“Zodiac! Usurper! "


Wei Xing inserted two memories into the belt with one hand, and then held one side of the belt with his left hand to fix it, and the handle on the other side of the belt with his right hand turned up.

“Zodiac! Usurper! The-Zodiacal-Usurper (Zodiacal usurper)! As

Wei Xing turned the handle on the belt, the part inserted into the memory slowly opened to the sides, which is somewhat similar to using the W drive to transform and wrench it open, except that it is opened by turning the handle.

The golden and silver energies were released from the belt, and they converged into half of the armor phantoms in front of Wei Xing's body, and then half of the armor fell on Wei Xing's body to complete the combination, completely condensing into a complete pair of armor.

This armor is completely made of gold and silver, and there are no other patterns or colors, which inexplicably gives people a gorgeous and simple feeling.

The brilliance lies in the combination of gold and silver, and the simplicity lies in the armor without any other patterns or colors.

In addition, probably because Wei Xing was modified with reference to the characteristics of the Build drive, the armor after his transformation was no longer half from the center, one color on one side, but became the feeling of two colors intertwined like Build.

Kamen Rider Pole - Zodiac Usurper form!

Seeing Wei Xing's transformation, Xun Tailang, who had just fallen from the air, was so shocked that he forgot to get up. Kengo, on the other hand, raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, but not so surprised.

It's a Scorpio disciple, at this time, seeing Wei Xing's transformation is the most complicated, because Wei Xing uses memory, and the master of memory manufacturing technology is the Fengdu Yuansaki family, but now the Yuansaki family and I hope that there is cooperation, so a Kamen Rider who uses memory transformation appears in Tiangao, which will inevitably make her have various conjectures.

Of course, in addition to the Kazeto Sonosaki family, Foundation X can also make memories, but the former is now my collaborator and the latter is a sponsor, so whether Wei Xing is from the Yuansaki family or from Foundation X, his appearance in Sky High is a very special thing.

Therefore, the Scorpio disciples did not want to waste time fighting with Wei Xing at this time, but wanted to report this matter to me as soon as possible.

"Sap! Lend me your zotal power!

After the transformation, Wei Xing stretched out his hand and quickly waved it in the air, as if he was depicting something, and at the same time, behind the Scorpio star disciple opposite him, a little starlight gradually emerged, and these starlight converged into a rune.

The Scorpio star disciple also noticed the change behind her, and immediately turned her head to look, but at the moment she turned her head, the rune had already flown towards her and directly integrated into her body.

Seeing this, the Scorpio disciple immediately checked his body, but found that there was no trace of runes in his body, and there was no other energy or strange place.

The Scorpio disciple, who didn't know what Wei Xing had done on him, looked at Wei Xing again, but was stunned to find that Wei Xing's armor had changed at this time.

To be precise, the forearm armor of Wei Xing's right hand changed.

Originally, there was no pattern or color on the armor in the form of a zodiac usurper, but at this time, the pattern of a scorpion clearly appeared on the armor of the forearm of the right hand.


Wei Xing suddenly stretched out his right hand and pointed his index finger at the Scorpio disciple, and suddenly a scarlet energy flew out from his index finger, hitting her before the Scorpio disciple had time to react.

Although she was hit by Wei Xing's attack, the Scorpio star disciple did not feel that she was injured, and coupled with the runes that had been integrated into her body before, this made her feel very bad.

Because the unknown is often the most frightening, although she doesn't know what Wei Xing's attack is for herself, she will never naively think that Wei Xing's attack is really just bells and whistles.

In the face of such an enemy, it is the right choice to avoid the edge for the time being, not to mention that she still wants to report this matter to me to see the light, so the Scorpio star disciple quickly retreated and retreated from the other direction.

Seeing this, Wei Xing did not make another move.

"Are you all right?"

"Not hurt."

"It's not you I'm asking, it's Fourze Drive."

"Ah! What a cold man! The

above is the dialogue between Kengo and Tantaro, which fully explains the current relationship between the two, that is, it is still in the emotional run-in period.

Kengo then wants to reclaim the No. 9 jumper switch in Sentaro's hand because he thinks it is a useless switch, but is rejected by Sentaro.

For this reason, Sentaro led the topic to Wei Xing: "Black Lou, I can't imagine that you are also a Kamen Rider!" In this way, we in the Kamen Rider Division have me and you, Kamen Rider!

How could Kengo not see that Tantaro was changing the topic, but he himself was also very curious about Wei Xing, so he looked at Wei Xing and asked, "What happened to your attack just now?" Also What does the ecliptic usurper mean? Is this who you really are?

"It's okay if you understand it that way, because I'm going to collect the power of the zodiac now." Wei Xing said with a smile, "As for the attack just now, it was my reward for borrowing the power of the Scorpio Star Disciple. "

Give back?" Xianwu's brows furrowed, but Wei Xing did not continue to explain, but turned around and prepared to leave.

Seeing this, Kengo asked again: "You just had an extra scorpion pattern on your armor, is it because you have usurped the power of the Scorpio Star Disciple?"

"No, no, no, I said it was borrowing, and it was far from usurpation." Wei Xing's footsteps did not stop, leaving only this sentence.


"What the hell was going on with that guy just now!? What the hell did he do to my body!? In a no-man's corner, the Scorpio star disciple transformed back into Sarina Sonada, frowning and thinking.

At this moment, a voice sounded behind him: "Oh, it seems that our Sonoda teacher seems to be a little troubled, I don't know if I need my help?" Sarina

Sonoda suddenly looked back and found that the person who spoke was Stellius before letting go of her vigilance and releasing her hand that was holding the star switch.

"Why are you here?" Sarina Sonoda asked.

"I felt the fluctuations of your battle with people before, so come and check it out." Stilius smiled and said, "Don't you really need my help?" Sarina

Sonada's face showed a bit of confusion, and finally said: "I have something to see the chairman now, and I will go to you later."

After saying this, Sarina Sonoda quickly left here.

"Yo, it looks like our Sonoda Sarina sensei has fallen under someone's charm."

Stelius turned his head to look at Wei Xing, and said helplessly: "I still don't quite understand your interest. "

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