After tracking Shotaro for three days, Wei Xing determined one thing, that is, the current timeline is a little before the start of TV, which means that Yashuko may come to the wind at any time to collect rent.

Here Wei Xing must clarify one thing again, that is, he does not have any special proclivities for tracking Shotaro, but because the system wants him to make trouble, he chose Shotaro, who he is most familiar with.

The article on "The Wind of Entertainment" "Shock! Wind is not a famous half-tough guy detective out of the closet!? The basic past with the partner has to say!! In fact, he wrote and submitted the report!

"Four Hundred Aunts" is the pen name given to him by Wei Xing, and the source is the little spider floating around, the Dongda Aunt version.

After all, anyway, Shotaro is also a well-known detective in the wind, and exposing his gossip reports will attract some attention, so that Wei Xing doesn't have system points?

As for whether this will cause Shotaro's retaliation, Wei Xing can't manage so much now!

Kamen Rider's world is not a safe world, and it is not an exaggeration to say that there are many disasters, and Wei Xing urgently needs to obtain stronger power from the system to protect himself.

As for protecting the world? If you are poor, you will be good for yourself, and if you are good, you will benefit the world. Wait until your strength improves.

[Please select the lottery mode: single shot into the soul, ten consecutive guarantees]

This time to Shotaro and Philip's basic information, let Wei Xing gain a fairly objective system point, at least enough for him to come to a ten consecutive guarantee, so he chose the ten consecutive guarantee without hesitation.

So the system's lottery page began to scroll, but because the speed was too fast, Wei Xing did not see any prizes on it.

[Get the same black top hat from Shotaro] [Get the same white top hat from Shotaro] [Get the same black vest from Shotaro] [Get the same white vest from Shotaro] [Get the same white shirt from Shotaro] [Get


same black trousers

from Shotaro


...... Watching himself pull out a bunch of Shotaro's clothes of the same style, Wei Xing felt that the corners of his mouth were twitching wildly, and he wanted to ask the system, what is the use of smoking these things himself? Is it used to cosplay Shotaro?

Fortunately, the lottery mode is ten consecutive guarantees, and Wei Xing does not believe that the things that guarantee the bottom will be so bad.

It turns out that the system is still thrifty, and the guaranteed things are quite satisfactory... What a fart!

[Get the same W drive from Shotaro]

Wei Xing: The drive is undoubtedly a good thing, but what the hell is the W drive? This thing can't be used by one person! Where do I go to find a partner to "fit together"? You can get lost in the drive!

The most important thing is only the drive, not even the memory! Isn't this TM a pit daddy!?

"Calm down! Calm down! I didn't draw something good this time and next time, don't be angry! Don't give up! Wei Xing continued to persuade himself to accept this fact with words, and finally calmed his mood.

Ten consecutive draws, nine of which are the same as Shotaro, and I don't know if it's because Wei Xing's object is him, so most of the things in the lottery are related to him.

But there is still one thing that has nothing to do with Shotaro, but with another person, that is, the leader of the overhaul card, the destroyer of the world, and the passing Kamen Rider Emperor Riding Brother King Xiaoming...

Ahem, wrong, start over! That is the leader of the Overhaul Card, the destroyer of the world, the Kamen Rider Decade Monyaji passing by!

And this thing is the same camera as Monyaji!

That's right, it's the magenta camera that Mengyashi hangs in front of him every day.

"Forget it, I also got a manuscript fee, and the living expenses for the next period of time can be counted." Let's go and find a new job in the next few days, and slowly plan to do something. "

Once again, it is not Wei Xing's purpose to do things, it is his purpose to obtain system points by doing things, and doing things is only a means.

Just as Wei Xing was planning what to do next, he received a new piece of system information.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 1,000 tail line points within five days of crossing, and a newbie gift pack]

"Unexpected Joy!" Wei Xing's eyes lit up when he looked at the system information, because everyone knows that newbie packs can often open very powerful items. And even if it can't, this is a reward for picking up for nothing.

As for how these 1,000 system points are calculated, Wei Xing thinks that it may be someone affected by his own trouble.

For example, he published "Shock! Wind is not a famous half-tough guy detective out of the closet!? The basic past with the partner has to say!! If a person becomes interested in the content of the report, he can get a little system points.

Note that it is necessary to generate a strong interest, and some people will not provide system points even if they see the report but are not interested.

"Wind of Entertainment" is just an entertainment tabloid in Fengdu, and its own sales are not high, and it is already very satisfying to be able to gain 1,000 system points in such a short time.

It's not that he didn't think about submitting to higher-selling publications, but such publications are not short of various reports, and they will not accept his contributions at all, after all, Shotaro's fame in the wind capital is just like that.

If Wei Xing had revealed Shotaro's identity as a Kamen Rider, he might have been able to successfully submit to a major publication, but he would not have done so.

It was indeed a big deal, and it was a big deal, but the consequences that came with it were not something he could bear now.

"Open the starter pack!" Putting aside irrelevant thoughts, Wei Xing opened the newbie package that was rewarded by the system.

[Get Weep

memory] [Get Angel

memory] [Hint: Weeping memory and angel memory can be used by a person

through the W drive] Sure enough, the newbie package is worthy of being a newbie package, Wei Xing just got the drive through the lottery, that is, the belt, and two memories immediately opened in the newbie package.

What's more, the system also specifically suggests that a person can use these two memories through the W drive!

Scratch the point! Alone! What does this mean? This means that Wei Xing doesn't have to find a partner to "combine the basic feelings", although he doesn't have such thoughts at all.

It means that from now on, Wei Xing will also become a partner of justice, Kamen Rider!

See, the reality flipped so quickly, a few minutes ago the guard woke up and regretted not being able to use the W drive, and a few minutes later the problem has now been solved.

"A W memory, an A memory, am I going to rob Shotaro, Philip, and Brother A at the same time?" Looking at the two memories in his hand, one black and one white, Wei Xing thought maliciously.

However, becoming a Kamen Rider will not improve Wei Xing's basic life, at most improve his entertainment life, so he must find a job next.

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