Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 1340: World Class Girl Control (Thanks "TEERTTERRE" ...

You know, right now it's the penultimate final.

In a professional game, it is understandable that there are still seven teams left at this time.

For example, in some finals where the terrain is relatively complicated, it is not impossible to have more than seven teams.

The real mistake is naturally seven teams ...

seven people! !! !!

That means everyone on the field is fighting on their own, and everyone is a lone wolf.

"Seven lone wolves? Uh ... Rong Ye, have you ever seen this kind of finals?" On the commentary stage, Msjoy turned around and looked at Rong Ye aside.

Rongye couldn't help but touch his nose and smiled bitterly, "To be honest, this situation where the seven teams in the finals are all alone wolves, I really haven't seen it."

"Uh, I haven't seen it before." Msjoy shook his head afterwards.

Hearing the words of the two, Bai Shaobin suddenly said, "Now it's time to enter the 'single row mode', and the next is the duel of personal abilities, but the pressure is definitely greater than the single row.

"That's right." Rong Ye nodded, "Because the seven players on our field at this time are not fighting alone, but carrying the fate of the entire team."

"Well, our four-row finals also weigh more than the singles. It is the highest honor belonging to each team and cannot tolerate any negligence."

The commentary on the stage was serious.

The surrounding radiation grid also coincides with the boundary of the safe zone, and the penultimate final circle on the field is refreshed.

Perhaps the atmosphere on the court was noticed.

This safe area was painted fairly. It was actually a concentric circle painted in the last safe area.

Everyone at a distance.

For a time, the seven people were almost evenly distributed around the circle around the safety zone, looking like a medieval "round table".

But this meeting did not rely on the mouth, but the gun in everyone's hand.


Beside the safe zone, Liu Zilang looked at the little lion who had just grabbed a head of himself.

He was not the one who held revenge.

Of course, what's more important is that if there was no lion to help him attract firepower, it would be impossible for him to kill Liquid's two with a thunder.

From this point of view, it is not unacceptable to divide the heads of the two people for the young lions as labor costs.

And at this moment, he has more difficult enemies.

Maybe it was the "knife" just after thundering that exposed his position. At this time, not only was Jeemzz, who had just two teammates killed by Liu Zilangyin, stared at him deadly.

The opposite Satan and Jin Douhuan also captured Liu Zilang's position at that moment.

Both men also raised the 98K in their hands, and if they were facing it, they were facing it.

Three snipers, three pull bolts!

For a time, Liu Zilang behind the anti-slope dared to show his head, so even if he was wearing a third-level head, he would be smashed by bullets from three directions at that moment.

"His! Vic is a little hard to hit this time." Rong Ye took a breath and said on the commentary stage.

"Oh, this is actually reasonable."

Msjoy touched his chin and said with a smile:

"Don't forget that the lone wolf on the field is basically caused by more than half of Vic. The hatred value is full, and it is almost about to overflow."

"This guy's game is simply a 'lone wolf maker.'" Bai Shaobin pouted, "Now it's time for retribution."

"Well, being framed by three snipers is a bit uncomfortable." Rongye shook his head. "Especially Vic holds the gun in his hand."

"Speaking of Vic, although he is a free man, doesn't he have a nickname‘ Asia ’s Fourth Sniper ’?”

Msjoy suddenly thought of something, but then shook his head again, "Unfortunately Vic didn't pull the bolt, otherwise I think he might fight back."

Hearing the words of the two, Bai Shaobin did not speak, and kept staring at Liu Zilang without saying a word.

To be more precise, he was staring at the skinny girl controller in his hands.

In the Huaxia qualifiers, this gun impressed Bai Shaobin too much.

But on this world stage,

Can he still shine with his glory?

Thinking of this problem, Bai Shaobin could not help slightly pursing his lips.


The countdown to the penultimate wave of poison is one minute.

This time is very short. Soon, the commentary on the stage passed half a minute without saying a few words.

Because it is concentric circles.

In other words, the distance between the seven lone wolf and the next circle is almost the same.

So even if there were only half a minute left, no one would act lightly at this time.

However, under the calm waves, there was an undercurrent.

Liu Zilang tempted to move again. The moment he got up, he immediately climbed down.


The crisp 98K gunshots sounded!

A sniper bullet screamed from not far away, almost brushing past his scalp.

The third beating.

This time it was the sound of gunfire from the west.

Hemp eggs!

Why are these guys holding me up?

A man without a B-tree is angry!

The poisonous circle behind his eyes was refreshed in less than half a minute, and Yu Guang, in the corner of Liu Zilang's eyes, aimed at the little lion.

If he has been unable to move here by these three pull bolts, then even if he can move in the end, I am afraid that he will be beaten into the circle and cannot take care of himself.

Can't consume it anymore.

Liu Zilang glanced at the backpack, silently replaced the eight-fold mirror controlled by his girl with a red dot, and quietly felt a smoke bomb.

If he could, he really didn't want to block the smoke.

Now the safe area is so big, it is in the mountains again.

He threw out a smoke bomb, which was almost like a torch in the night, and the light emitted was undoubtedly announcing to everyone:

Hey friends!

I'm here!

But at this time he had no choice but to make a choice.

There seems to be no difference between his current situation and his exposure. There are three uncles who can't move without such a brain.

哐 Dang!

The smoke flew out from the backslope, crossed an arc in the air, and landed on the edge of the next safe area ~ www.readwn.com ~ A large swath of white smoke permeated in an instant.

"Oh! Vic chose to seal the cigarette."

On the commentary stage, Lord Rong couldn't help but startled and said, "Is this too obvious?"

"No way, he has no choice." Bai Shaobin shook his head. "In fact, even if the cigarette is sealed, I am not very optimistic about his transfer."

Bai Shaobin is not targeted.

The waves of Liu Zilang Gang were seen by everyone, it was really difficult to raise his head behind the backslope, let alone enter the circle.

"Oh! Vic is moving again!" Msjoy said suddenly.

After speaking, he suddenly appeared doubtful, "But Vic's direction ... he didn't seem to go towards the smoke side."

"No! Vic is heading for Jeemzz!"

The next moment, an exclamation sounded!

"Oh! Vic and Jeemzz are facing each other!"

Along the reverse obliquely, with the smoke stuck to the northern field of vision, Liu Zilang, who was holding her sister, flickered in the eyes, and suddenly lifted her body from the oblique back!


Jeemzz was still holding him here.

However, Liu Zilang was at the moment when he got up, and the red dot quasi-centre controlled by the girl in his hand also popped open, and it was extremely accurate and fast and locked on the opposite head with lightning.

Touch your fingertips and trigger!



In the desolate Gobi Desert, after a crisp gun sounded, Meikong's unique fully automatic gunfire instantly connected into a line in the air!

call out--!

Puff puff--!

The next moment, a large swath of blood exploded, and a figure slumped and fell to the ground.


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