Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 561 Ebert: It's you? (Update 2)

"Let me ask you first, who among you is Kamen Rider?"

Yingyue looked up and asked everyone.

There was no way. He had already given up when Build was broadcast, and he basically didn't know anything about the characters. But before Kiryu Sento and others could react, someone took the initiative:

"It seems that an unexpected guy has come. However, it's a bit too strange to ask who is Kamen Rider after they have already attacked me, huh?!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ebert took action instantly.

Perhaps because he had just obtained the Evolution Driver, Ebert did not think about how the guy in front of him appeared, nor did he consider whether the other party could defeat him.

This is also natural. Even with his current strength, all the armed forces on the earth cannot cause trouble to him-after all, the Kamen Rider on the earth was born in his plan.

Regaining power brings absolute confidence.

But this time, he seems to have kicked the iron plate.


Ebert turned into a red shadow and instantly entered the super-high speed mode. However, just when he was about to play the same trick on Yingyue, an accident happened - Ebert went around Yingyue and attacked the back of her head. However, just when he was about to hit her, Yingyue suddenly tilted her head and dodged the attack. She stretched out her left hand and grabbed Ebert's fist.


"Super high speed? I have faced many super high speed enemies and I am used to it."

As he said that, Yingyue suddenly exerted force and threw Ebert directly.

A simple shoulder throw naturally could not cause any trouble to Ebert. He just jumped in the air and landed steadily on the ground. But the next second, he was greeted by a knight's fist flashing with green light.


Ebert subconsciously crossed his hands to resist. The next second, the terrifying force directly pressed on his body through his hands.


Even Ebert could not resist this force and was hit back again and again.

Feeling the residual power in his hands, Ebert's heart moved, and he seemed to have some enlightenment.

However, Yingyue ignored his thoughts, crossed his hands at his waist, and the light of the Emperor Stone bloomed at this moment, and the blue light intertwined on his legs. Then, Yingyue jumped up, and his legs bloomed with blue light, rushing towards Ebert at super speed.


Without choosing to resist, Ebert pulled the inner sea beside him, raised the smoke gun and pulled the trigger.


The smoke enveloped the bodies of the two, and at the same time, Yingyue's figure passed through the smoke and fell to the ground.

"Huh? You ran away pretty fast."

Looking at the direction where the other party disappeared, Xinyan canceled the transformation, and then he turned his head to look at the confused people and asked:

"I think you can explain to me what happened in this world, right?"

As soon as this came out, Kiryu Battle Rabbit and Manjo Ryuga looked at each other.

It was Kiryu Sento who stepped forward and said to Nobuhiko:

"Come with me."


In the silent factory, Ebert covered his chest and coughed a few times.

Then, looking at his appearance, he said helplessly:

"Ah, this time I really took a risk. I was not familiar with the knight system and fought against that guy. I was beaten badly."

"Do you know the guy called Shadow Moon?"

Uchiumi pushed his glasses and asked in confusion.

Ebert nodded and shook his head:

"You can say that I know there is such a guy, but I met him for the first time today. I thought I would never meet him..."

"He is very strong, can't even you deal with him?"

"What a joke, I just can't adapt to the knight system today. When I fought against the bully, I only used 2% of my total strength, just a little bit."

Ebert raised his hand to show the extent of his efforts, and his tone was extremely sincere.

However, Utsumi did not easily believe the other party. Although he was sent by Nanba Heavy Industries to support Ebert, everything that happened today was too bizarre. He had decided to quickly report the news of Shadow Moon's appearance to his master, the president of Nanba Heavy Industries.

"Then I'll leave first. Goodbye."

Looking at Utsumi's back as he left, Ebert sat on the oil drum next to him and lifted his transformation.

"Ahem, you didn't completely dodge it in the end? That guy's strength is beyond expectations. At least the second stage, no, the complete body is completely sure?"

Feeling the pain coming from his body, Ebert rubbed his brows.

Seeing that the plan was about to succeed, but such a move came, which made Ebert very unhappy:

"However, since he came here, it means that the previous backhand worked? It seems a bit interesting... I just don't know how my clone is doing."

Ebert carefully thought about the next plan. Because of the appearance of Nobuhiko, many parts of his plan had to change.

"What a trouble! Why did they show up at this time? This is not good. How about letting them take action?"

Rubbing his chest, Ebert stood up and slowly looked at the ceiling above his head, lost in thought.


Nascita, the coffee shop, is the shop of Ishido Soichi and his daughter Ishido Misora. Although the business is not very good, it is enough as a secret base.

Open the refrigerator door, revealing the stairs leading to the underground. Go down the stairs to the basement, and you can get a glimpse of the whole picture of the secret base.

Nobuhiko sat on the chair and listened to the people telling the whole story.

"So, the guy named Ebert is now parasitic on her father?"

After roughly understanding the situation, Nobuhiko glanced at Ishido Misora ​​beside him, took the coffee handed by Manjo Ryuga, opened the can and took a sip.

"Well, that's it, but we didn't expect that he actually got the evolution drive. At present, it is a bit difficult to defeat it."

Speaking of this, Kiryu Battle Rabbit looked at Himuro Gentoku lying on the bed.

As an opponent who had fought before, he knew how strong Himuro Gentoku was, but he had no power to fight back against Ebert. This huge gap in strength must be made up.

"Mr. Akizuki is a Kamen Rider from a parallel universe, right?"

"Well, at present, my goal is the same as yours. Someone put this thing in my universe, and it caused a lot of things."

As he said, Nobuhiko handed the blank energy bottle to Kiryu Sento.

"This is... an energy bottle? But the substances stored inside seem to have disappeared."

"Thanks to it, I can come to this universe, and now I am on the same front with you."

"Really, that's great!"

I clapped my hands excitedly.

However, Kiryu Sento said solemnly:

"Mr. Akizuki, fighting with Ebert is a very dangerous thing. I know you are very strong, but - please consider this matter seriously."

"It doesn't matter. I have seen a lot of dangerous battles, and even if I don't come here, looking at Ebert's actions, he will invade my universe."

Feeling Kiryu Sento's concern, Nobuhiko smiled slightly.

This smile seemed to infect everyone, and the haze of Ebert's winning the driver seemed to dissipate.

After talking for an afternoon, Nobuhiko seemed a little thirsty, so he drank the remaining coffee in the can.

Ryuga, who was standing next to him, gave him another bottle.

Looking at the coffee in his hand, Nobuhiko looked puzzled:

"Does your coffee shop specialize in canned coffee?"

"Uh, no, this is what we drink ourselves."

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