Kanna no Kanna

Episode 153

There is a shower in the room rented at the Imperial Palace, so wash away your sweat there once. After refreshing, I changed to clean clothes and I headed to the adventurer's guild.

The sun is rising and it is time for the town to flourish. Meanwhile, I move my legs while dragging my heavy waist. Why are you so heavy?

"Why is guilt stronger than merit?"

I know it. They had a relationship with a beautiful woman who would rarely be seen when they were in the original world. In addition, both are deceiving their romantic feelings. It's strange that you don't feel humbled.

Luxurious ... On the contrary, it's the trouble that the curse of explosion can be put on. There will be some degree of dishonesty. Moreover, if I return to the original world, it will be automatically resolved and a wonderfully overly ending ending awaits.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to know only Misaki and Ayana."

I arrived at the adventurer's guild, though my body and mind were gennary. The purpose is to renew the contract with Fima for long-term, not temporary. She has already been given a stroke and submits it to the guild to complete the update.

As usual, we headed to the reception where Synadie was. She looked down at me and bowed.

"I'm waiting for you, Kanna. I'm sorry to trouble you early in the morning." "... Did you tell me that you're coming to the guild today in advance?" "Did you come because I want to update the contents of the escort request I have undertaken ..."

The two did not agree, and we all tilted our heads.

I open my mouth, ruining her words in my head.

"Well, that's why I was called me?" "Riadial-sama is like that .... I've already said that I had the wording." I'm new to the fact I was receiving. ''

I don't think I'll ever get a call ... I am sad because I have no confidence in myself. It is impossible to deny the possibility that they have been prepared without knowing it. Because I am.

"Oh, I don't mean there was anything wrong.

She put her hand on her chin and wrinkles between her eyebrows, and Sinadi followed. It's not going to be a punishment, but it's not easy enough to end up with a little tea.

"Wouldn't it be better to renew the contract after talking to the old woman?"

I was taken by Synadie and went to the guild master's office, which is now a few times away.

She knocked on the door and waited for a reply before entering the room. Inside, she was sitting at her desk and working on paperwork.

The old woman instructs Sinadi to brew tea, and she and I are the only ones in the room.

"I've come a lot. I've been waiting." "In fact, it seems a bit wrong."

I told my grandmother who came to the guild close at hand today. The old woman listened and leaned her head, just as she did earlier.

"Hey it's weird. I guess he should have left the message to Real's guy."

Real? But I haven't heard anything about her call from the guild.

"Well, if you come from me anyway, it's all right. I sat down without standing."

When she was encouraged to sit on the sofa in the room, she sat face to face as usual.

"I heard that you fell down during the request again."

Great Blessings First of all, the fact that Fima is a royal family and the assailant is "" will not be revealed to the outside. If you're a former S-rank adventurer, you'll probably know her name, but she can't tell you that she's been involved in a recent incident.

"Nice, it's natural for adventurers to keep the client's information secret, even if they're guild masters. I'm not going to force me to hear it."

She seemed to understand when she could not answer, and she was not pursuing any further.

"Well, what about Real guys recently?" "How?" "Hey, there are many things."

It's too fluffy to get the point.

Since Real has returned as Commander of the Phantom Dragon Knights, her chances of contact with her have dropped dramatically. Really, only occasionally.

When I look at the memories of the occasional meeting, I remember when I went to a coffee shop with Real. It feels like a long time ago, but at that time she was really beautiful. If you can come true, I want to go out without talking about that real and work again.

"... Hmm, it's not without a pulse."

I couldn't tell that the old woman who saw my face muttered in good mood, but she laughed generously regardless of me.

"What's the dementia?" Senrenaku "I'm Babaa but I don't remember doing that!"

It seems that the elderly are aware, but the blur has not yet begun.

I don't mean that he has a certain memory, but I've always asked questions.

"Speaking of which, you were a real teacher," "I studied with me only during my adventures." "Real was originally going to join the military. Did you discipline Real who knew you would quit the adventurer? "

Taking a disciple is an act of leaving one's successor. Nevertheless, Real has always been an adventurer on the premise that he will join the army. It seemed a little contradictory.

The grandmother thinks a little in my question.

"... Isn't it a story you shouldn't hear too much?" "

There seems to be something more complicated than I thought. However, even though it is a secret, it is the past of the opponent. Curiously, I listen to the old woman's words.

"──, it seems like tea came before that. Let's take a break first."

When the grandmother turned to the door, the knock sounded at exquisite timing. Cinnadi, who puts a steamer on the tray, enters the room. She bowed with tea on the table and left.

As always, how do you measure the timing? Maybe telepathy?

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