Kanna no Kanna

Episode 123: Shota seems to be a universal language

Tenken There was a hunch from the sign of magical powers, but the "" to which it belongs will come out.

She doesn't feel as unreasonable as Schlier, but she's not as optimistic as she can be.

"Okay, let's go. Let's clear the humiliation I've had!"

The boy Juvenile Lakesis shook his arm, which should have been nothing. From his distance, his arm is obviously not enough. Still, I followed the approaching chills and jumped off the spot.

"Zubung," the ground where I stood was cut off. No, there were traces of the beast's claws.

This "Is it okay to see me at first glance?" "Hey! What's right now, Shota-ko!" Twenty-year-old "I can't teach you ... or who is Shota! It's too much! "

I can communicate with young children.

Aside from the extra bokeh of the ice blade, I instantly embodyed "" under my feet and started skiing. A soldier who has lost control of Lakesis and has fallen has been recovered in a hurry. Releases an ice cone when leaving. But my attack is shattered just before I hit Laces. It's as if an invisible "wall" is around him.

"No ... Is it better than a wall? Is it a thread?"

If you look carefully around Lacesis' hand, you will notice an object on the elongate thread extending from the finger of the small hand. A similar object was wrapped around Lacesis' body.

Did you hear my muttering?

"Yes, I'm making" threads "with magical powers, but it's usually impossible to cause physical phenomena like that !?"

Jump kick Indeed, what is the strange feeling that came back to the sole when you hit it? I was wondering because I had only had a nosebleed, even though it should have been a clean hit. Normally, if you get a kick with such momentum, it's normal to have a broken nose.

Perhaps, however, he kept a minimum amount of defense so that others could not realize it with magic, and he always wrapped a string of magic around himself.

Military "Kissing, please!"

He moved to the side of Kiska, who gave first aid to Kakuldo and Skelia, and threw his soldiers. It's like kicking a person off a running motorcycle, but unfortunately he can't afford to be more concerned about him.

"I can afford to care about others." "Yabeppe !?"

Senses that killing is approaching behind. Because she was close to the Kiskas, avoiding it would harm her. I chose defense and embodied the ice wall as I turned around.

A string of magical power slammed into the ice wall, and a dissonance sounded like scratching the glass with nails. Others were overheard by so much discomfort, but I was more distorted by the power applied to the ice wall.

Each thread had the impact of striking a sharp steel sword. If you eat properly, the end will be sliced ham or dice steak. I imagined the chill.

"It's strangely strong ice, even though you can't feel the shards of magic."

Lakesis has been angry again and has begun to attack his arm again. Nagging with thread is quite wide. If you do poorly, others will get involved.

Conversely, the size of the space leads to difficulties in handling at short distances. And Lachesis's physique is just a child of a race. I guess that my physical ability is not so high. It is unknown if you do not actually check this.

If your physical abilities are exactly what they look like, the game of choice is close combat.

Deciding, releasing the ice cone to Laces, and turning the tip of the kick blade to Laces, I accelerate. I want to embody a big ax, but it's hard to expend the spirit of doing the weight reduction of the ax and the acceleration control of the kick blade at the same time.

Lacesis shook his right arm, not even showing the flying ice cone. The ice cone is shattered and blocked shortly before reaching Lacesis, again by the thread barriers around him.

As expected, the ice cone does not pass at all. Obviously the attack power is lacking. With a light tongue, I use the ice wall to prevent the thread running from the right hand of Lakesis. The lack of a large ax was partly due to the spirit of defense.

A high-pitched abrasion sound resounding from a close distance pierces the eardrum. I moved my mind to the acceleration of the kick blade and the strength of the ice wall, and forcibly broke through the thread wiping.

The attack power of that magic string is never let out. But, insistence, Lakesis's attack is not in the area of "thread". For this reason, if you use slashing, the slashing of the thread starts one tempo later than the arm movement. That is the goal.

It's almost within reach of Laces. The right arm on which the thread stretches is in a fully swung state, and the left arm is naturally facing the ground. At this speed, this attack will reach faster than the second shot with the left arm.

From a very close distance, he strikes a spiritistic blow with all his mental power and breaks through the breakthrough.

However, looking at Lachesis' face, which was more clearly visible as the time was tighter, my spine ran numbly enough to feel pain.

──What is floating is a smile of pleasure.

Braking I mobilize all the mental power I was going to use to attack and do the kick blade. Next to Lakesis's smiling face, he noticed the thread extending from his left hand.

The thread had been stretched from the fingertips and had disappeared to the ground beyond it. That means ──.

A sharp abrasion sounds. The source of the sound is from below!

── Guyintsu! !

The tip of the thread hit me, who had slowed down due to sudden braking. The source of the thread is from the ground in front of me. A thread extending from the left hand of Lacesis went underground and ran through me.

"Nogaa !?"

There were no fatalities due to the activation of Mithril's breastplate or ice barrier. Even so, the impact of being hit with a hammer penetrated the whole body and I was thrown backwards.

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