Kanna no Kanna
Episode 59
Zocrit! !
"Nanna !?"
My consciousness suddenly awakened to the sudden feeling. I've been sleeping enough or so.
This feeling is definitely.
That valley was attacked by a horde of goblins. It's "the same sign" as the one who suddenly appeared and tried to kill people! .
I jump out of the tent and listen to the surroundings. At first glance, there is no change from before falling asleep. But it was definitely "that strange sign" that passed down the spine.
Hey, isn't that an assassin aiming at the Fima? Why wouldn't there be a figure of the Faima? Is there a fimer in this camp? And why is the lady of the aristocracy having to visit such a difficult camp?
I was frustrated and rushed to the root of the sign. Is the direction just in the middle of the camp?
I don't feel killed, but I'm not stupid enough to feel safe. Rather, I'm worried what this "unusual sign" will produce. I only have a bad feeling.
I start running without hesitation and run to the sign. He was advised that he was off limits except for the adventurer's plot, but he can't help it.
"Oh, hey guys, ordinary people are off limits here!"
On the way, when he encounters a person guarding the interior of the camp, he rushes up with his hand on his weapon. I took out the guild card and the old lady's signed document just as I did at the entrance, but showed it to slam.
"Hello, this is that person ..." "It's an emergency! Come on without saying four or five!"
He felt something extraordinary as I approached him, and he nodded mysteriously and followed me.
---- Pachintsu.
The pain of static electricity popping without warning, pierced the skin and caused a strange scream. At the same time, the feel of breaking through something like a thin film. Involuntarily I stop.
"Well, what's the sign of this magical power? Why didn't anyone ever notice !?"
The soldier following was amazed. Well, it's a sign of strong magic. And it's quite big. But before I felt the pain of static electricity, I could only feel faint.
"I'll go after the prying"
Within minutes of running again, I and the soldier reached the center of the camp. Unlike the surroundings where tents and supplies were placed in some places, only here were spacious with few things. There was a strange sight in my eyes reminiscent of the school yard, which is also used for all school gatherings.
First of all, on the ground, a huge square that could have a radius of 5 meters from the center was drawn. It emits suspicious red light, and a tremendous amount of magic power is emitted.
And in the center of it was the root of the sign I felt. A man in a magician-style robe. When you notice our footsteps and turn around, they will meet their gorgeous eyes only for a moment.
“……… Mu? It's weird. There is a barrier between people here.”
"First win!"
"Hebutsu !?"
For the time being, hit the ice gravels on your face before talking. The man in Loeb rolled down on the ground with momentum and stopped when lying on his back. He seemed to be lucky to be stunned by the current blow.
Before your mouth? There is no reason to ask anything. The details can be tortured later and vomited.
"... isn't it too rough?"
It's an unusual situation, but the soldiers rush into my excessive actions (I'm aware of it) with a sharp voice. But the blame is faint because I know that the mysterious robe man that I've blown away is involved in this apparently suspicious magic square.
"I don't care about that guy now. What better do you know what this magic formula is?" "Hey, wait a minute. Let's read it. ''
The soldier watched the magical glowing ceremony, and soon opened his mouth.
"... Probably, but it's a summoning magic. It's not a kind of calling for a contract, it's just a way of calling something distant. It's bad, but I don't know much more." ...... It doesn't smell like this. "
The goggle-eyed man was uttering a line of suspicion, such as "The Barrier of Human Payment." Probably, the feeling that I felt and the breaking of the film was "it". Whether you want to protect something very important, such as measures to keep people away, or do something dark. In this case it is definitely the latter.
As I was thinking, several new footsteps approached. The soldiers who survived the encampment, who sensed this magical power, rushed in after I broke the barrier of human payment.
"What is this adventurer?"
A soldier, guarding the camp, rushed in here.
"It seems that a goggle-eyed man who was lying there prepared a magic ceremony here for summoning. I was fearless in the middle of the still remaining camp. ''
I pointed to the goggles that stunned me.
"……… It looks like it's just before its completion. The rest is just pouring magic power.”
Now that the goggles are fainting, the "oddness" he feels is sparse. If you guess, you've touched on my "sign detection" because you've worked out the enormous amount of magic needed for the final touch.
"Don't you know the details?" "If it's a summoning technique, you might have read the details if you were the Grandmaster of the Knights. is"
The soldier moved his gaze to the falling goggle. Other gathered soldiers wrapped their hands around their backs and tied them up with noose.
"It's going to be a bit later to be able to hear his story." "No, it's bad. I'm stunned at the encounter." I don't know. "
Just like the hero in every story, when you bother listening to your opponent's words and their personality, Gorome must have completed a magic ceremony in the meantime.
One of the Kanna style winning methods is as follows.
--- Listen to your opponent after winning.
I was relieved to get the approval of a security soldier and I was relieved.
"Ughaa oh oh oh oh oh"
Screams resounded all around.
The screaming lord is that goggle.
A gnarled mouth, tied with a rope and about to be bitten by a gag, made a deafening voice and forcibly blew the soldiers on the side. Even though there is only a lean body in the back of the robe, where was that power?
The eyes are bloodstained and wide open, almost popping out of the orbit. She clenches her teeth to withstand severe pain and overflows with saliva. At first glance it turns out that it is not decent.
With the goggles tied to the back, the screaming squeezes out of the throat and runs to the center of the magical style drawn on the ground.
"Take it down!"
Someone raises his voice, but the goggles reach the center of the magic ceremony. And.
"Gyu aa aa aa aa aa aa aa ahhh"
The dry sound of a balloon popping out of the wood.
The goggles twisted and screamed, squirting red liquid-fresh blood from the "holes" in the body and sinking into the blood pool they created. Blood spilled out of his eyes, his eardrums, and his ears.
Whether it's life or death ...
Soldiers belonging to the Knights would have mentioned the death of a person to some extent. However, it seems like they want to turn their eyes off even if they have them. I couldn't help but feel nauseous.
However, apparently she cannot afford to vomit.
The magic ceremony, in which the center was dyed red, suddenly glowed. Along with this, the blood overflowing from the dead body of the Goggles loses its color. It seemed as if the magic was taking in blood.
"... I'm gonna go without it!" "I'm gonna go without it! Escape everyone out of the magic!
The magical glow had reached a level that could not be seen directly. I and the soldiers left the magic ceremony, keeping their eyes out of the light with their arms. There was no time to collect the dead body.
The shine of the technic reached its climax and the light exploded.
"What is this guy ?!" "Probably, he has forcibly refined the magical power he takes over time through blood! To say that such a sacrifice act is no more than madness There is no! "
The torrent of magic stopped and the light converged. When he dismissed his arm that was covering his eyes, the dead-eyed corpse was nowhere to be found.
But we couldn't afford to care about such "trivial things".
A magical expression that still retains a mysterious light. In the central part, a strange figure was caught.
The total length can reach three meters. The abnormally developed muscle is about the size of a woman's girth, such as the size of an arm, and a thick club in his hand. The mouth that leaks rough breath has sharp fangs. And two sharp corners from the head. But it had a more devastating and evil shape than the dragon race.
Familiar with fantasy monsters, "Eights".
As a class, it is a monster of the same human type as a goblin, but boasts a huge body and ferocity that far exceeds it, and a tyrant with violence that matches the body. Certainly, it is best to have more than one C-rank adventurer want to defeat. If you challenge alone, B rank ability and "equipment" will be indispensable.
A roar likely to be accompanied by an impact was issued again.
"Hey, I can't hear" Let's be friends. "" No, no, what are you talking about! Rather, I'm saying, "Show me blood!" "
Anne of this security who is surprisingly good. Did you make a character when asking questions at the gate?
When thinking of such ridiculous things, the abnormal situation goes into further chaos. When the summoning ceremony glowed again, the auger appeared again, rising from under the ground.
"This is a permanent summoning technique" "I can somehow imagine it, but what is the detail?" "As the name suggests, it is a magical technique that permanently summons the target. The use of this method for research and use should be prohibited. "" It is actually used, but it is not used. " That's it! They move! "
The two summoned augers screamed, and the one ran up here, raising their clubs. At first glance, the movement is slow, but because of the size of the body, the distance traveled by each step is incomparable to humans. It comes very close to you in no time.
Me and Anne, the gatekeeper, and another soldier rushed out of the way, and the next moment, Ogre was swinging his club down. A club collides with the ground behind the dull sound of pushing away the wind, making a roar and shattering the ground. In the sight of the destruction, I remembered some ice giant.
I embodied an ice ax when I avoided a club hit. I knocked into the back of a vulnerable auger. However, the blade made of ice will stop just by piercing a little without cutting his body.
Whether the ax digged into the pain, Ogre turned his gaze to this and swung the club around. Without hesitation, let go of the ice ax and let go of the distance, and the club will scavenge where I stood on the verge. The birth pressure struck my face and my back became cold.
"Ogre's enormous strength forms natural armor! A direct attack cannot be used."
Soldier Ann-chan. I wanted to tell you a little bit sooner.
"I say," I beat up with physics at a higher level, but if the enemy does it, it's just unreasonable. "
Three ice cones were created and fired, but two were hit by a club in a different direction, and one that reached the body did not show any effect, even if the tip was slightly stabbed. Annoyingly, the auger pulls it with one hand and throws it away.
Looking at the other auger, he assaulted the soldiers in different directions. The soldiers against them use well-trained moves to evade the auger's attack, but they seem to lack the same offenders.
"Your adventurer. You seem to be a magician, but the magic you can pass on him is ..." "Unfortunately it's clumsy. You can't use it except for physical attacks with ice." "I'm an attribute," "I'm incompetent." "Oh, no. I'm not to blame."
As we manage to avoid the auger's assault, the two soldiers use their swords in their hands, and I attack with an ice ax or cone. But none of them can be fatally hindered by thick muscles. At best, it increases scuffing.
It's a human scream. One of the other soldiers was hit by an ogre blow from the front and was blown away. He doesn't seem to be dead, but he isn't likely to return to the front soon.
Damn it, it's still poor. Better yet, smash it with a giant ice hammer as if you had defeated the Flame Magician? No, but it consumes a terrible level of mental power. If you remove it, you will not be able to catch your eyes, and even if you defeat it, you still have one. I can't rely on it easily.
"Wow !?"
When I was thinking separately, a voice came up from the vicinity. Soldier Anne slips and falls. In front of him, the ogre was swinging his club large. If one hits directly, you die immediately!
"Do you want me to do it?"
Both hands stick out forward, embodying an ice wall to cover the fallen soldier. An ogre's club slammed into it, cracking the ice wall with a single blow. Damn, simple power is as good as Real. Now I can take my mental power secretly.
"Eh, eh?" "Escape quickly! I won't keep it for a long time!"
The sudden appearance of the ice wall and the soldiers who can barely accept the life saved by it cannot fall and move. In the meantime, the auger hits the ogre repeatedly, and the cracks running on the ice grow in size.
Another soldier grabbed his unrecovered neck and dragged him out of the way. Immediately after that, the ice wall was shattered by the blow of the ogre, but the soldier Anne was safe. Nice, another soldier. Oh, neither know the name.
"Oh, thank you, adventurers," "Thanks for being good, so let's think about a breakthrough! Let's just kill them!" "... All of them have gone to goblin defeat operations, but our equipment is not sharp enough to break through the auger's skin. "
While thanking with half tears, the other soldier bitterly bitter and said calmly.
What's bothersome is the strength of that muscle. Indeed, it is not as strong as steel, so it can be scratched with a sword or ice blade, but it can't be reached as far as the surface. It's such a huge body and its vitality is also appropriate. No matter how many wounds you have, you won't be able to beat them. But now I take too long to make a sharper blade than that.
-Wait, wait. The tip is stuck for the time being.
It has minimal attack power, which means it lacks simple power. But my image has limitations.
Then give that image a positive power.
I'm stale, just try to do it!
I first create a hammer instead of an ice ax. Of course, instead of being super huge with all mental power, it should be of a reasonable size. Although the cylinder is still as thick as an auger's club.
I will evade the auger's attack in the same way as the other two soldiers, to determine the chance. It is not difficult if you concentrate on avoidance and read the sign of the auger carefully. The target is a big blow.
Perhaps he was numb at us swaying in front of us, and when he screamed, his soul trembling, he showed a tremendous rush and swinged his club down at me.
Good luck. The reaction would have been delayed if the other two were, but I would be able to detect it faster than launching an assault. Avoid the club's blow as read out with plenty of time. The ground is crushed and the clubs sink into it, but if it doesn't hit, its tremendous strength is meaningless.
The big swing down gave me a long-awaited opportunity.
If this fails, there is no way to be honest.
I jumped away and carried the hammer in my right hand, carrying it on my shoulder, and thrust the other hand forward. The result is an ice cone. But I kept it in the air without firing immediately.
The spirit determines the aim.
So I wielded a hammer.
"Ah, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
Full swing with no effort. He hit a hammer into the bottom of a cone floating in the air, just like a baseball bat.
Even if you hit the cone as it is, the power is not obtained because of the lack of image.
The same is true if you hit the ice blade directly.
Then, hit the cone directly and raise the power with image + propulsion.
An ice cone that rushes through the air at tremendous speed. It hits the auger's torso at a different speed than when fired directly. Even the sharp blades broke through the tough muscles that caught in the scars, engulfed the internal organs, crushed even the spine, and jumped out of the back.
“Gu …………………”
After making a round hole in his body, the auger screamed and then fell to the ground with a noise, sprinkling blood from the holed abdomen.
“……… Oh”
And I am surprised at the power beyond imagination. The two soldiers are equally surprised and stiff. I thought it would pierce, but it was unexpected that it would. It must be a nice miscalculation.
“……… Had the Adventurer! Please give me that ogre!”
I was surprised to be told by a soldier who returned to me.
The other one is still safe except for the one who was blown away first. However, the movement lacked subtlety from the beginning. If you leave as it is, you will not be far away, and someone will be the prey of the ogre attack.
I create another ice cone and wield an ice mallet so I can "hit" at any time. This is ready.
He nodded at Soldier Anne and, upon receiving the signal, raised his voice.
"Everybody! Get away from the ogre!"
When Ann's voice arrives, everyone near Ogre leaves.
An auger questioning that his prey suddenly receded looks over his head as he looks around. I noticed me holding a mallet, but it was too late.
"Don't be shy"
Again full swing. A cone that gained explosive speed with the impact given by a mallet hit the auger head. Far from penetrating, the upper part disappeared from the neck, spattering the skull and brain serum.
The headless Ogre staggered on the spot and fell silently, shaking the ground.
Two powerful monsters are silent. There was silence around it as if the fierce battle was a lie.
ー ー ー gangan.
I thrust a hammer's sword against the ground.
`` Tottodoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh
Slightly behind my declaration of victory.
----------------------------------------------------------- !
All the people who were there have won the victory.
"I'm an adventurer! You're the one who was delivered by Reedial!"
Soldier Anne hit my shoulder while tears ragged. The other calm soldier nods when his arms are crossed. Other people were smashing on the spot.
"Is the soldier just blown away safe?" "Because he wasn't trained by Date, he won't die to that extent. At best, one or two bones will break."
Anne who was cheerful but no no.
"I think one or two bones are pretty seriously injured !?" "Well, it's a daily occurrence for us. Some of the magicians who go out during the operation include healers, "Patience" "... a very violent knights here"
It was good that there were no dead.
But that is not the end of the problem.
"Speaking of which, only the first two bodies have not called a new auger yet."
I've just heard of a permanent summoning ceremony--a technique that calls on the subject continuously, but no third or later body has appeared. However, the magical light still emits suspicious light, and it seems that it is gradually becoming stronger without mind.
"The magical power that the mysterious man sacrificed and generated was completely consumed when he called the auger immediately, but perhaps the technique would accumulate the magical power in the air. It will also be summoned, and after a while, a new monster will be summoned again. "
Then, was it a mischief that stunned without even hearing the circumstances of Goro's eyes? If the results didn't change with or without him, it wasn't too late even after asking for information.
The soldier, Anne, smiled bitterly as he read such regrets from his expression.
"Don't be discouraged. I think your decision was right. The magical powers built into the procedure are much less efficient than the magicians collecting powers on their own. Rather than summoning new ones at the same time, if we were constantly summoning new hands every few tens of seconds to several minutes, that would be out of hand. "
The soldier next to me nodded to agree.
"But, as he said, although inefficient, this magical formula keeps collecting magical power from the air. In a few moments, a new auger will be summoned." I guess it would be better to break it down before it came. "" Yes.
Evacuate the soldiers from inside the magic square. I approached the edge of the square circle and created an ice sword.
After elaborating the image enough, he stabbed the sword into the ground.
An ice sword mountain protruding from the ground swallows a 5-meter radius surgical square. I shattered the geometric patterns that were being drawn. Withdrawing the sword from the ground and extinguishing the ice sword mountain is like a small uplift phenomenon. Of course, the surgical square was also broken down by the wood and lost its color. Although it is a large-scale spiritual art, if you have time to solidify the image, this will not be a problem because it consumes less spirit.
"……… The signs of magic have disappeared. It seems that the summoning ceremony has been safely destroyed."
A soldier, Ann, who knees down and touches the ground, confirms. I felt that the magical power from the magic ceremony had disappeared.
The immediate crisis is probably gone.
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