Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 976: King of Pit Kings!

The boundaries of the poisonous zone and the safe zone coincide, and the next safe zone refreshes.

Seeing this safe zone, with the exception of one or two teams on the field, the faces of other teams are not very good-looking.

Because this circle is not brushed to the north, but just to the south of the airport island. The smaller half of the circle is in the sea under the cliff. At this time, several teams on the side of the observation station are not in the circle.

At this moment, the SSS three were touching the place where Liu Zilang and Tyloo had just exchanged fire.

Seeing this next orphan's next lap, the three of them were a little embarrassed for a while, and I don't know if I should go directly into the lap or continue to find someone.

NB211 looked at the front, hesitated, but his eyes gradually firmed. "The second team has just fallen one, and now most of them are supporting, we should have a chance in the past."

The other two of the team nodded.

So next, I saw Misaka Kotomi squatting down the hillside to help others.

Not far away, the three SSS men are furiously groping forward with their guns. The distance between the two sides is getting closer.

Seeing this scene, the audience could not help staring at the game screen, and their minds became nervous unconsciously.

At this moment, the director suddenly shot everything.

In the picture, I saw a four-man team also touched Liu Zilang's direction.

"Oh! It's OMG! They touched the mountain too!"

"Well! Isn't Vic so cool now?"

"Menhera sauce is helping people. It's not even half-read. It was discovered that they might not even have a chance to fight back."

"Autumn God and Ze Shao are moving there, but they should be in the advanced circle, it's over, it's over!"


Obviously, in the face of cruel reality, the commentary on the stage is not very optimistic about the situation of Liu Zilang and the two.

But at this moment, Msjoy pushed the glasses on the lower bridge of his nose and said hesitantly, "I don't think that this wave of Vic and Menhera has any chance, if ..."

Hearing Msjoy's words, the commentaries on both sides and the audience on the field looked at him curiously, wanting to hear what was underneath his "if".

Suddenly, there was a sniper gun!


At the moment the gunfire sounded, the director's footage shook everything.

I saw SSS suddenly burst two bloodstains on his head, his body was stiff, and he fell to the ground in a blink of an eye!

"OMG-SilentBT uses a Mini14 headshot to knock down SSS-SASA!"


Both shots even hit their heads.


There was an exclamation in the audience off the court!

"OMG this is working with SSS!"

"Wow! BT is a bit accurate! This headshot can be said to be very popular!"

"Now one side of SSS has been brought down by one hand.

"Hit! But unfortunately, I couldn't get my headshot. This shot hit Xiao Hai."

"M24's damage is still high, Xiao Hai's blood volume must also be treated."

"The little lion also fought back. This wave of four-times pressure guns mixed with smoke ...

Oh my God! SaSa was forcibly compensated by the little lion! "

With the exclamation of commentary, a killing prompt appeared on the screen.

"OMG-MSS finally killed SSS-SASA with M416!"

It turned out that the little lion's side opened the gun line to make up the gun as soon as his teammates knocked down the place.

At this time, although SASA was kneeling on the ground and had a teammate to help seal the cigarette, he could not move in a large range at all in a short time in the smoke.

Little Lion made a timely wave of four-times pressure gun mixed with smoke and just made up for SASA!

On the commentary stage, Msjoy couldn't help but smile and said, "The little lion's hand smoke is really fierce. It feels like he knows his opponent's position in the smoke."

"In the last two rounds of the loser's promotion, I often watched him use a mixed smoke. At that time, I thought it was a coincidence, but now it seems that this coincidence is too much."

"Haha, didn't you say that the little lion was called 'Little Vic'." One side couldn't help but laugh and laughed, "I remember Vic also shot several times in the last World Championship. . "

"Then SSS has been replaced before it can be rescued, and the remaining two are framed around the smoke."

"Wait ... how about Vic? Oh ..."

The sudden encounter of OMG and SSS attracted everyone's attention. When everyone returned to God, they suddenly thought of Liu Zilang and Misaka Ginmi ...

The footage of the guide was quickly given.

Big screen game picture.

I saw that Misaka Qinmei had just helped Liu Zilang up. At this time, Liu Zilang had very little blood and fell down when he was rubbed by a bullet.

Hearing the sound of gunfire on both sides, he quickly took Misaka Koto's soles and put oil on them.

So ... slipped?

Seeing this wave of creators ran away so silently, for a while, the audience on stage and the audience were a little speechless ...

"It's too decisive!"

"Well, what I admire most is the spirit of Vic's face!"

"What shame! Vic must say that it can be powerful, small, ah! It can flex and stretch!"

"Distressed me SSS, this wave of stealing chickens is not a bad thing, this game was really miserable by Vic."

"Yes, if it is okay to be held up by other teams, now that Vic is not found, he has caused OMG. I am afraid it will be difficult to fight!"

At this moment ~ www.readwn.com ~ there are only seven teams and 22 people left.

Right now, Shen Zeyan and Li Muqiu's jeep has been knocked out, but before that they were driving up the mountain with two cars and listening to a small yellow car at the back door of the observatory.

After Liu Zilang hit a first aid kit, he looked at the little yellow car and hesitated.

"Wet, shall we get in the car?"

On the side of the road, Misaka Kotomi followed Liu Zilang's gaze, and couldn't help but ask softly.

Liu Zilang groaned for two seconds and quickly shook his head.

Immediately he ran towards the little yellow car and said to Misaka Koto in his mouth, "Dive quietly into the circle, don't drive."

Looking at Liu Zilang's "different words and actions", Misaka Qinmei could not help but hesitated.

Does n’t it mean we do n’t drive?

Why did you go there?

On the commentary stage, Msjoy said, "It seems that Vic intends to drive directly into the circle."

"The two teams below may be a little shaken when they hear the sound of the car."

"Yes, if you don't know at this time, once you know that someone in the vicinity will step on the lap yourself, I am afraid that each team will not be left behind.

"Yes, because you can't be sure if the other party is waiting for you in the circle."

"But wait, what is Vic doing?"

Suddenly, not only the commentary on the stage was stunned, but also the countless spectators off the field!

Under the screen of the big screen.

Everyone clearly saw that Liu Zilang ran to the car and did not get on the car. Instead, he squatted down suddenly, hit Wang Baquan and hit the car tires.

噗嗤 —!

噗嗤 —!

In an instant, the four tires of this little yellow car were blown up by him.


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