Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 557 The Origin of Destiny (Update 1)

In another area of ​​the valley, Kuzuya Kota and Kimon Kaito looked at each other from a distance. Although they had just experienced a battle and their physical strength was greatly consumed, both sides were now on the same level.

"It's finally time."

Kimon Kaito slowly raised the huge knight's gun, and his eyes hidden under the mask were full of fighting spirit.

This is a battle that determines fate, not only the fate of the earth, but also his fate.

Whether he wins or loses, he will fight with all his strength.

This time, Kuzuya Kota didn't say much. He drew his sword from the sheath, and the unparalleled sword fell into his hand. His eyes under the mask revealed determination. He had something he had to do, and the premise of this thing was to win this battle!


The two locks were activated by the two and transformed into motorcycles. At this moment, the two Kamen Riders rode on motorcycles, just like ancient generals riding on war horses, fighting on the battlefield!



The two shouted vigorously in the empty valley. At this moment, they were not hostile, but just fighting for victory for their own position.


The collision between the Knight's Spear and the Wushuang Sword crossed each other, sparks flashed, and the moment the two figures separated, Qi Wen Jiedou did not turn the front of the car, but directly switched the Knight's Spear to cannon mode, and fired a cannonball without looking back.

At this critical moment, Kuzuya Kota jumped up as if he had eyes behind him, allowing the cannon fire to hit his motorcycle. At the same time, he took out the matchlock big orange DJ gun, switched to the continuous shooting mode and suddenly pulled the trigger, and Qi Wen Jiedou also dodged at the first time.

Boom——! x2

The motorcycles of both sides exploded at the same time at this moment, and then, next, it was the moment of foot battle!

The bullets of the DJ Gun and the shells of the Knight Gun intertwined, and countless explosions sounded in the silent valley, but at this moment, the two ignored the explosions surrounding them and rushed straight towards each other.


The Wushuang Sword and the Knight Gun collided again, and Qi Wen Jie Dou suddenly used force to knock Ge Ye Hong Tai away, and in mid-air, Ge Ye Hong Tai quickly adjusted his body shape, switched the DJ Gun to sword mode and combined it with the Wushuang Sword, and aimed at Qi Wen Jie Dou and chopped it down.


Qi Wen Jie Dou swung the Knight Gun, and the huge golden blade light was chopped by his brute force. Then, he suddenly raised his hand, and countless vines of the Helheim Forest attacked from everywhere and rushed towards Ge Ye Hong Tai.

This extremely cruel battle deeply hurt Gao Siwu's nerves.

In the chaotic intersection of countless parallel worlds, Gao Siwu spoke with difficulty:

"Why are they always fighting? Why do they have to go through such cruel things?"

They are just a group of students who want to dance, but now they have to fight to the death over the cruel theme of the fate of the earth.

Having witnessed countless battles in parallel universes and countless timelines, every decisive battle between the two hurts Gao Siwu's heart.

Meanwhile, Sagara looked calm. His long lifespan had made him not be moved by such things. He said calmly:

"If you have to say why, it's fate. Every civilization that encounters a challenge will experience fate, and fate also reflects their will to some extent."


When Gao Siwu was puzzled, Xinyan took over the conversation:

"Yes, Kuzuya Kota and Kimon Kaito both came here by their own will. Maybe Kuzuya Kota just wanted to compete for the ranking of the team at the beginning, but you were attacked, the golden fruit chose you, and you knew a series of truths about the Helheim Forest, etc. Countless factors made Kuzuya Kota make this choice.

Whether it is him or Kimon Kaito, they are fighting by their own will at this moment. If they really want to give up, Wudao Guihu has already demonstrated it."


Hearing this, Gao Siwu was silent, her eyes fixed on the battle in the light and shadow.

At this moment, in the empty valley, Ge Ye Hong Tai was tightly bound by vines and could not move, while Qi Wen Jie Dou dragged the knight's gun and stabbed him without hesitation.

At the critical moment, Ge Ye Hong Tai's eyes burst into colorful light. The next second, the vines in his hand were quickly released, and then he rushed towards Qi Wen Jie Dou with his backhand.


Obviously, Qi Wen Jie Dou, who had not expected this, was firmly bound by the vines, and then was thrown away fiercely, hitting the cliff a hundred meters away, and the broken stones flew.

"Ge Ye Hong Tai, did you get their power?"

"Well, when I activated this lock, I decided that it didn't matter even if I gave up my human identity. The winner of this battle would definitely be me!"

As he said, Ge Ye Hong Tai suddenly raised his hand, and countless space cracks suddenly opened above his head-dense foreigners descended from the cracks into the valley like rain, almost filling half of the valley.

Among them, there were all kinds of people, from the lowest to the highest level of foreigners.

They did not look violent at all. After landing, they gathered behind Geye Hongtai consciously, as if they were completely obeying Geye Hongtai's army.

When Qi Wen Jiedou heard this, he couldn't help laughing:

"Hahaha, interesting, it's really rare for you to pursue something so firmly, but I don't believe in the so-called fate - the final winner is me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the lock on his waist flashed a radiance, and then - the same size of foreigners descended from behind.

It was as if they were a one-to-one replica of the two people inside and outside the mirror.

At this moment, Wu Daoguihu, supported by Zhan Ji Lingma, also came to the vicinity of the battlefield. Looking at such a grand scene, he couldn't help but sighed:

"Is this their strength?"

"...Maybe you are right, Ragnarok is a little worse, but I have also found the direction of research."

Zhan Ji Lingma, who also witnessed all this, said slowly.

Fight again!

King vs. King, General vs. General!

A large number of foreigners, led by their leader, launched an extremely bloody fight, but in the center of the battlefield, no foreigner dared to step into it. It was not an order - every foreigner who stepped into it could not even withstand the aftermath and disappeared in an instant.

Geye Hongtai opened fire at full power, and all kinds of lock-type weapons appeared at this moment, bursting out like arrows, and Qiwen Jiedou instantly turned into a mist like a dominant alien, dodging all attacks and knocking Geye Hongtai to the ground.

This is a deadly fight!

Geye Hongtai aimed at the moment when Qiwen Jiedou condensed his body and chopped it down on his head. However, Qiwen Jiedou took advantage of the situation and used the handle of the gun to swing the long sword, and took advantage of the moment when Geye Hongtai's empty door was wide open, and chopped Geye Hongtai on the head!


Gao Siwu, who witnessed all this, couldn't help but exclaimed.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment.

ps: I will update it later on the 2nd or 3rd.

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