Kanna no Kanna

Episode 174: A Situation That Can No Longer Be Taken

Regulus When the greeting was over, an elf with a tray moved in front of him. Picks up the letter and places it on it, and the elf goes under the king and sends the letter on the tray to the king.

Affirmed, "I received the parent letter from Emperor Diagar. I will check it later and write a reply. During that time, I will allow you to stay in our country. Let's rejoice! "

According to the previous information, various concerns were raised and there were concerns even after stepping in, but I was able to hand over the parent letter safely. Half of the request is over and this is a paragraph.

All you have to do is get a letter from King Eldafoss and return back to Diagar. I'll be staying here for a few days, but in the meantime I'll look for clues about my goal, Return to the Real World.

I hear that Eldafoss is a country with a great deal of magic, and I have to ask him to do his best.

Strong… But the emperor feels that the reason is a little weak for a clue. Are there any more clues than the wisdom of magic?

The vague thought of that, the king's gaze turned to me.

...... Still Nanimositenaiyo?

The king opened his mouth when he was intimidated, wondering if he had fallen again without knowing it.

"By the way, dragon sword. Who is the white-haired young man who is right behind you? At first glance, it's invisible to Diagal's serviceman."

It was good, it was my topic that I didn't seem to be rude unconsciously! ?

Well, if there is only one lightly dressed person in the Imperial Army tightly dressed in armor, it will stand out.

"He's an adventurer hired as my escort." "An adventurer ... I'm so chosen to be an escort by someone with such a heroism. "I'm a young adventurer, but I'm already so famous among Draganir adventurers that I don't know."

Huh? Is that so? Did I become a celebrity while I never knew! ?

No, wait a minute. That means ...

"Hey, not so much. What's your name?" "Adventures go by the name" Kana of Shirayasha "."

After all! ?

Is it already super famous among adventurers? ?

Speaking of which, the Emperor even knows! !

Speaking of course? !

──I didn't notice that I was a little tempered at this time, but there were many Eldaphos dignitaries besides King Eldaphos. In other words, the name of "Shirayasha" spread to the ears of that many people, but it was a little later to know about it.

"So, we're sorry for this." "No. Wait a moment, dragon sword."

Regulus: King Eldafoss stopped his attempt to lower his head and leave the hall.

"I think I'm tired of the long journey, but will you hear this king's request?" "...? If we can do it."

Regulus: As expected, he couldn't help refusing the king's words.

King Eldaphos, who received it, uttered his wish.

"[Dragon Sword] Regulus, I want you to take a helmet that covers its face."

Regulus Eldafos's wishes surprised me, as well as the people behind me and the Diagal Empire.

Regulus That means exposing your real face in this place.

"Actually, it was no coincidence that you were chosen for the delivery of the parent letter. I had previously asked Emperor Diagar. I want a dragon sword to have a parent letter." Am I myself? "

Eldafoss glanced at the elven man standing next to him, and the man closed his eyes to think of something and nodded at the king.

"I know you're hiding your face for that reason, but ask for it with your understanding. Can you show us your real face?"

Regulus Eldafoss's tone was by no means strong, but he felt the pressure of a gently rushing wave. The elven man standing next to her is also aiming at the bright light.

Apparently, it's not about entertainment or interest. Rather than handing over the parent letter, this is the main theme.

"Is it okay to confirm only one?" "Um, this is what I'm asking for. Let's tell." "The king is half of the blood that flows through me." Tomo "

The king admits that he knows that Regulus is. Eldafoss elves had heard that they were often purebred, but did the king come to see his real face?

"………………I understand"

Regulus After long contemplation, he finally answered.

There was a wish from the king of Eldafoss, but above all, her own thoughts. I felt so.

Regulus, with his hands around the neck, unfastened the fasteners holding the helmet and slowly removed him from his head.

The face of a beautiful silver-haired woman with long ears was exposed.

The silver hair released from the helmet was lightly gathered by hand and flowed behind, turning its beauty toward the king.

The king squinted, "Wow," but the dramatic response was more to the next male elf.

At the moment the face of Regulus's Pereal was exposed, she was astonished as if struck by lightning, and opened her eyes astonishingly.

Not only the king and the men, but the key figures here were also surprised. Many of them can be seen in Real's beauty, and I can hear my exclaimed words.

But the response of the male elf did not seem to be simply losing words to Real's beauty.

"Ryu, I want to ask Ryukenden one ..."

At this time, a male elf spoke for the first time. The steep expression as before lurked, uttering a shivering voice.

"Your mother isn't the Elf named Reilina?" "Well, my mother's name is Reilina ..." "Where is she now?" "Unfortunately, I'm a child In that time ... "" I see ......... "

Upon hearing Real's answer, the male elf closed his eyes so fast that he could endure his emotions, and had a sorrowful expression that was about to begin to cry.

What, what ’s this?

── And at this time, there was a point I missed fatally.

Another elf by the king.

From the bottom of the mask covering the face, point your sharp gaze at Real's real face.

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