Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 1034: Difficult!

哐 当 —!

Hearing Shen Zeyan's warning, Liu Zilang shook his hands and dropped a smoke bomb on his feet.

Immediately afterwards, with the sound of "snoring", the large-scale smoke suddenly filled.

The hilltop turned white in an instant.

"There should be two teams to the east."

"There are also two teams on the south and north slopes to the west."

With Liu Zilang and Shen Zeyan reporting emotionally, Li Muqiu's face twitched.

These years ... aren't you afraid of death coming together?

Lying beside him, he beat his blood, licked his lips, and looked at the direction just hitting him.

"Are these guys here to guard us? How do you say? Should we go to the airport?"

Liu Zilang watched that the poisonous circle around his eyes had shrunk to half, and could not help but groan slightly.

Although this circle is based on the proportion of the airport in the safe zone, it is more likely that the safe zone will be in the airport next.

But in the survival of the Jedi, the refresh mechanism of the safe zone has always been elusive.

In case their front foot had just been killed from the siege of the four teams, the safety zone of the rear foot was brushed at the airport.

It might be a bit painful.

Thinking of this, Liu Zilang said, "Hold the soldiers first and see how to brush in the next circle."

"Can't move?" Li Muqiu twitched at the corners of her mouth and couldn't help but said, "What if they don't move?"

As soon as Li Muqiu's words fell, Liu Zilang had not had time to answer, and a muffled thunder suddenly rolled over the mountains!

It's gunfire!

Mute the gunshots of AM!

Not far from the east side of the mountain, I saw SSS holding a gun alone, and seemed to want to touch closer to explore the road.

As a result, as soon as he ran out of the bunker, a burst of blood mist burst out of his head!

Immediately he threw blood and knelt down on the hillside, hurriedly covering his lower abdomen with his face and crawling back ...


"My God, this is too accurate!"

"Qiao! The headshot of Ze Shao's moving target really suffocates!"

The next moment, the upper right of the screen kills and swipes out.

"Se7en2-loves knocked down SSS-SaSa with an AM headshot!"

Seeing this killing, in a hurry, the teams on both sides of the mountain could not help but take photos!

Prior to this, they only knew that Liu Zilang had 98K and sister control, but never expected that the other party would have AM.

And it was the man who was called "The God of Sniper" got ...

At this moment, a unique and rapid gunshot came from the middle hill.

Under the large-screen guide lens, I saw that the smoke bombs thrown out by the teammates on the SSS side had not yet dispersed, and a sudden burst of mud and turf flew around the body.

It is sister control!

Fifteen times of Liu Zilang's sister controlled pressure gun fired!

The next moment, countless bullets, like rain hitting a banana, crackled on SaSa's body.

With this degree of bursting, where can SaSa's body stand?

Soon he trembled,

Go straight ...

"Se7en2-Vic finally killed SSS-SaSa with MK14!"


There was a sound of inhalation.

At this moment, not only the SSS, but also the footsteps of the other three teams trying to get closer.

The lesson of the car in front is right in front of you, and it will be repaired immediately after being hit.

Who can stand it! !! !!

"Well, Vic and Ze Shao's cooperation is a bit harsh!" On the commentary stage, Msjou couldn't help but sigh. "No wonder the team has a sniper. If there is a treasure, Vic and Ze Shao's deterrence in this situation. It's too much. "

"Well, although we say we can defeat the second team, everyone is happy to see it." Yeah smiled. "But if you want to say that you have to reduce the number of people to join the team, I am afraid that no team will choose to do so."

"Yes." Msjoy nodded slightly and turned to look at the game screen to continue. "Then both sides can't move now. Although they are a great deterrent to Vic, they are just a deterrent with static braking. If you really want to If you let them smoke out, you won't be able to fight with the enemy on all sides. "

"Yes, but our next security zone will be refreshed soon. If the next circle is brushed into the mountains, Vic should be in a much better position." Or rubbing his chin, he said.

"Oh? How do you say that?" Msjoy asked.

It was also funny, and analyzed, "If the circle is returned, other teams will also go up the mountain. At that time, there will be more people. Tyloo and SSS, their Avengers Alliance, want to target the second team from so many teams. It ’s not easy. After all, even if you want to target, you have to distinguish people first, right? "

"Ah ... heh, this is indeed a problem." Msjoy also laughed.

At this moment, the dull **** the side suddenly asked. "Then what if the next lap ... the airport at the south?"

"Brush the airport south?"

It was good to hear a word and then laughed, "Uh ... then I think the second team is almost cold ..."


Just as the three commentaries on the stage analyzed and predicted the situation on the field, the borders of the surrounding radiation grid and the safe area were getting closer.

At this point in time, there were only 11 teams and 37 players on the field.

Like this kind of circle, it is logical to say that most teams should bet on a mobile phone field, but the hatred of Liu Zilang in this game was too stable, which caused nearly half of the teams on the field to be on the mountain north of the airport ...

At this point, looking at the poisonous circle is about to coincide.

Just then, there was a roar of airplanes coming from the sunset to the west!

In a hurry, this immediately attracted the attention of various teams on the field.

The eyes of everyone on the field followed the director's camera, and they slowly followed the airdrop box.

"This plane should be an airdrop, right?"

"It must be an airdrop."

"Why not fall, throw it!"

"Hapi, the airdrop must be in the safe zone."

"Oh! Lost!"

Suddenly, a surprise sound came from the court.

Under the screen of the big screen director.

When I saw the plane passing over the tarmac at the south of the airport, a black spot suddenly appeared below it, and it kept zooming in as it dropped!

This is naturally an airdrop.

The moment the airdrop landed, the audience on the court might not have realized it, but some players on the court at this time were "slamming"!

The entire face is directly green!

You know ~ www.readwn.com ~ According to the system game mechanism, the airdrop must fall in the safe zone.

Now that this airdrop has landed on the tarmac at the south of the airport, how can this make Liu Zilang on the mountain look green?

At this moment, the borders of the radiation grid and the safe zone coincide, and the next circle is refreshed!

as expected.

This circle not only brushed down to the airport below, but also relatively southerly.

Then it means that Liu Zilang and others who had to run poison on the mountain on the north side were caught in a situation where the four teams on the east and west sides were trapped outside the circle.

Next, as long as these four teams do not run poison, Liu Zilang they want to run,

It's so difficult!


.. m.

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