Wei Xing opened the gate of Tadis, and a time-space passage was directly connected outside the gate of Tadis, and Wei Xing signaled String Tailang, I Wangguang and others to enter.

Out of trust in Wei Xing, everyone naturally walked in, and when they entered the passage of time and space, they only felt a trance, and then came back to their senses and found that they had returned to the outskirts of the previous battle between themselves and Xianwu.

At this moment, everyone had a feeling of being separated from the world.

The people of the Kamen Rider Division feel that the things that the singer Midoriro trained them before, I hope that the things that fought with the singer Midoriro and the Kamen Rider Division, and even the matter of Wei Xing's "summoning" Presenter to come, all seem to have passed a long time.

But in fact, judging by the passage of time, those are just things that happened not long ago.

In addition, everyone in the Kamen Rider Division also noticed that only himself and the others and the singer Midoriro came back, and Presenter, I Wangguang and others did not return.

So everyone in the Kamen Rider Department speculated that perhaps Presenter had returned to the depths of the universe and took me Wangguang and the others as agreed.

Soon everyone put this matter aside and couldn't help but exchange around their experience on Mars, after all, for them, this was definitely the most difficult battle they had ever encountered, and they almost lost their entire army.

"It's not easy, I almost can't come back."

"Yes, Blood Clan, it sounds like a vampire, but I didn't expect that the strength was so strong, it could easily destroy a civilization and a planet."

"Isn't that the power of Pandora's box?"

"Leave him alone, I just hope that there will be no aliens in our world."

"Isn't the Black Mansion an alien?"

"I'm talking about hostile and powerful aliens!"

Speaking of the total annihilation of the army, at this time Mei Yu suddenly said in bewilderment: "Since the black building can usurp... Borrow the power of the legendary Time Lord to turn back time, so why let us fight? Didn't it finally turn out to be like this now, we haven't been like this at all? "

Indeed, although everyone still retains the memories of the previous battle on Mars in the Build World, in fact, according to reality, they have not been to the Build World after going back in time.

"Maybe it's to exercise us, after all, our world will be swept by the cosmic energy storm next." Meteor frowned slightly and said his guess.

Meteor's words were mostly recognized, so everyone exposed the topic.

At this time, everyone noticed that Kengo had been very silent since his return, so they cared about him again. The main reason is that Kengo was almost reset before, and they were worried that this would leave Kengo with some sequelae, or something similar to being reset would happen again.

Fortunately, their worries were superfluous, and Kengo shook his head to indicate that he was fine: "I'm fine, I'm just thinking about something."

"What's going on?" Say it and we'll all discuss it together and help you figure it out.

"One is who I am now."

"Who are you now?"

"Presenter seems to have withdrawn and cut off all contact between me and the core switch, which means that I am not a core child now, but a real human being..."

When he said the last sentence, Kengo's voice lowered, obviously a little unsure whether he who had lost the identity of the core child was a real human being, after all, his birth was indeed completely different from ordinary humans.

The reason why Kengo fell into this state of gain and loss is also related to the fact that he was a little difficult to get used to after losing the core switch.

On the one hand, before he awakened the identity of the core son, although he lost consciousness, his body was somewhat accustomed to the feeling of being full of power, and now that the power has disappeared and changed back to the state of an ordinary person, he will naturally have an unaccustomed feeling.

On the other hand, although he did not awaken for more than ten years before, the core switch has always been in his body, equivalent to a part of his body, and now without the core switch, the body has also transmitted him an illusion of losing something.

It's like a person who is used to wearing a watch, suddenly takes it off, and inadvertently has the illusion that he is wearing a watch, and even subconsciously raises his wrist to look at the time.

When Xian Tailang heard this, he said decisively without hesitation: "Of course it is!"

The others also nodded in agreement, believing that Kengo, who had lost his status as a core son, was a real human.

Looking at everyone's sincere recognition, Xiango couldn't help laughing, indeed, he has been living on the earth for more than ten years, has friends, relatives, and has felt joy, anger, sorrow and joy, why is he not a real human being?

Kengo actually understands these truths, he was only suffering for a while before, even if he didn't have the comfort of Sentaro and others, he would have figured it out himself.

In addition, Kengo also understands that since Presenter has withdrawn his core switch and did not leave with him, it means that Presenter has completely given him freedom.

This is undoubtedly extremely important to Kengo, because then he does not have to be separated from Sentaro and the others.

After this knot was untied, Kengo thanked everyone and changed the topic: "The other is that Kurokou once said that my chord Taro is the one who changed the fate of the universe, what does this mean?" Did we go to another world before and fight to change the fate of that world, Mars?

Speaking of this, Kengo shook his head: "But if we didn't have the Black House in the end, we didn't succeed in stopping Killbus." And didn't the Black Mansion turn back time? So even if the fate of that world Mars changes, it seems that it has nothing to do with us. "

Wei Xing: What kind of person changed the fate of the universe, I was just talking nonsense at that time. ⌓‿⌓

Kengo: Σ(ŎдŎ|||) ノノ

Wei Xing: But how the fate of Mars in the Build world has nothing to do with you, you ask Evolto if he recognizes this. ←‿←


On the Build World Mars, after sending Tantaro and I Wangguang and others away, Wei Xing continued to turn back time.

It's just that this time back in time, history is destined to change, because Evolto, who is bound by the power of time like Killbus, is really stupid to do so after knowing what kind of results his destruction of Mars will bring to him.

Evolto:Σ(ŎдŎ|||) ノノ What is destroying Mars for!? Don't do it! Don't do it! Is it possible that I am still waiting to be calculated by you and bring people to surround me!?

Wei Xing: Xianwu, listen, he said that he was afraid of being beaten by you, so he didn't destroy Mars. ◐ω◐

Kengo: (╬ ̄皿 ̄) Do you think I can't tell that he is afraid of you!?

Wei Xing: ┓( ́∀' )┏

Evolto is certainly not stupid, especially since he is the only one of these people in Tadisri who knows that Wei Xing has been there all this time before, and he did not rush back at the end as he claimed.

Although Killbus heard what Evolto and Wei Xing said before and after being caught by Wei Xing, he just looked at Wei Xing fiercely at this time and did not think so much.

However, Evolto knew that Gui knew, but he did not dare to say anything, after all, he was still in Wei Xing's hands.

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