Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 31: Epic Class Return Car Method!

At this point, watching the quiet picture on the field.

Someone in the audience in the audience put himself into the situation of Lstars and imagined that there was a chilling spine and chilling feeling ...

"Lao Yin ratio! Ultimate Lao Yin ratio!"

"Wow! EDG is too bearable! No one will shoot."

"Shit! I almost thought they were offline."

"Xiaoqi sauce, you changed."

"This wave of Lstars is estimated to be mentally shadowed."

"Don't ask, it's three rooms and two halls."


At the top of the mountain, the three of Lstars didn't even realize it.

After stopping the car, Dan drove the Jeep to the parking lot to a relatively hidden place.

The remaining Roman and Cn were looking around, vigilantly choosing the location of the ambush at the same time.

At the same time, under the same sky.

In addition to Love777 in the bushes near Lstars, the other three were also pressing their hearts and approaching Lstars.

Just then, Lstars' Roman gaze fell on the bushes behind the trees not far away.

He couldn't help but smile and said, "I have a good place here, how about a phantom tank."

Then he walked over there.

However, he had just taken a few steps, and Dan's somewhat erratic cries suddenly came from his voice.

"Well? Here ... why is there a car?"

"A car?"

The other two heard the words stunned!

They thought they were one step ahead and seized the opportunity, but it was impossible to brush the car on the mountain!

Then there is only one possibility left.

The moment they realized this, the three of them couldn't help but "chuckled" at the same time, and they had a bad feeling.

Without warning, Roman, who was walking towards the bushes behind the tree, suddenly jumped his eyelids!

At this time, although he was partially blocked by the tree in front of him, he clearly saw a figure poke out of the bushes!

not good! !! !!

There was a faint flash of fire in the retina in front of me, and the next moment, the gunfire around the place was loud.

Front, back, left, left ...

As far as the Lstars of the hilltop looked, the tide-like gunfire and shrieking bullets quickly joined together!

"Get started! Get started with EDG!"

"Can't stop it! Lstars can't stop it at all! Roman has been dumped by Xiaoqi sauce!"

"No way, EDG's network layout is really too stable and overcast. Lstars has no chance of breaking the fish dead net!"

"Oh my God! Cn is down too. Lstars now only has Dan who has just stopped parking. Dan wants to get in the car!"

"He jumped up. The jeep was already launched! Can you go? Can the Lstars wave keep the fire?"



A crisp gunshot rang through the mountains, and the driver's seat burst into a flash of blood!

At this moment, the voice of the commentary on the stage came to an abrupt end!

The next moment, I saw the jeep rolling down the slope.

But a jerking body was hanging obliquely from the windshield in front of the car, and it slipped along with the jeep ...

"EDG-Love777 knocked out Lstars-Dan with a Kar98K headshot!"

All off!

After seeing this scene, after a twitch in the hearts of the audience in the live room, they could not help but mourn for Lstars.

"What should I do? Suddenly, it hurts Lstars. It's so sudden that life has gone up and down."

"Actually, Lstars also wanted to be overcast, but as a result, they encountered a more overcast EDG, alas! This story tells us that overcast people must be overcast!"

"Wow! The airdrop is about to fall. EDG can eat a team and lick another airdrop. It's beautiful!"

"Well? Wait! Why did I hear the car sound, is anyone here again?"

Obviously, it's not just the audience who hears the sound of cars.

Big screen game picture.

All the footage of the director, a happy motorcycle uphill jumped into the eyes of the three uncontrollably!

"Oh! It's Vic!"

The commentary on the stage suddenly exclaimed!

"Why did the second team come this time? Didn't they hear gunfire?"

"No, it doesn't make sense to hear gunshots at this distance."

"According to the style of the second team ... I feel that they should know more about men and want to take the opportunity to engage in a wave."

"His! This is really possible!"

"But the EDG side cleared Lstars too quickly. Now they have completely freed up their hands. I feel that the second team will not be able to get any benefit at this time."

"Well, the second team looted too late."

"But the second team is relatively scattered, four people and four cars, and Vic's happy motorcycle takes the lead. Even if you are hit, you don't have to worry about being destroyed by the car."

"So what did this wave say?"


Three commentaries on the stage are analyzing the situation on the field.

Under the screen of the big screen guide.

Liu Zilang's happiest motorcycle has rushed up the mountain like a chase.

With the roar of the engine booming, mud and turf along the way were swept up!

At the top of the mountain.

EDG didn't want to hide this time. If they thought that the other party would be like Lstars, then they were looking at the other party as a deaf.

"Come on fire!"

In the voice, Love777 ordered.

The EDG four people instantly raised their muzzle fire and opened up, facing a violent burst along the slope!

All of a sudden, countless dense bullets suddenly poured down like pouring rain, blowing up numerous flying bark of dirt!

If this wave is on open ground, even if the motorcycle is even faster, it will be able to withstand the enemy's fire.

But at this time,

The benefits of the forest are reflected!

With countless spectators off the field, Liu Zilang rode a motorcycle uphill, moving all the way to the left and right, and the trees on the mountain were his natural barrier, reaching him a large number of bullets.

At this time, the distance between the two sides is close, but far away.

Between the flashes of fire, Liu Zilang's motorcycle slid out an "S" shaped lightning bolt!

In a flash, I rushed to the top!

The next moment, the front wheel of the motorcycle suddenly left the ground!

In a short time, I saw the motor vehicle soaring into the sky like an arrow off the string, passing by like a bird from the top of the mountain EDG four!


There was an uproar in the audience off the court!

"Sleep !!!"

"Vic is so skillful!"

"Rapid Cobra! Like Lee!"

"Wow! This wave of EDG has been shown like a geoduck!"


How can I do it! !! !!

At this time, the EDG four were naturally angry too!

However, they just wanted to pull the gun up.

Just then, a sharper engine roar came from under the mountain!

The four looked intently.

However, it was incomparable to find that the downhill was actually whistling and rushed for three more cars!

Obviously, at this time, if the three of them pull the gun and stand on the pile, they will continue to output Liu Zilang.

In the end, they might be able to knock Liu Zilang down or blast the motorcycle in the air.

But in that case, don't say anything else.

The remaining three people of the second team that came under the roaring speed of the mountain could kill them by driving alone!

With a turn of thought, Love777 woke up instantly, he quickly said, "Don't worry about that motorcycle, hit the following!"

"Yes! Set fire! Just hit the bouncing car in the middle!"

Muzzle fire tongue spit!

The sharp bullet screamed again!

Jingle bells jingle bells!

"Shit! Why did Nima hit me!"

In a burst of metallic trills and splashes of sparks ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Muqiu's voice resounded with grief and anger.

But at this moment, I suddenly heard a loud noise from the sky behind the EDG four!

what's the situation?

The EDGs were shocked in their hearts, and they looked back subconsciously, their eyes narrowed sharply!

The next moment, I saw a rotating black shadow, which was gradually enlarged and reflected in the pupils of several people ...


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