"It's over!"

In the wooden house of the fantasy world, Tassel looked at Yuri, who tried to get close to Sophia again and again, and was repelled by himself again and again, and the look in his eyes became colder and colder.

However, just as the tassel was about to end the battle without leaving his hand, suddenly a birdsong came, and then a figure wrapped in flames fell from the sky, directly cutting a hole in the wooden roof and falling.

This figure that suddenly appeared was none other than Bacht, who transformed into a sword.

Seeing Bacht appear, the tassel's face changed slightly, it was not that he was afraid of Bacht, but he knew that Bacht appeared here, which proved that the Black God and the White God had noticed here.

Sure enough, the tassel was the right idea, because immediately after the earth of Kamijo also appeared.

"The two god-sama told you to release the people."

Hearing this, even if the tassel was unwilling in his heart, he could only let Sophia go in the end, because he didn't want to offend the black god and the white god now.

But when he gets the Book of Omniscience and Almighty, he can do what he wants.

Tassel withdrew and released Sofia, and both Yuri and Sophia gave Tassel a complicated look before leaving because they still needed to rush back to the North Zone base.

And as soon as they rushed back to the Kitaku-ku base, they saw the scene of Rentaro reaching out and holding the fantasy control book turned into a fragment of the Book of Omniscience and Almighty.


In the Kitaku-ku base, Rentaro had already held the fantasy control book turned into a fragment of the Book of Omniscience and Almighty, and the book automatically opened in his hand, and suddenly the information about this book resounded throughout the hall.

"Silver-Maned Ice Beast War!"

"Command the beasts moving forward in the ice and snow, and the silver mane sharpened by a hundred battles!"

Rentaro raised the sword in front of his forehead and said in a deep voice: "Swear to this water potential sword, I will definitely protect my important partner!" Then

Rentaro inserted the Water Potential Sword Flowing Water back into his belt, and inserted the Silver-Maned Ice Beast War Fantasy Driving Book into his belt, and then drew his sword sharply.

"Flowing water pulls the knife! Silver Mane unfolds! Only

this time, with Rentaro drawing his sword, the sword body no longer appeared like water, but white ice and snow-like energy, and a large amount of cold qi was continuously released, as if the sword body had completely turned into cold ice.

An enlarged version of the Silver-Maned Ice Beast Wars Fantasy Driving Book appeared behind Rentaro, and then a silver-white, ice-like silver-maned ice beast jumped out and ran around him.

Where the silver-maned ice beast passed, huge ice picks rose from the ground.


Rentaro slashed a sword forward, and then the silver-maned ice beast jumped up from behind it, and the icy energy instantly covered Rentaro's body.

Then the energy blade that Rentaro had just cut flew back and fell on his body, and in this instant, the cold ice on his body, the silver-maned ice beast behind him, and the ice picks around him were all shattered, turning into large or small ice cubes in the sky, full of a different kind of beauty.

After the ice on his body shattered, Rentaro was still wearing a new pair of armor with white as the main white and blue as the supplement. And the most special feature of this armor is undoubtedly the silver-white mane behind it.

"The silver mane that rules everything! Ice Beast Battle! Giao! Long-Get! "

Kamen Rider Sword Blade, Silvermane Ice Beast Wars Form!

Wei Xing: White hair and waist, still "Giao"!? Give me GiaoGiao!? Rentaro, something is wrong with your form! Let me state in advance, this "GiaoGiao" sound effect really has nothing to do with me! ⌓‿⌓

Rentaro: (╬ ̄皿 ̄) I'm finally coming up with a new form, is it interesting for you to say this!?

Wei Xing: Ryo Ogami, Daqin Temple, Scarlet Daolian, come and listen, is Rentaro talking about people? ←‿←

Oi Kamiryo, Daqin Temple, Scarlet Daoji: ꒰╬•᷅д•᷄╬꒱不Cue!!

Rentaro: (╯╬°Д°)╯(┻━┻

"The power of the Kitaku-ku base has turned into a fantasy driving book!" Sophia, who had just returned, couldn't help but exclaim when she saw this scene.

At this time, the others also came to their senses, only to find that Yuri and Sophia had returned, and then the two sides fought again.

Yuri did not join the battle because he had suffered a lot from the tassels before, but stayed by Sophia's side to protect, but Rentaro asked Hiba to help the others deal with Strius.

Hiba was a little worried at first about whether Rentaro alone could deal with Zios, but seeing Rentaro's insistence, he chose to believe.

Rentaro: Just kidding! I have a new form protection period, okay! And this is still the Arctic, my home turf! So the advantage is in me, and it is impossible to lose!

Stelius saw that Feiyu Makoto had also pulled out to deal with himself, and did not love to fight, and directly retreated with a seriously injured Rachel. As for Zios, he felt that if he just singled out Rentaro, even if he couldn't fight in the end, he wouldn't be defeated so quickly, and he would still have time to come back to rescue him after taking Rachel away.

Speaking of returning to the battle between Rentaro and Zios, seeing Rentaro transform into a new form, Zios immediately became excited, roared and took the initiative to attack.

Unlike Rentaro, who was completely suppressed by Rentaro in the form of Silver-Maned Ice Beast Wars from the moment he came up, at this time, the two sides fought back and forth, and even the others had a feeling that they could not find a chance to intervene after Stelius retreated with Rachel.

This made Zios, who likes to fight, more and more excited, and kept yelling while fighting.

For Rentaro, the battle at this time is another feeling, because he can feel that the power of the Silvermane Ice Beast Wars Fantasy Control Book contains the crystallization of the belief of the swordsmen of the Northern District Base of the past.

Wei Xing: In short, "at this moment, he is not fighting alone!" He's not alone! "

Rentaro: ꒰╬•᷅д•᷄╬��, you TM is not alone!

The battle between the two was fierce, and they soon fought from inside the base to outside the base.

In the TV, this is Zios who is defeated and takes the initiative to break through the wall and run out, but at this time it is different, it is Rentaro who deliberately guides the battlefield to move outside the base during the battle.

Because he knows very well that for himself at this time, the icy Arctic environment outside the base is his real home field.

So after arriving outside the base, Zios was stunned to find that Rentaro's strength had suddenly improved a lot, and this not a small improvement directly became the key to the victory or defeat of this battle.

As in TV, Rentaro, who finally gained the upper hand, beat Zios from the ground to the sky, from the sky to the sea, and from the sea to the ground.

"Zios, you have gone down the evil path and have become a monster! The will left by the swordsmen of the past will definitely not be lost to you! Rentaro

inserted his sword back into his belt as he spoke, then pressed the Silver-Maned Ice Beast Wars Fantasy Harness Book and drew his sword again, and then Rentaro kicked both feet and rushed towards Zios at great speed.

"Must freeze! Draw the knife with flowing water! Silver Mane Ice Tooth Chop! "

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