just as Harpy and Charlotte were about to be captured, suddenly a violent wind blew all the transcendents away.

“My family is not something you can move!”

clouds flew and landed in front of them.

“Flying, great, here you are!”

Harpy shouted with joy, followed by grievances, “They bullied me and Xia Lulu, you have to help us teach them a lesson!” ”

“No problem, Harpy!”

Xia Lulu’s body trembled, he still came!

“Bold human beings dare to break into the kingdom of God without being summoned!”

“If you don’t kneel down and tie your hands, maybe Her Majesty can spare your life!”

a group of transcendent people twitter against Yun Feiyang, with an arrogant and arrogant attitude, and rightfully so!


Yunfeiyang said disdainfully: “I dare not consider myself a god, what are you?” ”


“Disrespect to God, capital sin!”

“Kill him!”

Yunfei frowned, “Noisy! ”

“Really think I’m an ignorant fool of this world?” Dare to show your might in front of me! ”


With a wave of his hand, countless wind blades formed, striking in all directions!

Xia Lulu screamed in fright, “Don’t! ”

useless, Yun Feiyang never shows mercy to the enemy’s subordinates!

for a while, the Beyonder escort was all cut in half, and the corpses fell with a rain of blood!

this scene frightened the inhabitants of the Transcendent below, and shocked the queen and ministers!

“Reversed, he actually dared to kill God!”

“mortal, how dare he?”

“The sky has changed, the sky has changed!”

“Don’t be afraid, we still have Her Majesty!”

“Her Majesty, quickly sanction him, sanction this daring human being!”

“sanction me?”

Yunfeiyang looked at Chargot and mocked: “Do you have this ability?” Incompetent God! ”


several ministers were anxious and quickly stood up to block Chargot behind him.

“Mankind, if you blaspheme God so much, are you not afraid that God will send divine punishment and harm your human world?”

“You will be a sinner of mankind!”

“Advise you to kneel down and beg for mercy, perhaps God’s mercy will open the net!”

Yunfeiyang was really amused by them!

Yaoyao stretched out his hand, and several ministers were bound and floated!

Chargert finally panicked, “Don’t! Please, don’t! ”

“Your Majesty, you should not beg him, let alone him, you are the god of this world!”

“Still loaded!”

Yunfeiyang said lightly to Chargett: “There are too many lies, even I believe in myself, right, Your Majesty?” < p idx="41"> Chart’s body trembled, and she continued to plead: “Please, let them go!” ”

this attitude made the onlookers look incredulous!

“Why?” Why didn’t Her Majesty sanction him and beg him? ”

“Her Majesty, why?”

“Show your divine power and slay this heinous human being!”


In the face of the pleas of the people, Chargot could do nothing but tremble with fear!

“Your Majesty, high god, do you want me to let them go?” Such sincerity is not enough! ”

Chartette gritted his teeth and knelt down, “Please let them go!” The

scene of ” made the faith of all transcendent collapse!

“Why?” What exactly is Her Majesty doing? ”

“Why is this happening?”

“Is this human really that scary?”

Yunfeiyang shook his head, “Sincerity is still not enough, the price is death!” < p idx="55"> Chartot was shocked and screamed, “Don’t! ”

Yun Feiyang did not care about her feelings, and with a squeeze of her hand, the entire body of several ministers exploded, turning into blood rain and minced flesh spilled.

“Why?” Why? Why did I beg you like this, and why didn’t you let them go? < p idx="58"> “You beg me, I have to let them go?” Do you really think that you are a god and have such a big face? And isn’t all this caused by your own hands? Didn’t you provoke this war? I don’t believe you don’t know my identity! ”

“I… I…” < p idx="60"> Chartette sat on the ground decadently and said bitterly: “I don’t want this, in order to protect the people, I really can’t help!” < p idx="61"> “To protect your people, so scourge my world?” Aren’t Aslan’s people human? So much life is not life? Do you really think your transcendent family is so noble? ”

“Well, I admit that you are okay doing this to protect your people, and if it were me, I think I would do the same, but as the persecuted party, it is only natural for me to come and take revenge now, do you think it is right Your Majesty?”

Chargot smiled miserably, “You are right, I caused all this, the sins and killings were brought by me, I am a sinner of two worlds, you should kill me, but…”

“> “My citizens are innocent, I beg you to let them go!”

Yunfeiyang shook his head, “Are they really innocent when they enjoy everything you have deceived and enjoy everything you have deceived, high and extravagant, and get things that do not belong to them?” < p idx="66"> “If you want to say innocent words, you can’t get used to your approach, the couple who are struggling to live outside alone is truly innocent!”

Harpy asked: “Feiyang, are you talking about the uncle and couple outside the city?” They are very nice people, I feel very kind! ”

Yun Feiyang glanced at it, stupid, that is of course your parents are kind.

Yun Feiyang said something that left Chargert speechless!

“Her Majesty, what’s going on here?”

“Tell us!”

even if the Beyonders are stupid, they sense that something is wrong at this moment!

Chartot smiled bitterly, “Citizens, I am not a god, I am just an ordinary transcendent like you… No, I’m even crippled, and if I have to say something special, maybe I have the ability to foresee some moments in the future! < p idx="74"> Chargert spread his wings, but only on one side, causing the people to exclaim.

The Transcendents are born with a magic called “wing”, that is, the ability to fly.

Chargot with only half wings is equivalent to losing pride!

“So you deceived us?” Been lying to us? ”


Chartot cried: “I see the future, our entire Exstania will be turned into a magic crystal by the mad king of mankind, in order to save the country, I have to use my ability to deceive everyone, and then give him super magic to let him hurt another world, I really have no way, I really have no other choice!” ”

“Forgive me, please forgive me!”

“Liar, you’re a big liar!”

“Kill her!” Kill this liar! < p idx="83"> the subjects who Chargert had painstakingly protected not only did not understand her, but picked up stones and smashed them.

Chargert, who was smashed to the head and bleeding, could do nothing but shed tears of grievance!


Xia Lulu couldn’t stand it and yelled: “Stop it for me!” < p idx="87"> “Why are you bullying her?” No matter how many mistakes she makes, it is to protect you, only you are not qualified to bully her! < p idx="88"> Chargot looked at Charlotte with mixed emotions such as gratitude, longing, and guilt.

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