Kanna no Kanna

Episode 131 The Name is ────

"I'm shut up from a while ago, I'm so busy! If I want to be myself, please bring me a gentle, older beautiful busty girl!

Good Who will become a puppet of Shotamaki? I completely came to my head and shouted with all my voice.

Miku: "Huh! Why ?! My thread is definitely reaching you! Why are you conscious?"

Lacesis stiffened by my screams and made a sad voice.

"Oh, I feel a little bit deep inside my chest from a while ago, but it's awkward and terribly painful!" !? "

Is this about?

Don't make me laugh at all.

Rakesis makes a stern look, looking at me as she lifts her mouth.

"Well, I won't forgive you anymore. I will seize you with all my strength. If you do poorly, your spirit will collapse, not just your ego, but don't feel bad!"

Lacesis pours into the thread that stretches from his fingertips, increasing his magic.

Through the thread, the magic of Lacesis is poured into my body.

But ──.

"Wow! I'm sure my magic has penetrated until I can directly interfere with your spirit!"

Lachesis opens his eyes.

"Why ... why can't you 'control' !?"

魂 A soul that never fades, no matter how much humiliation you can apply.

What a surprise.

How easy is it compared to carrying the world's “”?

If you notice, your senses return to the limbs that should have been dominated.

The spirit rejoices in response to the ── soul of my heart.

絶 Pure color that is never breached by anyone.

Butchi and one of the "threads" were cut.

"Bo, my thread ..."

Laces is stunned, constantly pouring magic into the thread.

忌 An abomination outside God's religion because he was not loved by God.

"Wow, wow, wow!

With all of my strength in my body, I barked.

Starting with the first one, the thread that has been stretched all over the body is cut off one after another. There was no way Lakesis could stop it.

孤 A solitary king who is not ruled by anyone in this world.

A voice resounded in my head.

Is this a spirit voice?

But it doesn't matter now.

"It's a lie ... my thread is ... like this ... to such scraps without" blessing "!"

"Thread", a symbol of self-confidence, is torn off miserably.

Lacesis shook his head to deny the scene in front of him.

"What is ... what are you !?"

She shouted as if she doubted her insane.

With nature, I was answering.

"I am Kanna!


Remember, this fucking guy is ぁ ぁ ぁ ぁ! ! "

──Bazzuntsu! !

I cut all the threads and I regained my freedom.

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