Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

295 Divine Cat Me, eat the filling dough of Divine Cat Shop in the commercial guild of Wangdu.

I'm here for a commercial guild in Wangdu. I'm talking to the usual representative of the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce.

"Well, that was a disaster."

"Disaster... I'm wondering why people like that are doing guild leaders?

"The Hulk Guild Leader I'm hearing about is a solid person."

The quality is rigid. Maybe it's getting too stiff and less flexible.

"Mi ~"

Unfortunately, I told the person in charge that the village had been found in the labyrinth, that protecting the residents there as Baron Brocken, and that the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce was in charge of their business with them.

"To avoid trouble with the residents and other chambers of commerce."

"It's a place that has been made up of money free barter, so when other chambers of commerce come in, there can be confusion."

"You're right. But do you have enough specialties to be careful?

"It's spices."

"Mi ~"


When I give some samples and show them to the person in charge, the person in charge's eyes are wide open and his mouth is pounding. Let's have a cup of tea until the person in charge calms down.

"Duh, how much is there?

"It's not that many because it's made on a village basis, but there are many different kinds of it."

"Because you can wholesale it in Wangdu?

"If you can't do it in Quint, I thought it might be the king's capital."

"Su, I will prepare a memorandum of understanding and bring it to you immediately!"

"Mi ~"

A better cup of tea than usual and for some reason the Dumplings of the Divine Cat Shop came out. It's something I'm serving at the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce. Well, come on. Me, you want some fillings?

"Mi ~!"

When I wait, the deputy guild director comes to greet the commercial guild director in Beluna, so I will respond appropriately. You're a boulder, the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce, and you've been in a good mood all along.

"Thank you for waiting. This is the Memorandum of Understanding on business dealings with villages in the labyrinth. Please check. The Chamber of Commerce, which has ignored the contents of this Memorandum of Understanding, states with the signature of the Director of the Belunan Commercial Alliance that severe penalties shall be imposed on the Commercial Alliance."

Instead of drinking all of these requests, it is stated that half of the spices obtained from the village are to be wholesaled to the commercial guild of Beluna. I don't have a problem with half of it. Wholesale everything to Beluna could destroy prices. Besides, it is not listed for items picked in the migrated land because they are picked in villages in the labyrinth. It's not cheating.

Press my signature and Mee's foot stamp to return the documents. After the rep checked again, he gave me the refrain.

"This Memorandum of Understanding shall be issued immediately by the Guild Manager authority, so please let us know if anything goes wrong. The same goes for commercial guilds in other cities if they say something. We will formally prepare the contract at a later date, thank you."

Now we can take some measures. When I asked if I would wholesale what I got this time, I was making my eyes shine.

Because the items were objects, they were evaluated in a conference room that was confidentially large. Mee, I get half of all kinds out of my bag, but that still makes for a good amount. In this amount, they say it will be a third of the spices that usually come into Wang Du.

Climatically, it can also be grown around Hildenburg, but it is banned from exporting seeds and seedlings in the producing countries. Occasionally, seeds may be smuggled and obtained, but as I said before, it is very difficult to grow them from seeds, so there are still no examples of successful cultivation without knowledge.

If the beasts decide to migrate, they will also get the know-how to grow spices. It could be a specialty of Baron Brocken territory. Make curry powder and sell it at the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce to spread curry throughout the world! Looking forward to it.

"I'll change the story, but the talent we gathered in our commercial guild has already made its way to Nixe in Baron Brocken territory. Then I need to talk to you about the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce store in Beluna, will your time be okay?

"Mi ~"

"No problem"

Somehow, I forgot...... When I look at the paper the rep gave me, the details of the property are written.

Nano!? You're lying... it's a store along the outer perimeter of Central Square. It is a so-called (so-called) first-class store with commercial guilds, hunter guilds, etc. However, the terms are not a lease, but a purchase.

Ask the person in charge why, it's a place where there's been a big enough chamber of commerce in this country for a long time, but it was divided into three chambers of commerce about fifty years ago in an inheritance dispute. The store was inherited by my oldest son's chamber of commerce, but it didn't work out in the end, and he finally crushed the chamber itself with a huge debt. He said he needed money to pay off the debt.

By the way, the person in charge just told me that Wang Du owes me the basic land. They can't own the land, even if it's noble, except that rarely the land is ceded by reward from the king.

Me, I remember getting the land...

Aside from that, it seems very rare that the land on which this store is built, which was rewarded by a king many generations ago, is bought and sold.

"If you miss this, it's a great property you'll never get again"

"Yes, how much do you do?

"I talked to the other party and it was 500 million lets, including all household tools and carriages. It's a broken price. However, there will be no instant payment without split."

Five hundred million lets. Instant gold... Mee, what do you want?

"Mi no..."

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