Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 209: There is an ambush!

"Gun fighting?"

Hearing Liu Zilang's words, Da Si Ma suddenly became ill.

He smiled and shook his head. "Hey! You guy, it's so skinny, don't talk about it! If there is such an operation, why haven't we seen it before?"

After hearing what Sima said, the barrage between the live broadcasts also expressed the same doubts.

Liu Zilang asked, "Mr. Ma, when you usually play games and shoot, what is your right hand holding?"

"What else can it be, of course a mouse." Da Sima laughed without thinking.

"I'm holding a gun!"

Liu Zilang aggravated his tone, "To do this, you must treat the mouse as your gun, and then the man and the gun are one! The gun is the man! The man is the gun!"

"..." Sima.

Hearing that Liu Zilang said more and more mysterious, the audience in the live broadcast room also reacted.

This ratio is pure nonsense.

"666, I almost believed your evil!"

"A sniper was blown by you like this, I served!"

"Well! This is true! But labor and capital want to kill your turtle grandson first!"

"Also Nima's horizontal acceleration? Who put a hand to press Newton's coffin board!"

"Knock it! It turns out Vic is deceiving!"

"Haha, here is an honest man! Come and bully him!"

"Crouch! There are such honest people in Vic's live studio!"

"Honest man, do I have a look?"


In the game, after Liu Zilang lifted Sima up, he couldn't help but said, "Mr. Ma, you can't die anymore. I'll do this kind of fight in the future."

"So what do I do?" Dasima asked.

"Well." Liu Zilang nodded. "Isn't there a bag over there?"

Upon hearing this, Da Si Ma suddenly exasperated, "Wow, you young man! Don't you ask what kind of person Da Si Ma is the gold lecturer? Even if he is killed poorly! I can't lick the bag with you."

Liu Zilang: .....

After half a minute,

Liu Zilang was moving his car on the road outside the airport, ready to block the bridge.

Da Sima was beside the box behind the Beishan tree at the airport, and he laughed, "Wow, this man's bag is quite fat! I have a sniper silencer here. I'll take it first."


After licking the bag, half of the first wave of poison in this game has been brushed.

The location of the airport circle in this game is to the left of the map. If people on the north side want to cross the bridge, they are more likely to come from the west bridge.

Therefore, Liu Zilang and Da Sima had a discussion and immediately decided to block it.

The two immediately drove towards the West Bridge.

After arriving at Qiaotou, Liu Zilang who drove did not dare to pass directly.

Because at this moment the poison has been wiped out. Although the airport was cleared, maybe there was no team blocking the bridge after crossing the bridge, and there was a wave of blocking there.

It would be a bit unpleasant for two people to jump out of the box of the scrap truck at the bridgehead if I drove across.

So Liu Zilang drove the jeep to the left and right for two laps, and honk the horn.

After finding that the bridgehead really did not care for himself, he slowed down and drove towards the other side.

But everything seemed to be a false alarm.

The two played against the air for a long time, but when they looked at the bridgehead, they found that there was no shadow there.

"Cough, be prepared!" Da Sima and the audience in the live room explained it, and then said to Liu Zilang, "How can we block it next?"

Liu Zilang glanced at the cargo box of the truck next to him, "Should we jump inside?"

"Well! Seems okay!" Dasima nodded.

After Liu Zilang hid the car, the two quickly jumped into the truck's cargo box.

But squatting inside for a while,

They found no one seemed to come.

During this period there was a sound of ships, apparently people were sailing across the sea.

When they saw this, they couldn't help sighing that the people were old.

Blocking the bridge can no longer block people.

Liu Zilang waited a bit boring. He accidentally glanced at the railings on the side of the bridge and couldn't help asking, "Ms. Ma, can this railing go up?"

"Yes, I seem to see people coming up." Da Sima touched his chin.

"Will we go up and squat?" Liu Zilang suddenly became interested.

He was purely ADHD and panicked as soon as he was idle.

Da Sima was very enthusiastic about Liu Zilang's proposal, so the two hit it off.

But this railing doesn't seem to work well.

The two bounced around the bridge for a long time before they found a way to go up.

After Liu Zilang jumped up here, he climbed up one step along the bridge.

I have to say that this bridge is not wide at all, giving people a feeling of walking a tightrope, fearing that one would fall down inadvertently.

If I fell on the bridge,

But if I fall under the bridge ...

Liu Zilang was thinking like this, and suddenly he heard an exclaim!

Turning around, Sima had fallen off the bridge.

And he belongs to the latter.

Fortunately, he hasn't climbed too high, and that height is not too high.

After the fall, the blood of Dasima fell to the end, but with only a trace of blood remaining, he still could survive.

Otherwise, he fell to the bottom and probably farted before Liu Zilangfu.

When the big Sima, who was in great trouble, calmed down, remembering his own disorder, he could not help but calmly said, "Don't panic! Hey! I'm not panic at all."

"Because I know that falling from this height will definitely not die, so why would I go down? I just want to tell everyone that this place is dangerous and everyone must be careful."

Hearing what Sima said, the audience in the live broadcast room was also moved by his spirit of "interpretation with life", and brushed up "666".

Liu Zilang was smirking, and suddenly heard the roar of the car engine!

"Someone is coming!" He refreshed.

"Don't panic! Don't panic! Wait for me to go up!" Da Sima quickly squatted down to take medicine.

Crouching on the bridge, Liu Zilang turned his head and looked at it, and in front of him was a yellow car.

The opposite seemed to guess that someone might be blocking the bridge, but they didn't stop.

When I saw the car halfway on the bridge, the man sitting in the co-pilot position suddenly leaned out of the car window, and then shot a full-blown blind at the bridge head!

Da da da-!

"Hmm ... it's pretty stiff."

Liu Zilang squatting on the bridge nodded.

Secretly in the heart, these two people may be foreigners in the United States, and generally few Chinese people cross the bridge like this.

Next, I saw the car fighting with the air for a wave, a drift to the bridgehead, and quickly stopped the car!

When they saw the jeep behind the waste truck, they swept around the waste truck with vigilance like Liu Zilang and Da Sima before ...

Naturally, there is no result.

The two may feel that there will be someone to pick up the car later, so together they decide to come and wait.

After seeing them hiding their car, they quickly jumped into the box of the waste truck, and then a "tactical lying down" fell down.

One looks at the back and one looks at the front.

And right above them right now,

On the bridge, Liu Zilang watched the two lying on the cargo box and sighed, and silently took out a grenade from his waist.

Pull the string!

The two lying in the box heard the sound, and looked a bit stupidly turning their bodies.

Head to head, looking at each other in doubt, as if to say,

is it you?

Ok? I thought it was you?

? ? ?

? ? ?

Immediately ~ www.readwn.com ~ Just listen to "哐 当"!

Something fell into the container and rolled just in front of the faces of the two.

Looking at the "iron ball" that suddenly appeared in the field of vision, the two couldn't help it!

The next moment, there was a flash of light in the container!

The two lying inside suddenly flew up!

Sometime before they died, they finally saw the dark shadow on the bridge ...




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