
Kamen Rider Clan had already learned about the plans of the Anti-Star Alliance, and the Anti-Star Alliance was clear about the plans of the Dragon and Tenryu, and was ready to put the plan into practice and find out the deeper behind-the-scenes mastermind.

After learning the truth, the Kamen Rider Clan had to do the task of dealing with the Earth Dragon and Tenryu who had recovered their strength.

As for the masterminds behind the scenes, the Anti-Star Alliance naturally arranged them in a targeted manner, and there was no need for them to worry.

"Are you so sure that XV-II is really controlled by you?" Kengo asked again.

Seeing Kengo so confident, Jiryu wants to prove that he really controls XV-II, but when he does, he is stunned to find that XV-II is not under his control at all.

"How is this possible!? What's going on!? Why is XV-II out of my control!? The Earth Dragon was shocked.

Tenryu was stunned when he heard this, and also tried to control XV-II, but there was no reaction either.

In fact, even if the interference wave generator is blown up, Earth Dragon and Tenryu will not be able to control XV-II as easily as in the theatrical version.

Because unlike the theatrical version, Dr. Blink is not only not dead, but also a member of the Anti-Star Alliance, in short, XV-II is also something from the Anti-Star Alliance, and Wei Xing will let the Earth Dragon and Tianlong snatch things from his hands?

Of course this is impossible!

As for the two of them summoning the virtual screen just now to lift the last restrictions on their bodies and restore their strength, it seems that they have controlled XV-II, but in fact this is not the case, just let them recover their strength is in the plan.

The Earth Dragon and Heavenly Dragon, who did not understand why the situation was beyond their control, were obviously very angry, so they summoned a group of Stardust soldiers Sentaro and others to attack.

Because they also use cosmic energy, it makes sense to be able to summon stardust soldiers.

Then Sentaro and Meteor transformed and fought with the Earth Dragon and Tenryu, while Kengo and the others fought and retreated with the Stardust soldiers and exited the central main control room, which was not very large.

This is not accurate, in fact, the space where the central main control room is located is still very large, but it is suspended all around, and only a place where the main control device is placed in the middle can be settled.

Such a space, accommodating so many people to fight, naturally seems crowded.


While Earth Dragon and Tenryu are angry when they find out that they have been deceived, and they are fighting with Sentaro and the others, something is happening in other places inside XV-II that did not happen in the original plot.

For example, XV-II's intelligent control network is being compromised.

In the XV-II intelligent cyberspace, a cloud of data is constantly cracking the defenses of XV-II intelligent consciousness, and although XV-II intelligent consciousness tries its best to resist, it is only a matter of time before it is completely invaded and manipulated according to this situation.

Because the invasion went very smoothly, the invading data turned into a roughly human form and let out a smug laugh: "Your resistance is pointless!" When I have you under control, my plan will be easier to achieve! "

I don't know if I can't stand such a provocation, the XV-II intelligent consciousness that has been defending suddenly turned defense into attack, turned into a global ball, and launched an attack towards the figure.

But if it can defeat the invading figure, it will not have been passively defensive before.

Therefore, its attack was easily intercepted by a large number of tentacles spreading out of the figure, and it was almost directly bound by the tentacles.

But even if it eventually avoided being restrained, it was still hit by several tentacles and flew out.

However, just when the figure was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue and directly take down the XV-II intelligent consciousness, suddenly two clouds of data, one red and one green, erupted around him and attacked him.

Seeing this, the figure was not slow to react, stopped the attack and defended, but after all, it was hasty, so it only resisted the attack of one of the data groups, and was still hit by the other group of data.

The figure that was hit retreated, instantly widening the distance between the two data, the specific appearance was not clear, and even the facial features were a little square, and the face showed obvious shock.

At this time, the figure had completely abandoned his original plan and was ready to retreat, but the XV-II intelligent consciousness that had just been shot away by him stopped him.

XV-II intelligent consciousness is not the opponent of the human figure, naturally it is impossible to completely block the human figure, but it is still no problem to stop him for a while.

Such a while, if it is ordinary, it is naturally nothing, but don't forget that there are two clusters of data that suddenly appeared just now. The figure was blocked by XV-II intelligent consciousness, and the two groups of data had struck again, and he had to give up the breakthrough to dodge, otherwise the breakthrough was not successful, and he would be seriously injured.

“002、003! I didn't expect you to be here! After dodging the attack of the two groups of data, the figure was no longer proud before, and his tone became extremely gloomy.

"We're here just for you."

A very calm-sounding voice sounded, and then the red data turned into a red figure, which was Heart number 002 in Roidmude.

Another green blob of data also turned into a green figure, naturally Brain number 003 in Roidmude.

All of the above changes occurred in a very short period of time, and the situation in this cyberspace has changed dramatically, from the original XV-II intelligent consciousness was invaded by the shadow, to the situation where the figure was wrapped by Heart and Brain one after the other, and the XV-II intelligent consciousness was waiting for the opportunity to move around.

Brain looked at the figure and said, "Barbaric, you can't escape today no matter what!" "

It turns out that this figure who invaded XV-II's intelligent consciousness turned out to be the final villain of Roidmude and the old driver, Sabarian Tenjuro!

"How did you know about my actions?" Savage turned slightly sideways, not allowing his back to either Heart or Brain, and asked in a gloomy tone.

Brain heard this and mocked: "Barbarian, you don't think that no one knows about the things that you made the Cosmic Iron Man awaken and rebel against humanity five years ago, right?" Having made your consciousness alive, this time you won't have such good luck!

"So it's a trap?" Brute continued to ask.

Heart responded calmly: "Just count it."

"Looks like you guys think you've eaten me?"

"Do you know if you try?"

Although Roidmude was made by savagery, most of Roidmude and his relationship was not good, so the two sides stopped talking nonsense and fought again.

Wei Xing: Isn't it not only bad, hasn't "Father's Filial Piety" already been staged? ◐ω◐

Barbaric: ᶘ oᴥoᶅ ???

Wei Xing: You made Roidmude, isn't it your child? ←‿←

Savage: Children are tools, tools are children, and you are right.

The barbarians naturally did not want to fight, so in the course of the battle, they tried to break through the blockade and retreat several times, but unfortunately all of them failed. Even if he tries his best, even desperately trying to withstand the attack to create an opportunity to bypass Heart and Brain, he will be blocked by the XV-II intelligent consciousness waiting for the opportunity on the periphery.

The XV-II intelligent consciousness only needs to block the barbarians slightly, and Heart and Brain will immediately re-wrap it, returning the situation to its original appearance, which makes the barbarians extremely uncomfortable.

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