Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 1010: Fine or Vic fine! (Mon./Thu.)

? I have to say that many viewers have a hatred of Xue Ba for Xue Ba, which is like a peerless old wave!

Why did I die in a wave?

How can this wave never die?

So at this moment, Liu Zilang is about to roll over. Many spectators on the field are excited and froze, staring at the big screen without blinking.


It ’s not my dish!

Langbi died one after another, only sooner or later.

However, the next scene proves again that the world of Lao Langbi is not speculative by the audience, just like the world of Xueba who never understands.

Under the screen of the big screen guide.

In a moment of life and death,

I saw that Liu Zilang, who was soaring up to the sky with the motorcycle, suddenly pressed the front of the car in the air.

咻咻 咻 —!

Jingle bells jingle bells!

The bullet in the ear screamed and slammed into a harsh metal vibrato on the motorcycle.

At this moment, both the commentary on the stage and the audience on the court felt that it was incredible that Liu Zilang, the seemingly inadvertent head-pressing headstand, actually used the motorcycle to properly block the bullet from the rain.

As for the 17 side in the boxing gym below, their gun line has been blocked by the boxing gym's ceiling.

When Liu Zilang rushed in front, the three on the 17 side could still hit and fire from the window.

But at this moment, it can only be separated from the ceiling. He stared at the sound of gunfire and motorcycles.

The next moment, the motorcycle "slammed" landed next to the ceiling airdrop.

At this time, the motorcycle that suffered the humiliation of Liu Zilang all the way seemed to be "unbearable." I saw it dragging a thick black smoke down the arched ceiling.


With a loud bang and an expanding firelight, the whole cool motorcycle turned into a gorgeous firework.

However, Liu Zilang jumped off the motorcycle quickly when he was on the ceiling of the boxing gym, and immediately hid behind the air drop box.

At this time, for the rest of his life, he quickly took out a first-aid kit and stuck a needle in his chest.


All of a sudden, there was a sound of air-conditioning in the whole venue!

"Crouch! Motorcycles can also be used as bunkers in the air ?!"

"Wow! Vic is too detailed this time!"

"Sure enough, it's Vic, and it's still his finest!"

On the narration stage, it was just as shocked, "My godfather! Will Vic survive this?"

"This guy is an unbeatable Xiaoqiang."

Msjoy shook his head and smiled bitterly. "This wave of guns from the White Team is a pity. I just thought that Vic would be kicked off the car the next second."

"Oh, it seems that this is going to be a long time in the next second." I also sighed and said with a smile, "Then Vic's situation is a bit awkward now, just like the horse and cow on the 17th side just now."

"Hmm." The dull **** the side nodded and smiled and said, "The difference is that Ma Niu Niu has just been knocked down, and his teammates can't get up. They can only kneel behind the airdrop box and wait for someone. Vic Although there is residual blood, I can always save myself if I do not fall. "

"Yes, but Tyloo and the baby elephant team opposite the Red House have now stared at the airdrop box on the ceiling. Vic must be very careful now, and he may be knocked out with a little care."

"The autumn gods of the second team are a little far away, huh, huh, if Vic is knocked down on that, I'm afraid it will be desperate than the recent Ma Niu Niu was knocked down by Ze."


In the game, Li Muqiu and the three had already circled from the row of houses on the west side of Picardo to the road near the north side.

After seeing Liu Zilang's muffled sound of beatings, he finally survived miraculously.

Li Muqiu's eyes twitched fiercely, but he opened his mouth and found that he didn't know what to say.

On the one hand, Misaka Ginmi was straight-hearted, and with a small face on her back, she couldn't wait to ask, "Wet and wet, did you get the airdrop?"

"Let the teacher breathe."

After pulling up his blood with a first-aid kit, he “grumbling” filled the Red Bull with a full state, thinking about whether he got up today to wash his face, and after getting a positive answer, he opened the airdrop box with great devotion!

The moment he saw the list of materials, Liu Zilang's face suddenly became agitated, his voice trembled slightly, "Lei!"

Misaka Koto asked with a tilted head, "What's so wet with Lei?"

"Ada does not admire!" Liu Zilang sighed.

"You can pull it down!" Li Muqiu didn't believe Liu Zilang's character was so good, thinking that he meant it to himself.

When Liu Zilang heard the words, he grinned, and the old **** asked, "I don't believe you? May I give you a ring?"

Seeing Liu Zilang's appearance, Li Muqiu's face suddenly turned into a pig-like sauce, and his mouth whispered incredulously, "Strange ... when is this guy's luck so good ... shouldn't be what."

Liu Zilang was too lazy to ignore him, and quickly licked AM and auspicious clothes and the third-level head from the airdrop box, looking like a "life winner".

He also smiled and said to Li Muqiu, "Look, let me hear you first."


Magnum bullets enter the chamber!

Liu Zilang, who was half-squatting behind the airdrop box, suddenly leaned forward.

Preview shots!

Flick your heart!

An instant sniper approaching the extreme suddenly burst out!

At the rear window of the Red Mansion, Bai Shaobin only felt that the figure flickered after the airdrop box, and his heart was agitated for a moment!

However, in the survival of the Jedi, many times the operation cannot keep up with consciousness.

It seems like right now, although Bai Shaobin didn't know well, he just wanted to hide in the last moment.

The next moment, the ears only heard a bang, and the third-level head on the head was already fragmented!

"Se7en2-Vic knocked Tyloo-Nighthak with an AM headshot!"

With a thump, Bai Shaobin knelt suddenly on both knees and hurried toward the window.

Liu Zilang didn't care about him, because Bai Shaobin was the only one who stood by him in the Red House.

Sure enough, as soon as he retracted his body, bullets rubbed through the air.

However, Liu Zilang's face did not change.

He just squinted slightly, and a pull bolt pushed another bullet into the chamber after the drop box.

At the same time, the expression on Li Muqiu's face suddenly became a little exciting.

Liu Zi's character broke out and got ~ www.readwn.com ~ although it made him feel constipated.

However, one shot killed Bai Shaobin's old enemy, but suddenly he was unimpeded, and Tongshu became comfortable ...

These two feelings are intertwined and mixed, Li Muqiu's complexion naturally does not work.

Of course, Bai Shaobin is also sad at this moment.

As the client and the victim, he did not expect that Liu Zilang actually opened an AM.

Fortunately, his position was knocked down by the opponent, and his teammates could help.

For a moment, Bai Shaobin's teeth clenched, his heart secretly ruthlessly!

This place!

Must find it back!


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