Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 1300: Did your kid bring the Imperial Army here? (Thanks for reading ...

"Shit that turtle shoot!"

Hearing that Satan was soaring in Chinese suddenly, the team was all stunned, and they cast doubts on him.

What does Watt Oil say?

Satan took a deep breath, his eyes narrowed like a knife, and he spit out the words again, "Cross him!"

"I understand this," Billy said excitedly.

"Okay, that's okay." Vivian shrugged, blowing the sloping bangs in front of her forehead.

"Oh!" Karl nodded.

As they spoke, the four men brushed their guns together.

However, the picture in the lens made the eyes of the four people shrink, and the wrong feelings on their faces overflowed with words.


On the slope, Liu Zilang riding his motorcycle stopped by flicking to the side.

"Ze Shao got in the car!"

When Shen Zeyan jumped into the car, the motorcycle immediately went out like a wild dog!

A flash of lightning across the south of the **** disappeared into the undulating hills in a blink of an eye.


Just leave like this?

In a short time, the SKK people seemed to have taken off everything, leaving only the power of floods and nowhere to be released in their hearts. At this instant, their faces almost turned into pigs.

On the commentary stage, the three of Rong Ye also looked at each other face to face.

After half a ring, Msjoy couldn't help but touch his nose. "Vic ... it's a real advantage and he's not greedy at all. You see that he still only has an AWM on him, but for those few The box is unobtrusive. "

"That's when you didn't see him greedy." Bai Shaobin rolled his eyes rare.

He looked at the big screen and frowned slightly. "Now that Vic and Ze have chosen to transfer, now SKK should be transferred soon, and the poison should not be able to fight."

"Wait, aren't there two people on Gtiger's side?" Msjoy asked suddenly.

Before Bai Shaobin spoke, Rongye continued, "The Tigers should have heard the sound of gunfire and explosions when C9 was blown up. They detoured from the east side and should not run into this again. side."

"Well, it seems like that."

Msjoy glanced at the map and nodded slightly, then continued, "Now the fifth wave of poison has begun to shrink, and it is about to enter the finals."

"Yes, the final round of this game is in the southern half of the ruins. The current situation on the field is that eight teams have survived 23 people, and most of the teams have suffered from different levels of attrition."

"Yes, but SKK is still full. At present, they are the team that has killed the most and is also the strongest on paper. SKK has great hope for chicken in this game."


The commentary and analysis on the stage predicts the situation on the field. In the game, this time, each team entered the circle before the border of the poisonous circle and the safe zone coincided, and no team stayed in the poisonous area.

But also, by the fifth wave of poison, no team can carry in the poison.

嗤嗤嗤 ——!

Motorcycle tires and grass slipped for a while, Liu Zilang found a place to park his car.

He glanced at the bare hand of AWM behind his eyes. He couldn't help but feel a little bit of pain in his heart.

When he just broke out from the encirclement of Gtiger, in order to better integrate with the earth, Liu Zilang had no choice but to throw away his rifle and pan.

But now he is poisonous and enters the finals. With ruins like broken walls, the terrain is full of obstacles, and it should be difficult for the two sides to point at each other.

In case of an encounter or something, Liu Zilang would be a little uncomfortable, especially with Shen Zeyan next to him.

Shen Zeyan didn't have to say when it came to sniping from a distance. Among the "Three Peaks of Asia", he is best at sniping. He has also had a battle with Rocky and Satan. The best proof.

However, if talking about the ability of close range combat, Shen Zeyan is obviously not as good as Li Muqiu or Gao Yunyang. At the moment, coupled with the dilemma that Liu Zilang currently has no gun in his hand.

For a time, Liu Zilang parked his car and quickly chose a place to squat.

Hold your hands.

You have to hold your hands ...


Compared with the prudent and steady steps of Liu Zilang and Shen Zeyan who have just entered the circle, the SKK four who also came out of the smoke at this time is completely another scene.

Pedestrian, three cars.

After SKK became poisonous, he drove around the ruins and started to make a circle. It was an unreasonable "wilder patrol" game.

"SKK is a bit exaggerated, right?"

On the commentary stage, Lord Rong couldn't help but take a breath, and his expression was a little puzzled.

Msjoy also nodded, "It's a bit unreasonable. Even if they have a number advantage now, they are confident enough in their own strength, but they won't pull hatred everywhere. After all, there are seven teams on the field besides them. . "

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Bai Shaobin's voice suddenly sounded.

"I don't think it's an exaggeration at all."

What the hell?

Both Rongye and Msjoy turned to look at him.

Bai Shaobin stared at the game screen and slowly said, "Two words, terrain."

"If it is in other terrain, SKK does easily attract too much hatred and be annihilated by other teams, but the terrain of the ruins ..."

When Bai Shaobin said that, Rongye and MsJoy were instantly surprised.

"Oh! It really looks like it."

"I understand. The obstacles in the ruins blocked the interaction between other teams. SKK was aware of this and wanted to break through one by one with its own number and strength.

The commentary on the stage was talking, and the gunshots under the director's camera shot suddenly burst!

咻咻 咻 ——!

Unpredictably, three people suddenly appeared behind a broken stone wall in the ruins, and there was a burst of firearms facing SKK passing by the poisonous side.

"Oh! It's the RBQ team from Vietnam."

"I remember it was they who interfered with Vic's airdrop. I didn't expect it to be alive."

"He's the car behind the set fire."

"The car has poor climbing power, and it is the slowest in this terrain. It seems that RBQ is playing smart."

As soon as the audience began to talk, the voice stopped abruptly!


The crisp 98K gunfire blew!

The RBQ was hitting the skin, and suddenly there was one less gun.

"SKK-Satan knocked out RBQ-Hipster with a Kar98K headshot!"

Like some kind of signal, Satan's shot suddenly became an offensive horn.

All of a sudden, SKK's team suddenly changed shape!

Billy drove the jeep over his head, and the two remaining cars quickly followed, rushing directly towards RBQ's face.


Da Da Da-!

With a fierce gunfire.

The outcome was unexpected.

With only two remaining RBQs who couldn't even bring down one, they all turned into SKK's head points and supply boxes, and the team survival in the finals suddenly changed from eight to seven.


Seeing the commentary's predictions come true all of a sudden, many audiences under the scene took a sigh of relief, and the barrage between the live broadcast rolled up frantically.

"No, are you taking one?"

"SKK's team's execution is exaggerated by Nima. Who can stand it?"

"I think there is another reason because the RBQ team is too RBQ."

"Uh ... I think you're scolding, but I don't have evidence."


In fact, it's not just the crowd that was surprised.

In the game, the 4AM three people who just heard the gun quietly touched the obstacles in the rubble before seeing anyone, the gunfire stopped.

Looking at the swipe screen at the top right of the screen, the 4AM three could not help but look at each other.

Right now, Wei-Kai sacrifices to heaven, and Aruka takes the position of command. Although there is no God's perspective to explain, he thinks a little and guesses SKK's tactics.

"How do we say? Should we touch it?" Xiao Xiao suddenly said, "They should be licking the bag, just after the two sides are finished, maybe SKK is making up."

"Do you really think they are out of state now?" Aruka asked back.

A small eye-catching question.

Aruka calmly said, "I'm sure they are now waiting for someone to pass."


I have to say that Aruka's judgment is still very accurate.

Next to the RBQ's box, four of the SKK scattered their positions, and looked around in six directions.

After a while, the team's voice sounded loudly.

"No one is here."

"I didn't see it either."


"Wait, I see someone !!!"

Suddenly, Billy's rough voice came, and the four members of the team suddenly refreshed!

"Report direction and location." Karl's voice was calm and calm.

Billy exclaimed, "Behind the stone pillar in the direction of W23O, someone just missed his head."

"Okay." Karl nodded calmly, a flash of light in his eyes, and suddenly said quickly:

"Both check that the energy bar is full. Billy and I take the lead. Satan keeps up, Vivian looks behind the mat."

After speaking, Karl and his team moved quickly through the ruins like a sharp sword!


The commentary on the stage ~ www.readwn.com ~ can not help but take a long breath, "It is indeed a strong team in the world's first line, SKK is both dare to play and can play, and the decision after the game is also very decisive, actually He continued to attack without even licking the bag. "

"I think this is also part of SKK's tactics." Bai Shaobin nodded slightly, his face carefully analyzed:

"SKK just started to induce RBQ to take the initiative and then annihilated it vigorously. This is equivalent to breaking a 'point' on the 'face' of the ruins.

"Is it broken?"

Rongye murmured when he heard the words, suddenly his eyes brightened:

"I see! Then SKK is now trying to find a way out, and wants to open the situation further in the ruins."

"But this melon ..."

With that said, Rong Ye paused, his face a little hesitant, "How do I feel ... SKK this touched Vic and Ze Shao?"

"Oh! Really."

Msjoy was also shocked!

After speaking, he wondered again. "No, Vic and Ze Shao didn't move after squatting there. It wasn't them that Billy just saw? Is that how ..."

"It's Azrael!" Bai Shaobin said again.

King player?

Both Rongye and Msjoy were surprised.

"Yes, Azrael led the SKK four towards Vic and Ze Shao!"

"..." Rongye and Msjoy ended immediately.

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