“City defense army, lay down your arms and surrender, otherwise there will be no amnesty for killing!”

as Dutton drank, the Wehrmacht approached further.

surrounded by anti-encirclement, facing several times their own Wehrmacht, the city defense army has been shaken and flustered, and one by one the six gods and masters have looked at Prince William.

“can’t fall, we are committing the great crime of rebellion, whoever surrenders will die, there is still a glimmer of hope for resistance!”

Prince William’s words fell, and King Thomas stood up and said: “No, King Ben can promise that as long as you surrender, I will not pursue your crimes!” The

words ” were undoubtedly the last straw that broke the camel’s back.

“I surrender!”

“I surrender too!”

“Me too!”

one by one, they threw down their weapons and squatted on the ground, indicating that they had no intention of resisting.

only a few hundred loyal adherents still gathered around Prince William.

“You… Waste, it’s all waste! ”

“not that they waste, but that they believe in merciful kings because none of them want to die!”

King Thoma advised: “William, give up, you have no chance, I can promise not to kill you!” ”

“give up?” No way! < p idx="15"> “My good brother, have you forgotten that I still have hostages?”

Yes, the Emerald Princess is still in his hands.

“If you don’t want Jade to die, you kill yourself!”

Prince William put the blade of his sword on Jade’s neck, frightening her little face white.

King Thoma was furious, “William, are you still human?” She’s your own niece, she’s still a child! ”

“Stop! If you don’t want her to die, you will commit suicide, and I promise not to embarrass her if you die! ”

< p idx="21"> “You…” “Your Highness, don’t listen to him, you can’t live if you die!”

“Absolutely can’t promise him!”

“Father, you leave me alone, as a princess you should have this awareness, I… I’m not afraid! < p idx="25"> even if she was going to die, the Emerald Princess still stood up the courage to say this.


Hurry up, do you really want to see your only daughter die in front of yourself?”

William knows this brother very well, and he will definitely do it!

“You think too much!”

Yunfeiyang stood up and said: “As long as I don’t want King Toma to die, he can’t do it even if he wants to commit suicide, and I’m not his courtier, so I don’t need to listen to his orders!” ”

the eyes of the ministers lit up, I have to say that Yun Feiyang’s existence is their hope, if it weren’t for his efforts to turn the tide several times tonight, Prince William’s conspiracy would have succeeded!

because of this, Prince William at this moment hates Yun Feiyang!

“It’s you again, why do you have to go against me?” Obviously you are just an unrelated person, what do you care so much for! ”

“Yu Gong, this is my task, I must complete it, this is professional ethics!”

“In private, there are people I care about, I have to protect them!”

“Finally, don’t you understand the truth that it is better to be a peaceful dog than a troublemaker?” I like the now peaceful Fiore and don’t want you to spoil it! ”


the current Prince William has a feeling that it is difficult to ride a tiger, everyone betrays and leaves, and the end of the road!

“Larkin, Hughes, go and kill him, and then kill King Thoma!”

“No one else is allowed to move, or I will kill Jade!”

two strong men who had been guarding Prince William’s side burst out, aiming for Yun Feiyang.

Bell said loudly: “Be careful, their strength is not below me…”

“43” > sword light flashed, and the two stopped in front of Yun Feiyang!

“What a fast sword!”

grunted, the heads of the two fell off, and their bodies fell with them.

Yun Feiyang sheathed the sword of glory as if he had done a trivial thing, and then turned to Bell.

“What did you just say?”

Bell opened his mouth, unable to say a word!

Nothing, you feel free!

Prince William is even more unbearable, his whole face is green, and now he really has nothing to rely on!

King Thomas advised again, “William, have you not given up until now?” ”


“Get out of the way, get out of the way for me!”

Prince William slowly retreated as he held the Emerald Princess hostage.

“Dutton, get out of the way for me if you don’t want to kill Jade!”

“>”Your Highness…”

“Get out of the way, Jade’s safety matters!”

Wehrmacht gave way to a passage that allowed Prince William to be freed from the encirclement.

“William, you’re safe, release the emerald!”

“Are you stupid for me?” When I leave the royal capital and release her, you are not allowed to follow!” ”

“William, if you dare to hurt Jade, even if I chase you to the ends of the earth, I will not let you go!”

William laughed, “My stupid brother, you are always such a woman!” I tell you, I will not give up, one day I will kill back and take back the throne that belongs to me! ”


hundreds of guards guarded Prince William and retreated towards the outside of the palace.



Poor Emerald

Princess, gritting her teeth to prevent tears from slipping!

“Did I tell you to go?”

Prince William only felt that his arms were empty, and the emerald disappeared!

look again, Yun Feiyang is actually holding Jade next to him!

< p idx="71"> “you…” “Robbing people in front of me, where do you get your confidence?”

An ordinary person who has not yet been guarded by the strong, and there are flaws everywhere in Yun Feiyang’s eyes!


“Kill him!”

the surrounding city defenders raised their weapons and slashed over!


storm generated, swept hundreds of city defense troops into it, completely torn to pieces, and caused a blood rain in the sky!

only Prince William was spared, alone, and seemed helpless!

Yun Feiyang kicked him back!

at this time, the emerald princess wowed, crying in Yun Feiyang’s arms!

“scared me to death, I thought I was going to die, woo~~”

“83”> “Don’t cry, I’m your knight, how can I really watch you in danger!”

“Then you didn’t save me earlier, didn’t I just lose face?”

“No, you are brave and handsome!”

“That’s, I’m a princess, hee-hee…”

Emerald Princess broke into laughter!

“Bell stop!”

Bell on the other side wanted to kill Prince William, but was stopped by King Thoma.

“Your Highness, he killed my father, killed the people of Kulo Town, how many people died because of him, why don’t you let me kill him?”

“Bell, enough, really enough, enough people have died today!”

Bell looked around, there were many people lying in the square, and many more people were injured, many of them died because of him.

self-deprecating: “Yes, what right do I, a sinner, have to say about him?” < p idx="94"> just as Bell was about to lay down his weapon, Prince William suddenly shouted: “Success or defeat, there is death!” ”

after saying that, he took the initiative to collide, and the long sword ran through!

William’s sudden move was unexpected by everyone, and he had just tried his best to escape, but now he chose to commit suicide.

“William… Why? ”

“My good brother, don’t you know me yet?” Instead of being under house arrest for the rest of my life, I would rather choose to die! Is

” the pattern of the heroes?

seeing no hope of escape, coupled with Thoma’s prestige in Fiore, Prince William, who knows that he cannot shake the throne, would rather choose to end himself than survive!

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