Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 1027: Who is whose fish?

嗤嗤嗤 —!

At the bridge, a brake sounded.

1246 hid the car in great detail, then the four of them jumped out of the car neatly. The team leader Zi Xuan looked at the surrounding mouth and said methodically:

"Promise and Xiaotian go to the bunker on the left side slope, pay attention to the opposite side of the bridge."

"Tian Xuan and I are behind the bunker on the right. Let's stare north."

"Wait down and let's get closer and hit them directly!"

As he spoke, several teammates quickly took their place.

Obviously, the first two games with unsatisfactory results in the 1246 game were released, and they wanted to incarnate the "Bridgehead Bully" to block the bridge fiercely.

However, at this time, four pairs of eyes stared straight at them behind the grassy **** west of the West Bridge.

"This team is trying to grab our business." Li Muqiu looked at Liu Zilang aside and raised his eyebrows. "How do we say, should we go back to the site?"

After hearing the words, Liu Zilang touched his chin and looked at the two men squatting behind the bridge bunker. "They are a bit scattered."

At this time, facing the first face-to-face battle of this game, Gao Yunyang, who had been squinting for a while, woke up.

He understood Liu Zilang's meaning, and smashed it twice. "Well ... it would be a bit bad to get rid of the net, or ... I'll go across the road from the back?

Although both men at Qiaotou were exposed to their gun lines, they seemed ready to be killed at any time.

But after killing these two, the other two people on the other side are a little hard to catch.

Right now the first wave of poison has begun to shrink, I believe someone will come over soon.

If that's the case, the two remaining members of this team will undoubtedly become a hidden danger for them.

However, considering the words of Gao Yunyang, Liu Zilang shook his head again.

"If it was me, I would definitely arrange for people to look at the back. We don't know the position of the two remaining people now. Most of you will be found if you touch it in the past. At that time, they will also alert the two people at the bridgehead.

"Then I have nothing to do." Gao Yunyang shrugged helplessly when he heard what Liu Zi said.

Li Muqiu raised his hand to unbutton a flower shirt in a team uniform, and licked his lips. "If we don't care about it, let's just make these two people a licking bag."

Obviously, at this time, Li Muqiu with his left hand Uzi and right-hand sprayer was full of desire for licking the bag.

Liu Zilang hesitated after hearing the words.

To be honest, he also had some trouble with Li Muqiu's proposal.

At this point, although he was fifteen times more in control, he only had a Thomson submachine gun in the other hand.

But before Liu Zilang made a decision, the road on the north was suddenly heard another car sound.

"Oh! There's another team from the north!"

"It's the QM team in G town!"

"But they seem to be a little daunted by the bridgehead, and they do not drive directly to the bridgehead."

"Oh! The QM team is going to the beach on the west side of West Bridge. They seem to be looking for a boat."

"Uh ... finding a ship?" With that said, all three commentaries on the stage looked at each other.

There is Vic by the sea ...

How could I leave you a boat?

However, QM from the north is clearly not clear on this.

Under the large screen guide lens, they were seen driving in a motorcycle and blue car, crossing the road and heading straight for the sea.

Seeing this, Liu Zilang lying on the **** grass was just fine.

Qiaotou's 1246 was stunned when he saw this, and his heart suddenly felt sorry ...

Zi Xuan shook his head. "It's a mistake. This team seems to be going to the sea. I knew I'd go and start the boat."

"Ma, this team is too stable!" Promised.

"Curse them for not having a ship ..."

Xiao Tian said maliciously.

Several people at the bridgehead were talking.

At this time, I never thought that the sound of a car that had not passed long before came from the west along the coastline.

The 1246 people looked at each other face to face, and their faces were suddenly ecstatic!

"Seeing it! Seeing it!" Xiaotian's face looked like what I said in the voice of the team chat.

Tianxuan raised his hand and patted his shoulder in excitement, "Couch! Xiaotian, you crow's mouth is fine!"

Xiaotian was wondering over there.

When he heard this, his face suddenly turned black.

The team leader Zi Xuan hurriedly said, "Don't make trouble! Pay attention to concealment, and you're ready to pick up customers!"

The three teammates heard the words one after another holding their breath and staring at the west coast.

At the same time, Liu Zilang, who had just been lying on the grassy slope, seemed to have climbed up around the two-story long building in Qiaotou as if the "prophets" had already climbed.


They made it down.

Can this not be prophetic?

Right now unless this team is going to abandon the car and swim in the sea, they can't go back to the bridge.

Therefore, Liu Zilang naturally hurriedly moved to another position, waiting for the two teams in Qiaotou to come to a "shuanglonghui".


The sound of cars is getting closer!

The next moment, I saw a motorcycle galloping across the grassy slope, whistling towards the bridgehead.

The three-passenger blue sedan kept a safe distance and hung far behind.

Obviously, the QM team is more cautious about such things as crossing the bridge.

What they didn't expect was,

Qiaotou's 1246 practiced "ninjutsu"!

The motorcycle that QM was exploring had already reached the faces of the bridgehead defensive bunker 1246.

But the two still squatted quietly behind the bunker, no intention of shooting.

QM's assaulter Yizz was relieved when he saw this.

After all, if he is beaten, the motorcycle will not be in danger any faster, so naturally he still hopes that no one will.

At this moment he greeted in his voice.

The blue car in the back of the three men quickly drove down the grassy **** towards the bridge.

In a blink of an eye, the remaining three of QM also came close.

Seeing this, Yizz jumped on the motorcycle again.

Qiaotou This is just the first pass.

It's hard to say if anyone is across the bridge.

As an assault scout, Yizz naturally had to explore the road ahead.

As soon as the clinker got in the car, there was a sudden noise in his ear.

The next moment, he was just across from a bunker, and two black hole muzzles were discovered uncontrollably.

"Crouch! Don't come over, someone!"

Yizz's voice has not fallen yet!

The shrieking bullet passed through the body, blooming blood in the air!

However, at this time, there was no time to brake. I saw the blue car crashing into the bridge fortifications ~ www.readwn.com ~ The three people in the car quickly jumped off!

霎 Time!

Gunfire is like thunder, bullets are like tide!

In a hurry ...

QM naturally did not expect that they were hitting the two in front of them, but 1246 had two points of fire on the opposite slope, and they suddenly lost ground.

However, the 1246 on the **** across the road from the two did not expect that when they set up a gun high.

A figure holding UMP9 alone touched them indifferently.

"Oh! It's Sloth!"

An exclamation from the commentator!


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