attacks from the aliens.

After two moves, the foreigner was almost powerless to fight back.

"So strong!"

Baron, who witnessed all this, couldn't help but murmured that because of his childhood experience, he was born with an almost obsessive pursuit of power. Now, Nobuhiko's performance just hit his inner desire.

Nobuhiko didn't know that his actions had attracted Baron's attention, and he was now testing his power.

The silver apple lock seed, which represents order and justice, has been tested, and next is the grapefruit lock seed, which represents judgment.


Trial Arms! ! The forbidden fruit of judgment! !

A cold prompt sounded, the silver apple armor disappeared, a huge yellow grapefruit fell from the sky, and was placed on Nobuhiko's head. The armor spread out, and the red and yellow military commander's armor completed its transformation. The originally closed eye mask suddenly opened, revealing the red inside. His eyes, and the scepter in Nobuhiko's hand turned into a red shield and sword.


Looking at the Wild Boar Stranger charging forward again, Nobuhiko suddenly drew his sword. The shield based on the Apple Reflective Shield was swung out fiercely at this moment, hitting the Wild Boar Stranger's head head-on. The powerful force at this moment It showed up - a huge monster nearly ten meters long and three meters high was knocked to the ground by Nobuhiko's blow.


"Sure enough, if he specializes in combat, he will far surpass Silver Apple in this aspect. What's next?"

Nobuhiko looked at the wild boar that couldn't get up for a long time, and pressed the knife switch on the drive without hesitation.

Then, Nobuhiko suddenly pulled out the sword stuck on the shield. Under the entanglement of golden light, his body accelerated instantly and passed over the body of the wild boar alien.


The huge grapefruit shadow instantly enveloped the wild boar alien, and then was divided into eight petals, revealing the red flesh inside.



An explosion sounded, and the intruding giant wild boar alien disappeared in the explosion.

At the same time, all the other foreigners were killed due to the activities of Long Xuan and Kaiwu. In this temporary overtime match, the winner was decided.

For some reason, Baron on the side seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit. He just stood there, not participating in the battle, but staring at Nobuhiko's back.

"Okay, the winner has been decided."

Nobuhiko raised his left hand, and a kiwi fruit lock seed appeared in his hand.

Kuzu Ye Hongtai released the transformation, stepped forward to pick up the lock seed, and then handed it to Mitsumi who also released the transformation.

"Brother Hongtai?"

"It's thanks to you that I can win this time. It belongs to you naturally. Moreover, I also have a replacement lock seed."

The replacement lock that Kuzuye Hongtai mentioned was the pineapple lock that he received from other teams when he first got the belt, but he didn't have time to replace it in the battle just now.

Seeing this, Guangshi was not polite and reached out to take it.

Looking at the two people who were still brothers and sisters, Nobuhiko shook his head, snapped his fingers, and the surrounding energy arena disappeared instantly.

Then, he turned around and left the scene, but before leaving, he noticed a line of sight falling on him, which did not dissipate for a long time.

He turned his head slightly and looked around - Qi Wen Jiedou was standing there, staring at him, not caring about the outcome of the overtime match.

Interested in me?

Nobuhiko understood, and he probably guessed what the other party was thinking. People who pursue power are not uncommon in the tokusatsu world, and the battle for the golden fruit is one of them. It seems that this battle for the golden fruit will become very interesting.

However, now is not the time to think about this - the appearance of these foreigners must be planned by someone, and the person who planned it is obvious.


In the Forest of Helheim, Nobuhiko's figure quietly appeared here. Without hesitation, he went straight to Bai Ya's cave, and then - his own sensing ability was brought into full play at this moment, and he continued to move towards it with this as the center. Spread around.

This is the gathering place for overlord aliens, and such unabashed actions cannot hide from the attention of the surrounding overlords.

In an instant, a group of Overlord Foreigners came to the scene with a group of ordinary Foreigners.

In addition to the true red and emerald that Nobuhiko is familiar with, there are also overlord aliens that resemble peacocks and white horses.

Among them, Zhenhong and Jade had conflicts with Nobuhiko. Seeing Nobuhiko's arrival, Zhenhong instantly remembered his defeat at Nobuhiko's hands, and rushed towards Nobuhiko with a roar:

"How dare you show up? Smelly monkey!"

"Bai Ya should take care of the servants."

With that said, Nobuhiko completed his transformation instantly. He pulled out the Moon God Scepter before being hit. Just like in the previous battle, the purple-red sword blade slashed out, splitting the red sword into two instantly. Half, and Zhenhong himself was shot to the ground by Shadow Moon.


Seeing this scene, Jade seemed very angry:

"This is not your territory. Even if you are a god, you cannot be so presumptuous. Do you want to start a war with our overlord clan?"

"Joke, can you represent the Overlord clan? Jade, do you think too highly of yourself? Don't forget, the real king of the Overlord is Bai Ya, not you. Do you want to usurp the throne?"

"You - get on me!"

The furious Jade suddenly shouted, causing the surrounding foreigners to instantly assume a fighting stance and plan to pounce on Nobuhiko.

At this moment, a deep voice sounded:


The unparalleled terrifying power spread towards the surroundings. In an instant, all the foreigners stopped and even trembled. This was the instinctive reaction to face their own monarch.

"King, you came just in time, this human being is simply——"

"He is a being of the same level as me. You should show due respect. Moreover, he is right, Jade, you are not the king of the overlord clan."

Bai Ya didn't give Jade a chance to speak, but spoke calmly.

Invisible pressure instantly enveloped Jade, and she panicked. Bai Ya seemed different from before.

After doing this, Bai Ya looked at Yingyue, and his tone also changed:

"Come with me, Shadow Moon. The Forest of Helheim welcomes you, but you must give me an explanation for what happened before."


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