Kanna no Kanna
The third interlude
--- Why?
Philias Edel-Ulfiria, the second princess of the Kingdom of Urfilia, with a pretty appearance and a rare beauty as a magician, was at the height of confusion.
As declared a few days ago, the "Three Heroes" Arizuki, summoned by the Kingdom of Urfilia, stepped out of the royal capital for the first time in this world.
After all, it is their first world. As overseer, several members of the Guard Knights, who report directly to the King and were in charge of guarding the area, were attached. They were an insurance against the brave's emergency and an escort for a person.
There were no encounters with monsters on the way to Sacred Mountain. Demon beasts that can be moved within a day from the royal capital are regularly cleaned by adventurers and castle soldiers. That was communicated to the heroes and proceeded without any problems.
However, no matter how peaceful the road, there was no moment when the guards could rest. There is a second princess who accompanies the three braves.
There is a special "area" in the Reiyama--Mount Seraphide, and you can die without time if you don't use magical tools that can only be used by blood holders linked to the royal family. Without the second princess, entry into the sacred mountain is impossible.
There was a big reason for that, but the Knights knew that the biggest reason was the responsibility for the heroes summoned from another world under their own direction. A benevolent and reputed princess. They did not want to irresponsibly send heroes to dangerous areas. Fortunately, she is as talented as the Court Magician, who has the same strength as the Guard Knights. At least, there is no noticeable danger until you reach Lingshan.
At the end of the day with a transport carriage, the next day before noon, we reached the bottom of the target Seraphide mountain.
The moment we stepped into the territory, everyone who was there felt the chill. The outside air that touches the skin is not so cold yet. Nevertheless, freezing cold was rising from the inside, not from the outside.
However, using the royal witchcraft previously prepared by Princess Phileas, the chill quickly dissipated and, on the contrary, the soothing warmth overflowed into the body and mind. The three brave men thanked Phileas for their heartfelt thanks.
The heroes who successfully entered the territory with Phileas's hands experienced the world's first "actual battle".
As expected by the Knights of the Guards, there were signs that they were slightly overwhelmed by the first monster opponent. There was also some hesitation in killing the undeniably living pests. No matter how brave this is, the reaction is no different from a freshman graduate.
However, in the second encounter, some determination was made, and the rigidity of the movement was lost.
In the third demon beast battle, a group of snow wolf that inhabit the sacred mountain has emerged. There were more than twenty, and the Knight touched the handle of the sword when it was too many, but the princess who kept it elegant was smiling.
First of all, Misaki took the lead. A huge armor-type magic device attached to both hands and feet fired an explosive flame, and the impact provided a tremendous propulsion force, piercing and approaching a group of demons approaching. Mainly on the kicking technique, the blast blows the kick, or the blow with the explosion itself hits the monster and overwhelms it.
When a strong pre-emption is obtained by a friend, a month follows. We will cut through the vital points of the demon beasts with dangerous movements. The sharpness of his sword is sharp, and he can cut through even the hard bones of the demon, but his sword handling is not arrogant. The skill is such that the members of the Guard Knights can wind their tongue. Probably, only the commander of the Guard, who is now absent, can match him with his sword.
What surprised the members of the Guard Knights most was Ayana, who was considered to be the most powerless and not suitable for combat among the braves. She squats down on a step outside the battlefield where Misaki rampages and the sword is waving like Arizuki dances, and she holds her advantage horizontally.
In her hand or arm, there is a magic tool with a slender "tube" that just reaches her small height.
Barely, they understood that they were "guns."
Although guns are few but few on the market, they are rarely used in this country due to the difficulty in maintaining them and the cost of ammunition for ammunition consumed each time they are used. However, some guards had possession, and Konoe had seen the real thing.
However, they've seen them at best only fit in one hand. It was not long enough to exceed the meters that Ayana has. What's more, the gun is a magical tool created by her alchemy using her aptitude magic "Original Attribute".
This weapon was developed by Ayana, who was aware of her catastrophic motor skills, and developed to survive in this world. Originally, a "gun" is a weapon that can provide a certain amount of results in a short period of time even for amateurs as long as they know how to load and aim. By the time it was found that alchemy could make a variety of objects, Ayana was developing weapons that could fully use her abilities in parallel with Misaki's back and legs.
Ayana squeezes the trigger for it, named the alchemy gun. A slight burst of the operative square from the end of the muzzle caused a light burst of sound and a slight delay, and the head of a far-away wolf monster, located on the extension of the muzzle, blew off. Ayana slides on the upper part of the barrel without showing any emotional movement. When a part of the internal mechanism is exposed and the cylinder-empty cartridge case is ejected from it, a new bullet is removed from the pocket by a familiar operation and quickly loaded and returned to its original position. He then squeezed the trigger again with a flowing motion. During this time she had kept her eye on the tip of the muzzle--a small portion of its prey.
Misaki wearing an explosive flame in the avant-garde. Aritsuki follows up behind him. Ayana accurately reduces the number of demon beasts in the rear guard. With the brilliant coordination of the three, about twenty demons were destroyed in less than five minutes.
How are you
The "narrator" you know. Here is my turn. Isn't it calling? Complain to the creator of this story.
At this point, the fighting powers of the braves were well above the average of the monsters inhabiting this sacred mountain. But they did not be arrogant, but they did not shrink, and struck the monsters they encountered one after another. He was taught by an incompetent boy that patience and carelessness were always the most losing factors.
With no particular danger, the group ran through the sacred mountain and eventually reached a cave with a huge mouth.
Aritsuki visited to confirm.
"Fey, here's the 'legendary spear' you say?" "That's true if the tradition is correct. A terrible genie used by a modern hero three hundred years ago to attack the country The sealed "Maji" is sitting there. "
Phileas said, looking deep into the cave.
"Legendary spear to genie ... Hey. It's a kind of RPG development."
Misaki's muttering as if he was optimistic. He didn't really enjoy the game among his friends, and wasn't particularly impressed.
"Template development is a romantic for nerds. I'm excited."
Ayana says expressionlessly next to her, but Misaki reads that her inner expressionlessness is quite exciting because of her best friend.
"... you've enjoyed it a lot since you came to this world. The guns and the weapons of me." "I intend to make a real distinction between reality and two dimensions. I think finding fun is the secret to enjoying life. ''
The same goes for a certain incompetent boy. In fact, he was finding the "fun" of this world on the way of eating.
"And that's the main purpose of this time to get that legendary spear, right?" "According to legend, the spear empowers those who are qualified as brave. If you three are summoned as heroes, you will be able to get the power of the spear without any problems. "
The eyes of Misaki and Ayana converged on Arizuki.
"Well, if you're a spear, Aritsuki-kun would be appropriate. As you can see, my athletic ability is destroyed, and Misaki-san is not." It doesn't matter whether it's a bow or a sword, "" ... Why is it? It feels very close to the glue when you're pushing the trouble "" " (Ne)
Arizuki was terrible in the set words and I couldn't speak any more. The ability is the highest, but the hierarchy is still at the bottom.
"But I think it's best to leave it to Arizuki-san. To achieve the full potential of the magic spear will require a huge amount of magical power. If you have magical powers, you should be able to fully demonstrate that power. "" Yeah, thank you fee. I'll do my best! "
Aritsuki encouraged by the princess showed her motivation. He's still a chubby man. It seems that he will soon win the position of "Choloin" as it is, but unfortunately he is a man and the part of Choroin is not suitable.
"But be careful." Guardian "is waiting as the last barrier to get a spear. You cannot gain the power of the spear unless you defeat it. "Is a boss character appearing? We could successfully defeat the monsters that inhabit this mountain, but how strong are their guardians and what? That's a common story. "
Philias resolutely answers Ayana's alert questions.
"It is a tradition that if you have the power of a hero, you will definitely be able to defeat him." "I'm asking for a logical opinion, not a guts theory."
What to say with confidence? Misaki rushed. But Philias said "? I just leaned. Misaki is holding her head.
"What's both of you? Are you saying that Fee is okay? So it's okay! After all we're summoned as braves!"
---- Gogon!
"It hurts! I'm afraid I can't stop fisting in the middle of the dialogue? Misaki-san's armor makes me hurt." "... I understand the hardship of Kanna well."
Misaki is thrilled to see the incompetent boy's usual struggle through the tears of the moon.
"As long as you protect the [Legendary Spear], its [Guardian] 's ability will be immeasurable. It would be better to act here with a view to temporary withdrawal." "I'm worried! "
"…………………………………………” “However, it is not always possible to run away with a tail against a person who excels at his ability. I think you need to experience it: first try head on, and if you can't help it, retreat, fortunately, there is a village near this mountain, where you have to re-establish your strategy and try again, That's a safe place. ''
Aiming at the muzzle in the moon, Ayana expressed a calm opinion.
There is a small village not at the foot of the sacred mountain from the Urfilia side, but in the opposite direction beyond the mountain. The road from here to the village is not far, so there is no problem as a retreat destination.
"Mr. Fee. I've heard it, just in case, isn't there a legend that a guardian trap is set up where the guardian is located? I want to relocate my base and try it out in perfect condition. "" As long as I hear, there shouldn't be any ... "" I see. If you arrive near the place, then there is a magic trap again. I don't doubt that tradition, but it's not a waste of time to keep in mind. "
At the end of the whole story, the three braves, the princess, and a few knights of the Guards never went into the cave. There was no wind unlike the outside, so the cold inside was not so much. This is because Philias has activated a special magic tool. Without it, no matter how much fire he puts on and warmed himself, he would have been frozen in a true sense of his body and mind within minutes, and would have died.
--- There are some incompetent boys who have endured with guts and silver-haired elf ears that have endured normally, but that is an extremely "extreme" exception.
The sunset is soon approaching, and there is little sunlight coming in from the entrance of the cave. Secure the light source with a cantera-type magic tool prepared in advance, and proceed with caution. Demon beasts do not appear, but proceed to the back with moderate tension.
After a while, I saw a bright space far away. Shortly before that, Misaki approached Phileas.
"Fee, are there any magical traps?" "... I can't find anything, especially." "Okay.
Ayana took out a rectangular object about the size of a fist from the large pouch she had lowered from her waist. The surface is engraved with a strangely elaborate wind-like logo.
"... Ayana-san. Does that look like a C4 in our world, or a bomb like that?" "Ah, the basic bullet of an alchemy gun is a magical amplification of a warhead shot with gunpowder and fired. Is it not surprising that a bomb can be made?" "Even if you say such a thing, how's the sword method?" "Aritsuki-kun would be hanging a sword with outstanding sharpness. What is it now?" "Oh, yeah.
Aritsuki, who is a brave man but is sometimes caught in the common sense of the original world. Or is Ayana who has broken through the common sense of the original world lightly abnormal? Misaki, who understands both feelings, refused to comment.
"Ayana-san, what's the bomb for?" "I can't help saying that if you can see the magic tricks but don't have a physical trap. I'll blow it off to make sure I'm leaving. Well, I didn't prepare this in anticipation of that. "
Answering Fie's questions, Ayana installs about three bombs. Athletic ability is at a minimum, but Ayana's hands are dexterous. Otherwise, even if you have the talent of the original attribute, it will not be enough to make Misaki's equipment and your own gun with alchemy.
As Ayana continues to work on the bombs, Misaki calls out to Aritsuki, who is swinging his sword to keep his head off.
Super-strengthened "Aritsuki. Please prepare for" "from now on." "I haven't started any fights yet?" "This is not a game, but a real battle. I don't expect it. You're going to end up with the first blow. "
Arizuki's "Super Strengthening" is a technique to increase physical ability to several times or more without reaction to the body, but has the disadvantage that "it takes time from start to activation". At least one minute-it will take more time if it becomes a real battle.
"But that's sneaky ..." "Anta idiot? I'm dead and fighting fairly and I don't care. The strength of the" guardian "who says she's guarding the spear is unknown. What do you do without doing your best to win? At least if Kanna had been here, he would have said the same thing as Atashi. "
Arizuki nodded without being confused, given the name of a childhood friend whose head could not rise. According to Misaki's words, we will formulate the technique of light attribute magic "Super Strengthening". By the time the name of the incompetent boy appeared, Misaki was in a low-pitched voice, so I couldn't hear it except Misaki, Ayana and Aritsuki.
By the way, the princess and the Guard Knight did not speak any words during this conversation. He was a little fearful, surprisingly surprising at the lack of opportunity for the brave women. He is still young, and the number of actual battles has not exceeded an order of magnitude. Usually scary.
At the time when Ayana's work is completed, Aritsuki will bring "Super Strengthening" one step closer to the activation. I can't keep this state for a long time, but I can keep it for about five minutes.
"If I fired the super enhancement, I can catch up to Misaki's speed. Since we both rush at the same time, after shooting a shot, Ayana shoots with a gun." "I understand. I left behind, Ayana, "Please leave me," "So, let's go."
The preparation is ready. All you have to do now is to defeat the "Guardian" who is waiting for you.
The three braves nodded together and stepped into the open space in front of them.
"Okikusan?" "Oh, where are you in this place?"
However, I'm sorry.
In the center of the spacious open space, there is Taku Fukudai for some reason. A young girl with blue hair and a beautiful woman in a kimono with the same hair color sat on the side, squeezing polypoly and sweets.
““ ………………………………………… ”
It was such a warm space in front of me, even though I was fully prepared for battle. Not only the brave men, but the princess and the guard knights all followed.
"Do you guys eat too?
A beautiful woman in a kimono recommends a piece of cookie on a bowl, but there is no one to receive it. By the way, cookies are handmade by a family's wife who lives in the village at the foot of Lingshan. The girl was still looking at the visitors, but was still chewing the cookies.
"Um ............... Which one?"
Surprisingly, Arizuki was the first to recover.
Surprisingly it was Arizuki. I said twice because it was important.
"Well, is it a beauty?"
That's the moment when the hearts of the visitors came together, saying they wouldn't answer.
“……… Ah?
The eyes of the beautiful woman, who suddenly looked calm, looked narrow in the face of Arizuki. Despite no hostility or murder, Arizuki was hit by a freezing cold in his gaze.
"Fan ... I see. I guess the boy there is probably a" modern "hero?"
It wasn't Arizuki that breathed the beauty's words, but the princesses behind it. The fact that the hero was summoned was a state secret, and other nations were not even known to the people of their own country. However, she cannot help but be wary of a blue-haired beauty who has spoken of that fact.
"If you think" Amiko "has appeared, this time it's" Aishiko. "Looking at the places where I didn't attack even if I looked at me, it seems that my memory has not been inherited. I remember two girls too, but it seems like I haven't inherited my memories yet. "
The beauty, thinking a bit, told the girl sitting on the side.
"Is it bad but will you drop? I'm afraid of it." "Oh, I understand. Be careful."
The girl nodded as he swallowed the cookies left in his mouth.
And it lost its shape as if it were an illusion, and disappeared like a fog.
Arizuki somehow chose the words and opened her mouth to the beautiful woman who talked unilaterally. I am worried about the girl who has disappeared, but it seemed to me that there was no problem in seeing the beauty.
"... I'll ask you again, but who are you?" "Well ... I hope you think that" now "is a mysterious beauty. What's the use of modern "Braves" in such a cold and remote place? "" Well, we came looking for a legendary spear sealed in this place. "" ... Oh, that one. Well, if the hero comes to this place, it's usually the purpose of "Are." I totally forgot. "
The beauty looks very awkward and turns her eyes away from the brave man and looks sideways at Sole. Arizuki followed the eyes of the beautiful woman and finally came to the point of "Sole", which they wanted.
Just like a silver spear that breaks from the middle.
“…………………………” “………………………………”
The ○ Old! The air of the place was frozen and the time stopped so much that Ayana wanted to shout in her heart.
"Oh, maybe that?" "Maybe you're the legendary spear."
"……………………… Is it broken?” “……………………………………”
The beauty thought that this exchange had taken place a while ago.
"………………………………………………………………Is a lie"
The stunned princess' words shattered the frozen air. The muttering was the beginning of a passion that overflowed.
"It's a lie, it's a lie, it's a lie! That's not true! There must be a spear that seals the genie here! There must have been it!" "I still have a spear? But it's just a strong spear. ''
A beautiful woman calls out to appease the shouting princess, but Phileas screams as she folds over.
"Don't be silly! You can't enter this place without the magic of the royal family! Before that, there must have been a guardian of the spear, even if you got to this place! I can't break the sealed spear so easily! "
Misaki hurriedly puts her hand on Phileas's shoulder, but she still doesn't seem to fit.
The heroes, not to mention the heroes, were also witnessed by Konoe for the first time. She was always graceful and calm at all times, and she was never upset. Arisuki and Ayana couldn't react fragilely, and Misaki couldn't hide her surprise.
"I can't. I can't do this! I've never seen this! I've never seen this! ! ! ! ! "
At the last cry, the beauty lifted her mouth.
"I've never seen it. I see. I mean."
Philias bite at the smile.
"What makes me smile!" "I felt that I had a very interesting 'magical power', but I couldn't remember it. I finally got the point in your words now."
When the gentle smile before that disappeared, a fascinating smile emerged that grabbed the heart of the viewer.
A click and a beautiful woman ring her finger. The table she lay on her elbow to Sole, the vessel holding the confectionery was instantly covered with ice, and the next moment it shattered and disappeared.
The beautiful woman stood up slowly and emerged from the scene. A terrible cold spilled over the field, starting with her feet off the ground. Along with it, there is no murderous intention, but a huge overwhelming feeling.
At last, Aritsuki and others think.
She is not human.
Arizuki activates the “Super Strengthening” technique without hesitation. Misaki also holds herself deep so she can release explosive flames, and Ayana sets her muzzle aiming at her beautiful eyebrow. Phileas developed an attacking technique, and the Guards pulled out the sword.
"... this cold and oppressive feeling. When you see the spear being destroyed, it looks like the sealed genie" Seraphide "."
The beautiful woman floating in the air looked calmly only in her tone while looking down at the members ready to fight.
"Please be assured. I won't vomit the sealed grudge. I'm a bit crazy at that time. I take it for myself and I'm almost dead."
The beauty-serafide admitted that she was the demon that struck Yurphyria three hundred years ago.
"I'm not going to work with you. If you ask for" that girl ", the story will be different." "... Will you, the genie, miss you?" And the title "Genie" wasn't my own name, just the people of the time who called it and settled. "
Aritsuki shoots seraphide with a serious gaze that can not be imagined from the usual staleness, but whoever receives it is the wind that blows.
"I had you come to the depths of such a mountain, and I wonder if it would be bad to go home empty-handed."
The medicine and the beautiful woman laugh.
"I wonder if you can have a little" experience ""
Arizuki was scared of the voice that he heard was "imminent". I didn't even blink. Even though he had the reflex ability and the dynamic visual acuity to control even the super-physical ability improved by "", he could not even respond to the approach of seraphide.
"One end of the power you would normally have. But my" power "without a" safety device "called a magic spear."
Gentlely. Be compassionate.
On the moon's cheek.
"The" reason "that" that child "has endured."
Seraphide fingertips.
I touched.
"Agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!"
It is a huge "something" that can only be described as a "wave".
Aritsuki suffered severe pain from the bottom of her heart. It's like an intense pain, as if you feel the cold and feel the heat on your skin. No, even this is called pain.
During the moment, Aritsuki leaves time for Eritsuki, and Seraphide releases his hands. After screaming, he was relieved of the intense pain that ruled his body, so he released his consciousness too much and collapsed.
"... I guess it would happen with less than a tenth of the influx of" reason, "even less than a thousandth of all. You can understand once again that" the strength of the soul "of" that child "is not extraordinary. It's dangerous. "
A kick that was delayed for an instant after the bursting sound and fired at a tremendous speed. Seraphide avoids the jump kick of Misaki, which will easily break even the bedrock. He didn't worry about his expression, but he was surprised. More surprised was Misaki himself who was able to avoid kicking. I didn't even think it would be possible to get away from that speed at near full speed.
"It's a lie !?" "That's true. No, no, it's not fast."
Subsequent hard reflected sound. Ayana fired a bullet without hesitation at the heart of Seraphide who fled to the air. The bullet that gained propulsion by the explosion of gunpowder, penetrated the technique generated at the tip of the muzzle, and showed further acceleration power had the destructive power to penetrate even a 1 cm steel plate. However, it is prevented by the instantaneous "ice wall" in front of Seraphide. Ayana was astonished by the fact that, despite the thickness being less than one centimeter, she had no cracks or scratches.
"Hey, you know that your friends are worried, but you're a bit too violent?"
Misaki emits explosive flames from both feet, and Ayana deploys a huge surgical square at the muzzle.
The romantic feeling was "zero", but Arizuki is definitely an important friend for them. You can't forbid anger if you hurt it.
"It's okay. I just lost my consciousness because there was too much 'information' in my head. I woke up in less than an hour." "... Do you believe it?" I don't need it, but I think it's better to believe it, because I don't know in the future, but your ability at the moment will be the best to hurt me now. The fact that it was called genie is not Date. ''
Misaki and Ayana bite their teeth in the fact that they are casually uttered. The sense of intimidation emanating from Seraphide is an elite "it". It is clear that it wasn't a good fit, because it prevented the current series of attacks without difficulty. If Aritsuki activates "Super Strengthening", I think in the corner. If you look at that margin, it will be a statement that even includes it.
Gaze away from those who get tired of fighting, Seraphide looks down on the fallen Arizuki and Phileas holding his upper body.
From the eyes of Phileas pointed, Seraphid did not overlook the further abyss with hatred.
"Daughter. I'll give you one advice instead of not getting together."
Seraphide said, with provocative emotions that could be both ridiculous and delightful.
"Let's see again. Maybe you can see something interesting." "... How much are you?" "I'm acquainted with your" likes. " But when you see where you are affirming the line you're talking about, it looks like it's right. "
Kufri and Seraphide laugh.
"I don't know what your 'saw' is, but it's probably broken a lot at the time that 'child' is in motion. The reward is to imagine, "I'm going to escape." "Wait."
The genie and the feared blue-haired beauty disappeared as if they left a laugh and a laugh.
What was left behind was Misaki, Ayana and Konoe soldiers who were released from the overwhelming feeling and fell into the place. And so was Philias because of the fainted Aritsuki.
"Well, it's broken? I don't think so, because that ...
Her words muttering stunnedly disappeared without anybody listening.
--- By the way, laughter is her directing. It is his story that the role of a female executive in a villain organization has become more and more fun.
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