Kanna no Kanna

Episode 102 893 Again

For a while from the time he returned, Fima was shamelessly curled up in bed and writhing all day long. Even though it was temporarily in a state of 'meowing' due to the medicine, it seemed that I remembered the memory quite clearly during that time, and naturally, during the affair with me, this and Kore and Nan were exactly the heads It seems to have been burned inside.

"... I've never thought so good about my good memory."

While he was curling up in his bed, Fima barely muttered.

Although she is such, she gets out of the bed state on the third day, and it is awkward on the fourth day, and a conversation with me has been established, and after a week, I will search for things in the Imperial Palace library again It started to resume. It's a good idea that you don't have a bad relationship.

However, everything was not restored.

One such act on the way to the library.

“──── ……… (ぽ ぉ ~~)”, “…… Hey Fima”, “Huh !? Kanna?”

When I approached her as she walked, her shoulders popped up in an interesting way. "Eh? Why are you there?"

"What, what ...?" "Well, after the door of the library has passed, I'm turning around the corner twice." "I wonder if I'll tell you a little sooner !? I won't stop you! "

Fukukami 時 に and others were surprised when they happened. It doesn't matter whether you're walking along the road, doing research, or eating. According to Kiska, he forgot his time while taking a bath and became “ぽ ぉ”.

…… I think it's definitely due to “Nyantime” with me. On the contrary, there is no other way to think.

"Hey, you gave me a lady." "Why don't you stop visiting things in that fight?"

He is crammed at Agat, but he whimsically hangs in and lands in between, but he finds out when his right hand does not reach his sword. When he knew the truth, he was ──.

"Is it understandable?"

I completely forgot that Agat needed "adult education." Until then, it would have been better to talk to Rand.

He told Rand, "Because I was tired from an unfamiliar foreign party," he told him about Fima for a few days after returning from the party. Given Agata's personality, he knew I would come to kill me as soon as I knew the facts, but I wonder if I could understand it in the first place. A child is a pure handsome man who thinks that a child is a gift of God, not metaphorical expression. In the first place, what kind of education would evolve into such a pure handsome guy? If you have the opportunity, you should at least know the relationship between stamens and pistils.

Aside from the "education" to Agat, I finished talking to Real and then went on to the adventurer's guild, with a slight wound in my heart. I was told to leave my guild when I left Real. Apparently Riadial wants to hear the progress report from my mouth.

Fima has already forgiven her free time today.

Fortunately, the librarian in the library gave me a loan for a few days before seeing a fiercely eager investigator. Although it is a loan, it is strictly prohibited to take it out of the Imperial Palace and it is limited to books permitted by the librarian, but there is no problem if it is within the range. Thanks to this, the investigation can be continued even at night when the use time of the library has ended.

In addition, if you bring a lot of books in the sunny, you can stay out of the room almost all day. Even in the Imperial Palace, the room between the guests who stay at Fima is more robust than other rooms, and the doors and windows cannot be destroyed by ordinary shocks. By the way, in the back of the ceiling, Fima's immediate magical measures ensured that if someone sneaks in, she would instantly reach her. In other words, her safety is guaranteed while she is in the guest room. If it's a kore, it's not a problem just to leave me alone.

However, it is much better to go directly to the archives for efficiency, but Fima was willing to send out that "I am taking care of Kanna and sometimes take a break." . So today is free time.

The adventurer's guild, who has probably been here for more than half a month, was still bustling. I was feeling calm, despite being noisy, probably because I was packing in a formal place for a while. After all, it seems that the harsh atmosphere of the Imperial Palace and the like does not fit in any way.

"Ah, isn't Aniki there!"

When I tried to enter the guild, I was heard from behind. Looking back, a good-looking man with a tattoo engraved on half of his face pointed a happy smile here. For a moment I was surprised by the apparently stubborn appearance, but immediately recalled that she was a memorable person.

When arrested by the Knights of the Steel Dragon, it was Gorotsuki Itama, a town I met in a captured jail.

"It's been a long time, Kanna's Aniki!" "Oh, oh, it's been about half a month even after a long time ..."

When an asshole looks stern and crawls in a friendly style, he gets frightened. He couldn't be below the one he was longing for, and felt his eyes twitching and returned.

"I'm going to get in here because it's going to get in the way," "I understand!"

With Tamar responding vigorously, I stepped into the guild. When you set up inside the building and out of the way of others, you exchange words with Tamar again.

"I heard. Congratulations on becoming an adventurer. Congratulations." "No, thanks to Aniki scolding me in prison and even helping me. I was back in Gorotsuki behind the alley. ''

While scratching the back of the head, Tamar lowers his head with Pekopeko.

"How do you feel about becoming an adventurer?"

He says incredibly mediocre things to the touch, but conversely, his mediocre daily lives would have lived at the bottom of his life as fast as possible.

"Why did you come to the guild to get a request today?" "Although I can now live a matomo life, I can not do the job of demon beast suppression system now. I'm in the middle of making money every day .... I'm so sorry. "

I laughed and dabbled Tamar's arm with the muddiness of the ending.

Akoh: "I'm not in trouble with money, so I'm waiting patiently to repay the money I've lent. ! "

If you can bow down to a man with a better physique than you, you will not feel uncomfortable.

"... I just wondered right now, is it okay to accept a request for a chore based on your appearance?"

At first glance, Tamar looks like "Wrestling-type 893". Moreover, tattoos are engraved on half of the face, so there is no odd force. When a timid human meets his back alley in the middle of the night, he burst out crying with a single shot.

Many requests for choreography are closely related to the daily lives of people, and the distance to the client is shorter than requests for defeat of the beast. It is an ordinary person who has nothing to do with storms. The compatibility with 893 may be the worst question. ...... Tamar was "Originally 893", but it wouldn't be obvious to a person who met him for the first time.

"Certainly, even if you go to the client with the guild paper, you often get a strange face.Sometimes you have withdrawn your request as soon as you have met your face I look like this. "

Tamar laughed without force, but he didn't include much of the tragic feeling.

"But only once, but when I said to the lawn mower, the client, Baa-chan, said," Thank you. "" "That's good." It was cheap, but I felt like I was rewarded in one word. "" ... It looks like we can continue for a while, "" Please be reassured. "

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