Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 984: Water stuffy chicken! (Above) three / five

The reason why all this is startling is that it happened so quickly, so unexpectedly that many people didn't react at all. Suimeng Novel Network ()

Under the screen of the big screen guide.

Just as everyone was mourning Alu Kamo, who unfortunately followed God's sacrifice to heaven.

I saw the lonely and small eye-catching two who were forced to run out of smoke to react quickly in the first attack!

They are not running back

Just do it!

Because in this case, if they run back, they are undoubtedly the targets of the two teams not far away, and the hope of survival is very slim!

In fact, og and rng felt that when they shot out, they felt that the other party would definitely not be able to stop their firepower. Most of them would choose to run away.

But at this time, without warning

There was a gleam of blood on Xiao Hai's head, and he suddenly fell to the ground!

Immediately afterwards, the system prompts to swipe out!

"4a-gucun knocked out og-xiaohai with a kar98k headshot!"

Seeing this sudden headshot, everyone in the field was shocked!

"Wow! It ’s so fast!"

"Wait, does 4a want to fight back?"

"It's worthy of being a sister, a man per capita!"

"I think this is actually good. Rather than turning your back and hitting someone as a target, you might as well give it a shot in the end, maybe you can turn your bike into a motorcycle."

"I think it's a bit difficult to change a motorcycle. It is possible to change a hearse. After all, even if the four sisters are fierce, the other team is two teams."

"Huh? It doesn't seem to be so! Rngrng is back!"


You must know that rng and og are very close to each other. In the previous exchanges, the two sides each dropped one, and they are in a delicate balance.

If you just run alone and turn around with a small eye-catching run, the two teams will probably work together to use them as targets.

However, Gu Xun's fearless shot instantly broke the balance between the two teams.

rng knows better than anyone. Compared with two people who do not know where to get out of the smoke, their bigger enemy is og lying on the side of the couch.

So rng quickly shifted the target and pointed his finger at og again.

And og hasn't noticed it yet.

Xiao Hai just fell to the ground, and the anger of the two remaining members of the team also came up.

The smile immediately stopped saving people, and with the little lion's backhand, he shot at the lonely and eye-catching side.

On the 4a side, the two who are alone and the eye-catching are keenly aware of the rng change. After knowing that there are only two of them currently staring at them, who is afraid of "2v2"?

All of a sudden, the muzzle of fireworks spit out, the bullets shuttled back and forth on the field, and the blood on both sides shone from time to time.

"Og- knocked down 4a-cpt with 16a4!"

"Rng-shuaishuai knocked out og-xiaorong with ak!"

During the fierce gunfire and killing, og suddenly found something wrong!

The assaulter and commander smile on the team immediately said, "No, hurry up! The opposite rng is here!"

The little lion suddenly became a stimulus!

When he looked around, except for himself, all three teammates fell to the ground.

Pedal pedal pedal!

The sound of footsteps came across the rock in front of him, apparently someone was rushing over.

Several people of og are now holding back!

They obviously did not expect that RNG turned against the water at the critical moment, and even the teammates and teammates Eperor who had just been knocked out did not care, and rushed to their faces.

"Oh! Og this idea!"

"Still, the competition is not rich enough. They may forget that their enemies are not necessarily friends, or they may remain enemies."

"At present, the situation of the little lion is a little bad. He is only half-blooded. It is not difficult to want 1v3!"

"Can it work a miracle?"

When the commentary on the stage was fast, the little lion suddenly made a move that no one had expected!

I saw that he was standing on the edge of the cliff of the Cape of Good Hope, he suddenly retracted his gun, and then made two steps to the left very quickly.

咻咻 咻 —!

A wave of bullets fired at it, but only rubbed the corners of his clothes and failed to take them away.

"My God! The little lion jumped into the sea!"

"Fortunately fortunate! This wave is almost cold!"

"It's worthy of‘ little vic '. ”This reaction is really different from ordinary people. "

"Well, he won't be killed?"

"I haven't jumped and killed yet, should I survive?"

In the discussion in the audience, the director's footage was quickly given to the seaside cliffs.

Under the lens, it is not a reef that is broken into pieces, but a large piece of blue water.

At the same time, at the moment of falling into the water, the countdown of the poison on the field just ended, and the penultimate wave of poison began to shrink.

So I saw the little lion had no time to go ashore, and quickly swarmed his arms in the water and swam towards the safety zone.

At this time, the director's footage was everything again, and returned to the Cape of Good Hope again.

At this moment, besides the three RNGs, there are Liu Zilang and Gucun who are not far from the smoke side.

Facing the continually shrinking poison circle behind them, the two did not have any idea of ​​carrying poison at all.

At this point, the poisoning hurts too much, and it is not too much to say that you have to peel off the skin.

"What do you say now? Solitary side shouldn't be able to help Xiaohuan stand out. Will he fight against vic?"

"If vic is backed up, maybe this two of them have to die!"

"Where is rng? There is still a little bit of rescue blood on eperor ~ www.readwn.com ~ Would they try to save it?"

"It's too late, rng gave up and went back to save people, they are making up three fallen."

"It's also a good choice to take the head of the person who can take it."

Unexpectedly, the words were not finished, and a crisp gunshot came from the field!


A gun was found in the smoke!

As soon as Rng's crotch-catching cat made up Xiaohai, the tertiary head on his head suddenly burst into a **** mist.

The whole person's blood volume also plummeted, and instantly became a trace of red blood!

However, the crotch cat's response was extremely fast. After being hit with a shot, he quickly discerned the direction and found a bunker to lie down and apply medicine.

"North! It's the direction of the smoke from the north!"

"Suck, it may be 4a that we just didn't manage."

"Well revenge, these guys!"

"They're running poison now, hold on! Hold me to death!"


In a blink of an eye, the remaining shuaishuai and jiyun from rng pulled the muzzle very quickly and quickly opened the mirror to aim at the smoke from the north.

However, what appeared in their field of vision were the two who slanted left and right, and seemed to be keeping a distance between them.

The opponent was pressing hard behind the poisonous circle behind him, rushing towards them!

When the two of them saw their hearts, they could not help but wonder, what happened? Are these two people not yet in a team? So how did they "peace together" in the smoke?

But it was too late to think about it, the two quickly pulled the crosshairs and aimed at the enemy running from the smoke direction.

However, they did not notice at this time, when the other two were running, they were holding a shot!


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