Dragging my tired body to CR again, I have only one purpose, that is, to prepare to transform again to help Momose Kohime undergo surgery.

Big me found the belt and cassette that Poppy had placed on the table, and was about to pick them up when he suddenly coughed, so Big me reached out and covered his mouth and nose.

When the cough was over, he lowered his hand and was stunned to find that he had coughed up blood.

"Is it a side effect of cassettes?" Such a thought immediately crossed my mind, but such a thought was not enough to make him give up his belief in combat healing.

In the original plot, the awakened Makijiro came to stop the big me again and had a dispute with it, in which Makijiro finally disappeared as if infected with a game disease, which was regarded as completely ending his life and giving the big me a bigger blow.

As for now, Makijiro has not woken up, and the big me naturally does not have to bear such a blow.

Wei Xing: I also lost someone who was very important to me, but after 5 years, the treatment of Dame and Hisai was very different, unlike Momose Kohime, there was almost no mention of Makijiro on TV, who understands this feeling, family!

However, without the blow of Makijiro's disappearance, Daigo did not completely fall into the point of demonization, but this still will not change the fate of him and Momose Kohime.

Because of physical reasons, it is natural that I can't do it if I want to transform, not to mention that Poppy also returned to CR in time to stop him, and even notified Tan Lidou of this matter.

When Tan Lidou came to CR, Big Me was undergoing an infusion, and the whole person looked a little pale.

"You seem to have fainted because of your unauthorized transformation, I can understand your feelings, but you must not lose your cool and make a wrong choice."

I didn't react to Tanlidou's comfort, but Poppy's next words made him strained.

I saw Poppy speak: "According to the judgment of the Ministry of Health, it is probably forbidden for the big me to become Kamen Rider."

"What did you say!?" The eldest sat up, his face full of unwillingness.

"After that, please concentrate on the radiology department." Poppy explains.

"I can't save a game sick person if I'm not there!"

"We will continue to look for the right doctor."

"The right doctor is right in front of you!"

"Please, listen to me." Poppy looked at the angry and unwilling self and said very seriously, "If you do not follow the instructions of the Ministry of Health, the worst case will be the administrative sanction of revocation of the doctor's license, and I will explain the patient."

Even if he was unwilling, in the face of the administrative punishment of revoking his doctor's license, he had to choose to give in, but he interrupted Poppy: "Wait, it's up to me." After

that, he came to the CR ward, took a deep breath before entering the ward, and then changed the serious expression on his face into a warm and warm smile.

The big self in this period still puts all kinds of emotions, including the patient's emotions, in the first place, so even if there are various negative emotions in my heart, I will still choose to hide it and will not show it in front of the patient.

"Miss Momose, I'm really sorry for worrying you before, it's just a little anemic."

Momose Kohime's personality is also very gentle, otherwise she would not have endured the mirror flying color of this period, so when she heard this, she smiled and expressed her concern for the big me: "Please don't force yourself."

"Now I'm as you can see, very healthy." I opened my hands to indicate that I was in good shape, "And if anyone has come to visit you, such as the boyfriend I mentioned earlier."

Momose Kohime, who was still smiling on her face, heard this, and the smile on her face disappeared for the most part: "He's not the kind of person who would come to visit me." "

Huh!?" Big me had a stunned look on my face.

Although Momose Kohime's personality is very gentle and can endure the mirror flying color of this period, there is a limit to this kind of endurance. Strictly speaking, the reason why Momose Kohime became like this, the pressure that Kagami Feicai brought to her was the biggest reason.

And before she was sent to CR, she had just lost her temper with Kagami Feicai.

However, even at this time, Momose Kohime was still thinking about Kagami: "I don't want him to visit me either, because I want him to concentrate on his studies." "

Awakening: ᶘ oᴥoᶅ ??? What kind of motherly speech is this!? Obviously ignored by his boyfriend, he lost his temper with his boyfriend, and finally not only "angry" himself into the hospital, but also still thinking about his boyfriend, she really, I cried to death.

After being stunned, I smiled and comforted Momose Kohime: "But there is no need to visit, it will be cured immediately."

"Then I'll go first."

In the end, I still didn't tell the truth that I would not continue to be in charge of Momose Kohime's condition, so in fact, he was also very gentle.

The big me who left the ward coughed up again, looking at the blood he coughed up on his hands, and the big me punched the wall: "What should I do!?" What should I do..." Late

at night, in the CR ward, Momose Kohime, who was sleeping, frowned tightly, her face was full of sweat, obviously suffering from the torture caused by game sickness.

At this time, Tanlidou entered the ward silently, looking at Momose Kohime, whose body would become illusory from time to time, with a smile on his face that represented his health.

"It's time." With a healthy smile, Tanlidou takes out the Buggle-Driver and releases more Bugster viruses at Momose Kohime, who is already infected with game disease.

And this scene was completely filmed by Wei Xing, who was hidden.

Wei Xing: Another piece of material has arrived! ⌓‿⌓A

large number of Bugster viruses converged on Momose Kohime, and eventually separated from her body and turned into a green weirdo, which is none other than Bugster graphite.

Mitsuo Honggami: Happy-birthday! Bugster graphite!

The graphite that was separated from Momose Kohime sneered and said, "The time has finally come for me to make a big fuss!"

Tan Lidou looked at the graphite, and the smile on his face became healthier.

Soon after, CR finally discovered that Momose Kohime's condition suddenly deteriorated, and even had symptoms that she had never seen before, and her body was constantly becoming transparent.

When I learned the news, I rushed over, and Momose Kohime asked him for help: "Doctor Hana, save me..." My

eyes became firm at this moment, nodded, and then left the ward.

After leaving the ward, I immediately contacted Tanlidou, who has the most research on the Bugster virus, and learned from Tanlidou the truth that the Bugster on Momose Kohime had been separated.

Although I didn't know what this represented, the big self, who had already decided in his heart, still asked Tan Lidou to do him a favor and let him give the belt and cassette to him again.

In the dark, one rooftop, I saw Tan Lidou.

"What do you mean Bugster is separated?"

"I'm afraid this is the evolution of the virus, if you don't quickly knock down the separated Bugster, the patient will..."

"Where are the player drives and cartridges?"

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