Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 553 The fight is over, time to get down to business (3rd update)

Although the intelligent system of Clexis Fortress is already under the control of Shadow Moon, it is just like a mobile phone. Shadow Moon is usually in a blocked state. You can open it when you want to check it. After all, no one likes it all the time. They all listened to the beeps from their cell phones.

However, after seeing the Fortress of Clexis appear on the scene, Shadow Moon had a slight guess at the other party's plan.

"You have your eye on this planet?"

"Kressis Fortress can only be used as a base. It would be a pity to destroy a planet where civilization has become a unified consciousness. I think it is very suitable as a gift to you."

"……speak nicely."

"Well, to put it simply, according to your attitude towards Clesis Fortress, this planet should also meet your desire to collect."

"emm, it doesn't seem impossible."

Looking at the severely damaged core of the Megahux planet in front of him, Shadow Moon thought for a moment and came up with an idea. He immediately transformed into the form of the Wise King of Heaven, with the propulsion device fully activated, and he quickly arrived at the split planet. between.

After being hit hard by the previous attack, even the power of Megahux's unified system could not complete the repair in a short time. Although the core was not destroyed, it did not completely avoid the previous attack. In addition, the sea The fighter's dagger attack was inevitably affected.

So, no matter how you look at it, the planet Megahux is in its weakest condition right now.


Shadow Moon approached the core, and then the Sotos shooter instantly transformed into sword mode and sank into the core - not destroying it, but directly allowing the supercomputer's brain to connect with the opponent.

Under the original circumstances, Shadow Moon would not have made such a risky move. After all, although his power was powerful, it was still too dangerous to face the will of the entire planet.

But now, despite the ups and downs, everything is going smoothly.

The function of the Megahux system has not been completely freed from the influence of the Shadow Flash, and coupled with the previous heavy damage, it cannot even form effective resistance at all.

Shadow Moon successfully invaded the opponent's system and seized command. With precise calculations, countless tentacles spread out between the two halves of the planet to connect them together, preventing the planet's collapse from spreading further.

Immediately afterwards, Fortress of Chrysis descended from the sky, stretched out countless tentacles and sank into the core of the planet, taking over the control of Shadow Moon. Under Shadow Moon's will, the repair work of Planet Megahux had begun.

Because of the special nature of its planet, the restoration work that took over control of the system went smoothly.

However, just when the planet was stabilized, Shadow Moon issued an order to the central system of Clesis Fortress——

——"Completely clear Megahux's system without affecting the condition of the planet."

This order confused the artificial intelligence system of Chrysis Fortress, not only it, but also Metzl and the three priests.

"Lord Qiuyue, most of the specialness of this planet lies in Megahux's system. If the system is completely eliminated, it will probably be just a special fortress."

"that's enough."

Faced with Mezzer's question, Shadow Moon gave this reply. He is not a light virus or an alien cell. He is not interested in establishing a unified will. He is a planetary fortress that can move freely in the universe. It's enough. What's more, after seeing so many special photography works, I still understand a basic rule - Shadow Moon -

——When facing foreign technology that is not your own, it is best to control it with the most cautious attitude. The most important thing is the control system. You must replace it with your own. Never think that you have enough technical skills to control the original one.

The creator of the most powerful weapon of mankind for two generations used blood and tears to set a perfect negative example for future generations!

In this way, under Shadow Moon's order, the artificial intelligence of Chrysis Fortress faithfully carried out its orders.


On the outskirts of Zeya City, Megahux's body has returned to its previous size, because in front of the three upgraded knights, the huge size is undoubtedly a living target.

Moreover, everything that happened in the universe was accurately conveyed to its mind, so it was unwilling to fight and planned to return to the universe support base as quickly as possible.

However, this time, it was the three knights' turn to refuse.

Kuzuye Hongtai kept switching between different weapons. Although it was only the first time to use it, he used each weapon very skillfully. He was like the oldest king commanding the treasure trove, constantly bombarding Megahex's body. .

On the other side, Takatora Kureshima had a giant sword in one hand and a shield in the other. He collided with Megahux's body head-on. The strong shield easily withstood the opponent's attack, and every blow of the giant sword in his hand could Leaving deep scars on Megahex's body.

Megahux roared angrily and wanted to fight back, but the vines shot out from all around like ghosts, locking the opponent's joints accurately. Even if it could break free, it would greatly interfere with its movements - this is the Expelling Pattern Jiedou's ability.

With the precise cooperation of the three people, Megahux's body was tightly bound by the vines, and then was thrown away like a ball, hitting the ground heavily.

"Impossible, this is impossible... the great unified system can actually-"

"I've heard enough of what you said, let me end this farce!"

With that said, Ge Yehongtai said to his companions beside him:

"Let's go together, the final blow!"


"Don't order me!"

The three of them pressed the driver at the same time, and then three rays of light of different colors suddenly rose up. Surrounded by the light, three terrifying knight kicks were performed at the same time, rushing towards each other at high speed from all angles.


As the three figures of both sides crossed, the only remaining Mejia Hex individual dissipated in the explosion.

Ironically, as a robot, it roared unwillingly before dying.

"Huh... It's finally over."

Kuroya Kota immediately canceled the transformation and collapsed on the ground. The long battle had exhausted him. Qiwen Jiedou was in the same situation, but he still held on and didn't sit down.

"Hey, Guihu, you should also cancel the transformation quickly. The battle is over."

Kuroya Kota said to Wudao Guihu.


Wudao Guihu stretched out his hand and gently closed the lock.

The armor on his body dissipated instantly.

However, at this moment, his body lost its center of gravity and fell heavily to the ground.

"Gui Hu!!!"

In the Earth Library, Philip breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the books that had returned to normal:

"Although there was an accident at the end, it was still smooth."

"It looks like it's over. I'll leave first. Come on."

"By the way, Sister Wakana, about the previous incident..."

"Come on, it's not a good habit to tease your sister's marriage, and it seems that mother has begun to consider your situation."

"Ah this... I don't think I need that, hahahaha."

A rare awkward laugh rose inside the Earth Library.

Another world-destroying crisis on Earth has come to an end.

However, this is just the end of a small episode. Next, it is the final battle for the golden fruit!

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