Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 1288: Brother, you take the bow!

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In the survival of the Jedi, the air drop box in the water is a more metaphysical place.

It often happens that someone crawls with both hands and kicks on both legs in the next second, directly blowing his fart.

Of course, such a magical thing will not occur in the game.

Still, very few people would choose to climb on the drop box in this case.

Who's so full?

"Vic ... what is this for?"

On the narration stage, Rong Ye couldn't help but see the situation.

Msjoy's eyes were sharp, and he couldn't help but immediately said, "Look at Vic's hand! Vic's hand is ..."

Grandpa Rong swallowed and said, "Ida doesn't slip, love?"

"That's AWM!" Msjoy couldn't help but yelled, "Vic hadn't really said that, but what did he do when he climbed the airdrop box, wouldn't he want to yell?"

After speaking, Msjoy couldn't help looking at Rong Ye and looked at each other, feeling unlikely.

Aside from Bai Shaobin, he could not help but cough, "It seems that you are really right, what do you think of the guy Vic ..."

Rongye and Msjoy heard the words for a moment, looked up, and suddenly became speechless.

It turned out that Liu Zilang was standing on the airdrop box, while loading AWM in his hand, shaking his head to the side of Li Muqiu and shaking QE about a "shaking head dance" ...

Isn't this a special thing?

All of a sudden, the audience in the live room was speechless.

"I didn't look at it, please come and kill this guy personally."

"CGX and RBQ have both been held hostage by Ze Shao. No one cares about this guy."

"No wonder this jumps like that! Alas, I'm afraid CGX and RBQ will suffer as he plays AWM."

"No! Gen's speedboat is coming from upstream!"

"Well? There seem to be only two people on board."

"It's South Korea's Sexypig and Evermore. They rushed towards the airdrop!"


咻咻 咻 ——!

The first thing Liu Zilang heard was not the sound of a ship.

It was the screaming screams surrounding him, and the bullet rain coming from behind him.

My Nima is poisoned!

Liu Zilang was startled!

As soon as he turned his head, he found that the speedboat downstream was roaring and rushing to less than ten meters behind him.

Fortunately, when the ship was speeding in the water, there was no accuracy in firing on it, and Liu Zilang survived this wave of bullet rain.

However, at a certain moment, Liu Zilang's face suddenly changed again!

He suddenly found out,

The other party didn't seem to want to kill him ...


"Take him!"

"Killed the man who picked up the airdrop!"

Team chat voice.

Evermore and Sexypig were also staring at the figure wearing auspicious clothing on the airdrop box with irritated eyes, and seemed to be about to spit out fire.

They actually saw the airdrop earlier than Liu Zilang and his party who came up from the estuary.

Unfortunately, the CGX and RBQ airdrops on both sides of the north and south sides were too fierce.

In the end, the ingenious Sexypig came up with the idea and remembered a ship upstream when he had just arrived.

So quickly let his teammates follow, he and Evermore went back to sail.

The two did not expect that the boat was successfully sailed back, but the airdrop was first boarded.

In particular, the person who got on first was not able to leave after licking, and was still "twisting his butt" with his back on the drop box.


Is this special cool a "people officer"?

A distance of less than ten meters is almost instantaneous for a speed boat at full speed!

Hearing only a bang, the speed boat slammed into the air drop box at the foot of Liu Zilang.

"Oh! Vic this wave ..."

"No, the airdrop box was knocked out!"

"It's over! Isn't this wave of Vic ..."

The next moment, the voice on the narration stage stopped abruptly.

Under the screen of the big screen.

I saw that Liu Zilang was like a fairy, stepping on the water ... oh no, walking on a boat, the water in front of the bow was divided into two white waves facing the sides.

At this time, the most shocking audience was not the audiences who were dazzled. The impact of Sexypig and Evermore on the speedboat was more intuitive!

I saw Sexypig opened her mouth slightly, and her mouth opened into an "O" shape. It was very strange and could not make any sound, as if she was in a vacuum zone.

He never expected to hit the airdrop, and Liu Zilang actually jumped at that moment and appeared very strangely on their bow.

Evermore next to him was not so "rutile and easy-going", and started with the phrase "Axiba", exhaling fragrance, and immediately raised the muzzle in his hand.

Death to labor! !! !!

In the face of such rude behavior, Liu Zilang at the bow of the speedboat slightly raised his lips, smiled at the "evil charm" of the man in front of him, and suddenly pressed the big gun that had just been loaded with a bullet.


Evermore's face was pale!

You know, Liu Zilang is holding AWM.

Not to mention that Evermore is wearing only a second-level head, even a third-level head is not enough to look at in front of this "Xeon Sniper".


The muzzle flickered, and a sniper bullet spun out of the barrel at a high speed, zooming in on Evermore's sharply shrinking pupil reflection!

噗嗤 ——!

The bullet is in the center of the eyebrow!

Evermore leaned back, was shot out of the boat, and plunged into the water.

"Se7en2-Vic killed -Evermore with AWM headshot!"

The next moment, the Sexypig in the driver's seat was not good enough, and where would he dare to continue sailing.

He hurriedly cut the S3897 at the 3rd position and pulled out the S1897 behind him. The hand that had almost no aim was a shot!


The fire flickered!

Innumerable shotguns came!

However, all of a sudden ~ www.readwn.com ~ The figure of Liu Zilang at the bow suddenly disappeared.

Sexypig saw herself astonishingly missed, and her face couldn't help changing!

However, due to the limited vision of FPP's first perspective, at the moment Liu Zilang disappeared, he subconsciously thought that Liu Zilang had fallen off the boat.

After all, although the bow of a speedboat can stand by people, accidents such as "foot slipping" often occur.

But at this moment, Sexypig's heart suddenly shrouded a great sense of crisis, as if there was a sharp blade hanging somewhere above the head!

not good!

At the moment of life and death, years of competition experience made Sexypig react.

But the reaction came over,

Did not save him.

Because at the moment when Sexypig reacted to turn the field of vision, what jumped into his eyes was a black hole muzzle, which was thin and the fire light instantly illuminated his pupil.

"Se7en2-Vic killed -Sexypig with his M416 headshot!"

Double kill!

Just a breath of work!

The "Korean Twin Pigs" rushing down the river from the upstream with a speedboat killed Liu Zilang's poisonous hand!

All of a sudden, the audience around the venue was silent, and fell into a weird silence.

After a while, the crowd boiled instantly!

"My godfather, Vic is too great!"

"I was so handsome when I stepped on the boat!"

"I'm laughing, this Korean pair of pigs brought Vic to the ship?"

"Please organizers must thoroughly investigate the fake match! These two are more sure than Nima bought the peripheral!"


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