Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 1050: Breaking the military! (Three / four)

On the host's commentary stage, the three commentaries were also a marvel!

"If IFTY dies, there are only four teams left on the field!"

"Yes, and there are two other lone wolves. It seems that the second team and the Baby Elephants may be the biggest winners in this game."

"Accurately speaking, the Baby Elephant team is the biggest winner. I am afraid they never dreamed that their opponents who had been entangled in the C building for a long time would be so easily defeated by the Little Lion and Vic."

"Well, now that the safety zone is below, as soon as IFTY is destroyed, the baby elephant team becomes the only full formation in the safety zone. As long as they don't repeat the mistakes of IFTY, they can eat chicken with a high probability."

"I think with the IFTY lesson learned, the elephant team should not be so easily overcast again. If the four are together, the little lion will not be able to stand it."

"But then again, Vic they just kept the little lion and they didn't fight, now they come out again, you say ... will this be a long time ago?"

"You mean ... Vic killed with a knife?"

After hearing Msjoy's sudden speculation, the commentary on the stage and the audience off the stage were choked!

Everyone remembered the situation just now, but the more they thought, the more likely they were ...

I couldn't help but be shocked!


This guy is too overcast too!

At this moment, the little lion in the smoke was not aware of being "borrowed with a knife".

In fact, even if he knew, he would do it without hesitation.

After all, how to say it is also twenty cents. It is very difficult for him to win another twenty cents for OMG in this situation!

Contrast that with the immovable loneliness on the elevated platform, I am afraid that after the young lion is killed, he will still say something to Liu Zilang "you have something to say"!

In the smoke at this time, after licking the bag with great ease, the little lion immediately became vigilant, but he couldn't leave, after all, this was the safe area.

In the last wave of poisonous contraction, as long as you can hold here, eating chicken in this game is full of infinite possibilities.

Thinking of this, the little lion's heart was full of energy!

At the same time, the baby elephant team was also jealous of the little lion occupying the safe zone, but they were the second team to worry about the elevated direction without delay.

The baby elephant team is clear.

There was only one little lion in the smoke, and he had just stolen the IFTY just by surprise.

Now that they already know, the threat from the other party can naturally be ignored.

In contrast, the threat of the second team on the elevated is obviously greater.

If they go to the trouble with the little lion now, in case the second team is going to rush down and drill a hole, then they will be more than worth it.

"It's less than a minute before the last wave of poisonous contractions."

"What do you think of the second team? They are now two above and two below, and they have not much time left, and there is solitude in the middle of the elevated road."

"But the four little lions and the little elephant team are all standing here. Vic is afraid they will be a bit hard to come down."

"Zhao Shao has AM here, should he be able to help set up a gun below?"

"But the other side didn't give the opportunity at all. The little lion and the little elephant team had made up their minds and waited for the poison to drive them over."

"This kind of play is very stable. When the poison is reduced, they will be closest to the safe area. Vic should be the first to take poison."

"Yes, if I would choose it like this, the risk is low and the cost is low, especially when facing Ze Shao AM, the fool will choose to fight him."


At the last moment, the commentary had a thorough understanding of the situation and directly hit the key.

Then, a minute passed.

During this time, Liu Zilang and Li Muqiu on the elevated platform tried twice to see if they could find a chance to get off the elevated platform first.

But it was okay for them to squat in that place. Once they were downstairs, they were exposed to the opponent's gun line. The fire below was fierce. It was estimated that they had to be sieved by the opponent before they ran a few steps.

Of course, the most irritating thing is that the other party fully implements the guerrilla tactics of "the enemy advances and retreats, and the enemy exhausts and fights." The following Shen Zeyan and Gao Yunyang cannot even fight with a gun.

Not to mention being alone in the middle of the elevated platform. Liu Zilang and Li Muqiu will not go down. If he wants to come down alone, he won't have to be beaten by the bottom.

"Oh! The last wave of poison has begun to shrink."

"The second team hasn't emerged from the elevated platform yet. It's difficult now."

"Yes, both the Elephant Elephants and the Lions are players with strong teams and strong personal abilities. With them stuck in the safe zone, no matter which team is difficult to advance."

"According to this development momentum, it seems that the chickens in this game are either the elephants or the little lions."

"On the 4AM side, there is only one left, and the position is so bad. I am afraid that there is little hope than the second team."

"Actually, I think it ’s okay to be alone here. How to put the team into the top five? I do n’t know the total score until the end. Fighting for a wave of places. "

"Well, it's a pity the second team ..."

In the regret of the commentary, the surrounding radiation grid was shrinking with destruction and death.

Under the overhead, even though Gao Yunyang knew that rushing out was a target, he had no other choice.

"Lao Shen, I'll take a step first."

Gao Yunyang said tragically, holding the M249 big pineapple in his hand, he rushed straight up.


The machine gun roared and the fire flickered!

Countless bullets burst out intensively, making Gao Yunyang, dragging the flames all the way, looks like an angry human-shaped tyrannosaurus!

Several people in front of the elevated apparently did not expect that he would rush out like that.

For a time, even if the other party is a target.

It was also a target that glowed, and the kind that felt dazzling at first glance, it was hard to look directly under the rush.

"Quick! Let's hurry."

On the elevated platform, Li Muqiu took a chance and rushed down the spiral ladder.

Liu Zilang just wanted to follow along ~ www.readwn.com ~ Looking back, but found that the loneliness in the middle of the elevated part moved.

He stood still and stopped again.

Under the overhead, after a fleeting shock, the elephant team immediately responded, quickly pulling the gun line from different directions in the smoke, and firing wildly at Gao Yunyang.

Take one enemy and five!

Gao Yunyang Ling Ran is not afraid!

"My God! Sloth's fire suppression is too fierce!"

"Autumn God has taken the opportunity to come downstairs, isn't Vic going?"

"But now the Baby Elephants and the Lions have reacted, and Sloth can't stand it for a few seconds."

The commentary on the stage is fast, and while talking, a killing prompt appears at the top right of the screen!


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