Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 224: Antelope flies!

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After picking up the airdrop, several people came together again.

Their luck was not good. Although they successfully defended this wave of airdrops, there were no big shots in the airdrop boxes over Shen Zeyan and Li Muqiu, only a large M249 pineapple.

If it ’s Groza Li Muqiu,

He has an almost paranoid enthusiasm for the 7.62 bullet-type gun in this game.

But this naturally missed M249.

As for Shen Zeyan, not to mention, in addition to various snipers, such as submachine guns and rifles, there is not much difference in his eyes.

In the end, this M249 was cheaper, Zhang Xiaotong, who had been secretly holding the airdrop box.

After learning that no one wanted the gun, she immediately jumped over and replaced the SCAR-L on her body. She immediately mounted the M249, and then stood back with her head raised.

At this moment she is M249 on the left and 98K on the right!

When I walked, I felt the wind at my feet and despised the wolf.

It seems like I have become a very powerful firepower point in the team!

Liu Zilang, who was licking the bag in front, turned around and saw Zhang Xiaotong standing by the airdrop box stupidly, wondering what he was thinking.

He couldn't help reminding, "There's a box over here, you can't just lick it?"

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaotong immediately responded.

She hurriedly ran, and then a proficient tactic lay down and lay beside the box.

Seeing this, Liu Zilang couldn't help but be speechless, I don't know how this girl developed a habit of lying down and licking her bags.


Just when Zhang Xiaotong was lying down and licking his bag,

The first poisonous circle has contracted almost.

There were cars coming from the east from time to time, but Shen Zeyan and Li Muqiu and Liu Zilang had three people firing guns. Zhang Xiaotong licked this bag with only two words.

That is ease.

The poisonous ring was shrunk, and the second safe zone was also brushed out.

This safe area is brushed around the mine and Port P, and also includes the sea.

Liu Zilang, who is still north of G town at this moment, is naturally no longer in the safe zone.

After Zhang Xiaotong licked the bag, several people still decided to go to the upper part of the mine and click on the poisonous edge.

At this time, it is obvious that there are still many people in the G town area, as long as they can take a step ahead and go to the mine in advance to take advantage of it.

Waiting for them will no doubt be a wave of harvest.

After making a plan, several people quickly got on the car,

Drive all the way south.

However, at the moment, they share the same ideas,

More than one team.

As soon as they reached the edge of the mine, the four received a warm and saluting salute!

After encountering an enemy attack, I saw Shen Zeyan, Li Muqiu, and Zhang Xiaotong on the jeep immediately flicking across the road and using the jeep as a bunker to confront the people on the mountain.

On the front, Liu Zilang, who claimed to be a "scouting scout" with a motorcycle in front, did not stop.

He was driving very fast under the rain of gunfire on the opposite side,

After turning up the hillside, a turn, like a streamer, banged towards the side, rushed up the mountain, and rushed back again.

"Wow! Isn't this parking yet? Vic is going to get into trouble again?"

"I feel cold! Who remembers the three death rounds that carried Wei Wei together during the show?"

"Please don't show it! How is your car skills not yet pushing the tree?"

"Cause of death: No point pushing the tree!"

Seeing Liu Zilang's disagreement, he drove his motorcycle into the "Mine Speeding Party".

The barrage in the live room suddenly exploded!

Ever since Liu Zilang rode in three rounds with Wei Shen and fell to death in the last exhibition, and 4AM came to the exhibition to eat chicken in reverse, his car skills have been criticized by the audience in the live broadcast room.

In the game, Liu Zilang suddenly cut out and glanced at the barrage while driving, which scared the audience to death.

Dare to cut the screen while driving!

This ratio is a wild temptation on the verge of death!

The next moment, Liu Zilang quickly cut into the game again.

At this moment the motorcycle just crossed a slope, Liu Zilang stabilized his body in the air and landed safely.

He got out of the car and muttered, "It looks like I have to buy a split screen, otherwise you would ridicule I don't know."

Then he said again, "Since you don't believe my car skills so much, I must prove a wave!"

After speaking, Liu Zilang was in the horrified eyes of countless viewers in the live broadcast room, driving a motorcycle to thrill the mine very thrilling!

Somewhere on the mine.

The team ambushing at the top jerked at the jeep below!

They obviously want to scrap the car first,

Don't let Shen Zeyan say they have a chance to transfer again.

In this way, when the poison comes, they can kill Shen Zeyan several people out of the poison.

I have to say, this strategy is very good!

But unfortunately they are at the right time,

Met the wrong person.


Suddenly, the sound of a crisp sniper rifle was mixed into the chaos of the mountains!

Immediately after the sound of the gunfire, a burst of blood burst out behind a stone on the mine!

"IG-Wolves used Kar98k headshot to knock down grapes without spitting bones!"

After one shot,

There was a brief pause in the gunfire on the mountain.

The opposite was surprised but not too panic, but left two people to continue firing.

One person caught Shen Zeyan's vision from the other side of the hillside, ran behind the bunker and started to help his teammates.

"I rely on it! This can't work! They can help even if one is defeated." Li Muqiu immediately stated, "I'll draw closer, Xiaotong, you and Zhe Shao will have a good gun."

"Uh-huh!" Zhang Xiaotong nodded his head quickly, and his heart was excited!

Oh yeah!

It's finally time for me to play!

But at this moment, the mine heard only a "buzzing" motorcycle sound!

In a flash of effort, I saw Liu Zilang driving his motorcycle on the steep and bumpy mine, rushing towards the team of people on the mine!

When the opposite side found something wrong and wanted to turn the muzzle, I saw Liu Zilang suddenly rushed up a stone slope, and even people led the car into the air like a dragon out to sea!

The next moment, I saw him mentioning the front of the car in the air!

The whole motorcycle suddenly turned in a 360-degree turn in the air, and then slammed down on the kneeling and squatting two people behind the stone.

Ma Tafeiyan!

"Fuck! What the **** is this Nima!"

The man who crouched to save people instantly turned into a superficial brother ~ www.readwn.com ~ and turned to slip.

"Don't run! Save me!" The man kneeling on the ground and covering his lower abdomen saw the motorcycle with his head and face smashed,

With a look of horror, I moved to the side and tried to move away ...

However, sometimes manpower is exhausted, and God's will is hard to do!

Liu Zilang's face riding a dragon was too fast and sudden!

When he landed, I saw his back wheel hit the person who was struggling on the ground, but the front wheel suddenly flew out the "surface brother" who turned and slipped away.

Dropped the mine directly ...

Double kill with one car!


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